Bryanb337 t1_j29ufz9 wrote
Reply to comment by theotherfamousBrad in New York’s first legal dispensary for recreational marijuana opens doors by GroundForcesWTX
I'm sure they do and it does but if it's a matter of it going to where it's needed most and you have areas that don't even have the proper facilities to teach, that's a little more important than raises and equipment.
I'm a teacher so I certainly understand the desire for raises and better equipment but also understand that my school is not the only one in need.
Bryanb337 t1_j29rcov wrote
Reply to comment by theotherfamousBrad in New York’s first legal dispensary for recreational marijuana opens doors by GroundForcesWTX
I mean I can't be mad at money going to schools that need it. Not the kids' fault that their parents suck.
Bryanb337 t1_j29fr5v wrote
Reply to comment by yellowsm42 in New York’s first legal dispensary for recreational marijuana opens doors by GroundForcesWTX
I believe Colorado did something similar with investing it in schools.
Bryanb337 t1_j29fk10 wrote
Reply to comment by paprika_alarm in New York’s first legal dispensary for recreational marijuana opens doors by GroundForcesWTX
Damn places I go to in NYC are just straight selling it, not including it as a gift with something else.
Bryanb337 t1_j1eubdr wrote
Gee if only we stopped useless prohibition that doesn't work and regulated this stuff, but that would make too much sense.
Bryanb337 t1_j1etz2b wrote
Reply to comment by macgruff in TikTok confirms employees improperly accessed journalists' user data in hunt for leaks by j1ggy
Yeah, reddit definitely doesn't have the idiotic and vapid though.
Bryanb337 t1_j1etmno wrote
Reply to comment by conitation in TikTok confirms employees improperly accessed journalists' user data in hunt for leaks by j1ggy
Hahaha so naive.
Bryanb337 t1_ixn8i2i wrote
Reply to comment by imlazy420 in Brazil's electoral court rejects Bolsonaro election challenge by vitorgrs
I want you to give details of how he is worse. Actual details and explanations. You're beating around the bush speaking very vaguely about his political conviction. You haven't actually detailed exactly why Lula is bad and how he will be worse. The lack of detail leads me to believe that you're just basing your views on anti socialism propaganda and you don't really have a full understanding of either man.
But go ahead keep deflecting with your faux disbelief at me questioning your crap.
Bryanb337 t1_ixn7vun wrote
Reply to comment by imlazy420 in Brazil's electoral court rejects Bolsonaro election challenge by vitorgrs
Are you really not actually responding? You have given no details on how he is worse, just a bunch of rhetoric. I'll wait for an actual explanation but I won't hold my breath.
Bryanb337 t1_ixmvmdc wrote
Reply to comment by imlazy420 in Brazil's electoral court rejects Bolsonaro election challenge by vitorgrs
This should be good.
Bryanb337 t1_itd9tus wrote
Reply to comment by dofffman in Maine doctor's license suspended over COVID-19 claims by HubrisAndScandals
Because education is so poorly funded in this country many schools need to use portable structures to supplement for building space.
Bryanb337 t1_j9cbf7u wrote
Reply to comment by hedgetank in Union City neighbor shoots man he witnessed stabbing woman by B1Baker
Yay one story! How many mass shootings have there been this year?