
vitorgrs t1_jdpswgm wrote

It's fine here in PT-BR and on Samsung TV. Never had problems. I actually like the subtitles there because you can customize more than some other apps (like Prime Video).


vitorgrs t1_j9rzsi4 wrote

Obviously that would happen a with every new sale/merger, the new owner usually try to cut costs and do "synergy cuts".

But if the new owner didn't had enough money in cash to buy the company, obviously the problem with debt get's bigger, as now you need to make the new company profitable to pay it's own debts, and to pay the debts that it made to buy it.


vitorgrs t1_j9ryh7i wrote

Never said the their entire debt was new. Just saying Discovery indeed create a 30bi+ debt to acquire Warner. It's a fact.

The thing was, we don't really know how much WarnerMedia division had in debt prior to the sale because it was unified with AT&T.


vitorgrs t1_j2bjvxs wrote

One of ways Lula back in the days reduced the deforestation, was giving more land to indigenous groups, what we call demarcation. As of now 12% of country has indigenous demarcation, even though there's only 0.5% of natives. But the point is, the more indigenous demarcation, less deforestation.

And now a native woman will be in power of demarcation. In the first days of next year, she announced it will do 3 or 4 demarcation already. Pretty excited!


vitorgrs OP t1_ixjzu3n wrote

Minister of the Superior Electoral Court, Alexandre de Moraes condemned Bolsonaro's coalition for bad faith litigation, charges a fine of 22 million reais and BLOCKS and SUSPENDS funds from President Jair Bolsonaro's coalition parties.
The coalition parties are the Liberal Party, Progressists and Republicans.

Without the funds, these parties are basically worthless to elect new people. And even for themselves, since many of them receive a salary from the party.