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bsd8andahalf_1 t1_ixec42o wrote

how can that possibly be legal?


poncho51 t1_ixeef0t wrote

Crooked ass politicians refusing to pass basic laws on our privacy.


ItIsYourPersonality t1_ixejux3 wrote

They get paid a lot of money to specifically not do anything to help us.


DryGumby t1_ixfs1bp wrote

You might be surprised how little it takes. It's often some low 5 figure amount.


GroggBottom t1_ixgduh6 wrote

The same politicians that still think Facebook is a internet service provider?


[deleted] t1_ixf1ha3 wrote



jhairehmyah t1_ixfh0l5 wrote

A quick Google search could help you from saying silly stuff my dude.

Dodd-Frank was a Wall Street reform to prevent the next great recession... and parts of it have already been gutted as overreach.


TerribleGramber_Nazi t1_ixfn940 wrote

Wow that’s an embarrassing grain fart moment. Sorry.

I was thinking the recent Roe v Wade overturn. I know the end result is right to an abortion but I thought people were saying it focuses on right to privacy but I don’t understand the legal wording and wanted to make check with those smarter and more informed than me


gangbusters_dela t1_ixerwyd wrote

Data mining is the wild west thanks to our useless politicians. Most people have no idea how much of their data is sold in this country.


jakeandcupcakes t1_ixf9s4n wrote

The fact is most people don't give a fuck. A few weeks back I tried to explain all this shit to someone on reddit, and they just mocked me and said I was wasting their time. It's hopeless, when the average person doesn't give two shits about their privacy, well, what the fuck can you do? These people are imbeciles.

EDIT: Link to the comment chain conversation I had with a random redditor about why they should care about their privacy.

I see this chucklefucks sentiment all over the web and IRL. Morons will be the death of us all.


Malaeveolent_Bunny t1_ixffsmk wrote

Last Week Tonight did a whole episode on privacy. It turned out people cared more when it was framed in terms of dick pics.


Kenny__Loggins t1_ixffydx wrote

I just subjected myself to that thread you linked. What a fucking idiot. Pardon my French.

You put in a lot of effort and other people will benefit from it even if that guy won't.


jakeandcupcakes t1_ixfiuvf wrote

Yep. Happens all the time. Fuck me for caring, right? I hope someone benifits from it, because I'm tired of trying to help. If you read a bit futher up in that comment chain, before I tried to engage him reasonably, you can probably envision exactly what this person looks like in your head. I saw a dimwitted face with dull eyes, the kind of egregiously stupid and vapid look you see in the eyes of people like Honey Boo Boo's mom.

If you've ever worked retail then you know exactly the kind of person this is; The Blanks. Only hint of life in their eyes is when their primal instincts are engaged with food, violence, or spending money on lotto tickets. I use to think they were just uneducated, and could use reason if only they knew what was going on, but some people really just don't give even a single fuck towards anything outside of their own self-serving actions and shortsighted immediate pleasures.


raidenbckbckfwd t1_ixhz0ab wrote

The whole "you're dumb and/or are a loser for caring!" mentality is incredibly common, I think it's sort of a self defense mechanism against actually having to think about anything beyond where the next dopamine fix is coming from.


AlsoElSpazzz t1_ixitmx3 wrote

Its the same anti-intillectual bent you see all over. They dont want to think, and they view people who do as some out group that looks down on them. Polticians know that and exploit it by renforcing their viewpoint and stoking more anger about it.

I try not to think about it because frankly, its too depressing.


TheAb5traktion t1_ixfo251 wrote

I have rarely had a conversation with anyone who cares. Almost everyone I've had conversations with about privacy responds with "Well, I have nothing to hide" or "The information is out there anyways". People just do not care.


finnerpeace t1_ixfneft wrote

True but still forget the idiots. We need the protections in place for those of us who aren't idiots. If a small amount of idiots can get as powerful as they clearly have with the NRA etc, we could surely assemble those who care and put up significant pressure.


oxero t1_ixgfg0j wrote

I run into these types all the time. It's so sad how much education has failed, no one can see past the very thin membrane of any idea. It's like they can't even dig a little deeper about what that data can even do.


sunflower_love t1_ixg92rn wrote

That commenter even said they didn't care if the government put a boot on your neck? What a frickin privileged idiot.


Trague_Atreides t1_ixgf5kp wrote

I like that their defense was, 'I'm not a defiant, so why would I care?' Thereby completely missing the point of at least two of the paragraphs.


jakeandcupcakes t1_ixmza00 wrote

I don't believe he actually read my, admittedly quite long, explanation in its entirety. I would say he skimmed a few paragraphs, saw something he didn't agree with, skipped the rest and went right into replying like the physical embodiment of a rotted drunken carrot.


Stromaluski t1_ixhmx28 wrote

In my experience, it's not that they don't care. They (correctly) realize that there is absolutely nothing that they can do about it, so why bother being upset? That's how I feel and how a lot of my friends that I've talked about it with feel. I would 100% be in favor of privacy reform and would vote for it and all that, but I'm also not about to go live off the grid in the woods to protect myself from my data being sold.


surferos505 t1_ixgcn1e wrote

My guy maybe don’t reply to the person with a fucking essay lmao. No one’s gonna read that shit

I got annoyed just seeing how long that reply was


rift_in_the_warp t1_ixh4odb wrote

It's a shame memes have ruined generations from being able to process information not in silly graphical format.


trollsong t1_ixfyu05 wrote

Oh please they can't "mine" data. The pick axe would damage the computer.

-aged as fuck politician


Formergr t1_ixh66rx wrote

Not to mention the tubes would then start leaking, too.


r2001uk t1_ixh7nbp wrote

Reminds me of the Zoolander scene. "The files are in the computer?"


bsd8andahalf_1 t1_ixfyffe wrote

i once was going to download an app, but before i did the app privacy page showed where your data could go, and the list of companies was dozens and dozens of companies.

supposedly they didn't allow any personal identifying data to be transferred.

yeah, right.


FngrsRpicks2 t1_ixf4oh0 wrote

Something like a 60 billion a year market? I mean, i know its more than oil at this point


JohnPlayerSpecia1 t1_ixecv33 wrote

did you read all the fine prints? by clicking "yes", you consent to give up all your personal info.


bandit69 t1_ixeeseg wrote

Yeah. If you don't consent, you can't use their software - just like every other software company out there. And if you do consent, you're basically giving away whatever personal information they can gather.


zer1223 t1_ixeogtn wrote

And when they all are asking to send your financial information to Facebook for no good reason you're entirely fucked. But hey you consented and at the end of the day, isn't that what really matters? Forget making sure that money can't control our lives, that's a silly ideal


mces97 t1_ixf542i wrote

Is there really fine print on Facebook's user agreement that says they can access my fucking bank records? Cause if there is, please someone point it out, so I can email some congressmembers.


zer1223 t1_ixf5iuw wrote

We should mail some glitter fountains to them instead. I don't think they care about email


AlsoElSpazzz t1_ixiu8al wrote

Thats why they make the damn things so long.

Has anyone ever sat down and read the t&c?

Ive had an easier time figuring out some legal breifs and im no lawyer.


bandit69 t1_ixja0ul wrote

Several years ago, a software company placed a small cash reward in their TOS. If I recall nobody collected.


Lambo256 t1_ixf5jls wrote

According to the article, these companies are probably breaking IRS privacy regulations.


bp92009 t1_ixf9a8q wrote

And what's going to happen to them?

If the penalty for activity like this is not bigger than the profits generated, they're going to keep doing it.


RepostFromLastMonth t1_ixfa6qb wrote

There will be a sternly worded internal IRS memo for them to not do it again or else they will send a second IRS internal memo.


0xB0BAFE77 t1_ixggi7k wrote

Because the majority of people don't give a fuck about their information or privacy.

Do you have any idea how many people use TikTok?
Supplemental question: Do you have any idea how bad that app is?
TikTok has all the information on your phone. It's not even a matter of "if they look at it". They have it.
They've admitted to it having backdoors.
They've admitted they can see and access everything.
And yet people still knowingly download and use it because...the majority of people don't give a fuck about their information or privacy.


bsd8andahalf_1 t1_ixggwug wrote

unfortunately what you say is true.

i would complain to my wife about being on facebook and how her information was being taken and she said she didn't have anything to hide.

most people think it is a fair trade to use a website for "free" in exchange for using the website.

from what i can tell, we are all doomed to be manipulated and controlled by all these data collectors.


jared555 t1_ixf20xw wrote

Sounds like it is the code that allows them to track site usage data was used without considering the consequences... Probably not legal but not necessarily malicious intent.


bsd8andahalf_1 t1_ixfyp6a wrote

facebook is evil

how the hell they can get websites to pass along data of users on an unrelated website is beyond all the rules of privacy.


jared555 t1_ixfzxu7 wrote

A legitimate use of the technology in theory is something like Google Analytics. You can learn how users interact with your website and make improvements based on that.

You can also decide what demographics to spend your advertising budget on if you know what to look for.

A trustworthy company would only actually store the variables necessary for that function and whatever supplemental variables the site owner requests you track. Some being necessary due to how site navigation often works.

Of course we are talking about Facebook and post "don't be evil" Google.


bsd8andahalf_1 t1_ixg0m4w wrote


i wonder at what point in time google had to take down their motto "don't be evil"?


jared555 t1_ixgodto wrote

If I remember correctly it was not long after they went public.

Private corporations have a lot more opportunities to not be evil than public corporations do. They absolutely can be evil, but there is less outside pressure to be so.


Flatline2962 t1_ixeny56 wrote

It's not but nobody will probably be punished for it.