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JohnPlayerSpecia1 t1_ixecv33 wrote

did you read all the fine prints? by clicking "yes", you consent to give up all your personal info.


bandit69 t1_ixeeseg wrote

Yeah. If you don't consent, you can't use their software - just like every other software company out there. And if you do consent, you're basically giving away whatever personal information they can gather.


zer1223 t1_ixeogtn wrote

And when they all are asking to send your financial information to Facebook for no good reason you're entirely fucked. But hey you consented and at the end of the day, isn't that what really matters? Forget making sure that money can't control our lives, that's a silly ideal


mces97 t1_ixf542i wrote

Is there really fine print on Facebook's user agreement that says they can access my fucking bank records? Cause if there is, please someone point it out, so I can email some congressmembers.


zer1223 t1_ixf5iuw wrote

We should mail some glitter fountains to them instead. I don't think they care about email


AlsoElSpazzz t1_ixiu8al wrote

Thats why they make the damn things so long.

Has anyone ever sat down and read the t&c?

Ive had an easier time figuring out some legal breifs and im no lawyer.


bandit69 t1_ixja0ul wrote

Several years ago, a software company placed a small cash reward in their TOS. If I recall nobody collected.