WirelessBCupSupport t1_j0vsutw wrote
Corporate prisons...
AudibleNod OP t1_j0vu2pu wrote
The jail doesn't appear to be privately run.
SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j0vu951 wrote
Generally speaking the people talking about private prisons have little idea of what they’re talking about; a lot of that has changed, and only about 14% of inmates are in private hands, and that number is falling.
BUT it was a talking point years ago, and people are slow to catch up.
SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j0vul78 wrote
Probably an error of data entry or processing.
AudibleNod OP t1_j0vv1a9 wrote
I've noticed that.
It also doesn't absolve responsibility on the part of government. Prisoners are still 'wards of the state' regardless of who's directly running the thing.
tetoffens t1_j0vv967 wrote
Found this in another article. Human error, checked the wrong box:
> Stacy Worthington, Director of Court Services, explained how that could have happened.
>"Currently, we have e-filing system. So, most of our filings are done electronically...and so when that is filed, then the user has two options, they can select a sheriff version, or a non-sheriff version...and so in this instance, it was not identified as a sheriff, criminal disposition sheet, and therefore, it didn't route to the sheriff's updating releasing unit," Worthington said.
TopDeckHero420 t1_j0vvbdx wrote
>Johnson was released from jail because of "human error," a Franklin County judge said, according to ABC News Columbus affiliate WSYX.
Time to let the robots handle jail.
Noimnotsally t1_j0vzpli wrote
This is just ridiculous There's no reason why all the paperwork and information should not have been checked once but twice but three times absolutely ridiculous.
riptide81 t1_j0w0npv wrote
That cuts both ways as significant portions of day to day operations have been privatized so there is still an industry and lobbying. Some people use the statistic of completely privately run prisons to hand wave away the issue.
(Obviously, it doesn’t apply to this particular muck up)
[deleted] t1_j0w45bl wrote
randy88moss t1_j0w4o6v wrote
Ohio is slowly turning into the shittiest state in the country
[deleted] t1_j0w7pok wrote
Inconceivable-2020 t1_j0wj690 wrote
Not all that slowly. They are racing Indiana, West Virginia, and Kentucky to the bottom, and they are all determined to "Win".
[deleted] t1_j0wkn8y wrote
Terrible_Toaster t1_j0wmrxa wrote
When they get to the bottom, they will find Florida has already moved in.
wrath_of_grunge t1_j0woact wrote
Maybe that’s why some of its residents try to get as far away from it as humanly possible.
ack154 t1_j0worya wrote
> How does a man who killed his son get mistakenly released?
"Hey, uh... I'm actually supposed to be getting out of jail, not going back in."
"You're supposed to be in that line, dumbass."
"Hey guys, let that dumbass out!"
protoopus t1_j0wu587 wrote
"welcome to cosco...."
[deleted] t1_j0x2ibg wrote
420ipblood t1_j0x782m wrote
It would no doubt result in better conditions for prisoners
[deleted] t1_j0xb7yr wrote
pheisenberg t1_j0xd67s wrote
Mistakes are inevitable. My question is, what was their system and was it designed to catch human errors? Do they have a reliability target? Performance incentives?
AdmittedlyAdick t1_j0xdp8i wrote
Nutlob t1_j0xhklw wrote
FL is a shit show, but AL,LA,& MS keep saying "hold my beer"
[deleted] t1_j0xis0z wrote
Broad_Success_4703 t1_j0xjljv wrote
Ohio is still miles better than Kentucky or Indiana but they are catching up
SnooHesitations8174 t1_j0xl8pu wrote
So idiocracy in real life. Starting to think that movie is a documentary from the future
[deleted] t1_j0xmx73 wrote
[deleted] t1_j0xn1ej wrote
Thr0waway3691215 t1_j0xn5e7 wrote
Yeah, now they just privatize all the really profitable prison services like phone calls and commissary. They let the state handle the unprofitable stuff like incarceration.
[deleted] t1_j0xncyk wrote
[deleted] t1_j0xtsoi wrote
Beneficial_Tough3345 t1_j0y1ec5 wrote
No they need to be In the system as in sentenced
Beneficial_Tough3345 t1_j0y1j5w wrote
I hate you
[deleted] t1_j0ymmyz wrote
Inconceivable-2020 t1_j0ypmt9 wrote
J D Vance proves that they're pulling out all the stops.
Perradactle t1_j0ysa0e wrote
“Here I go killing again”
Grandmaw_Seizure t1_j0yzdgl wrote
> was it designed to catch human errors?
"Are you sure you want to unleash this monster upon the world?" and then your options are either Continue or Cancel.
Broad_Success_4703 t1_j0z0p36 wrote
Kentucky has Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul 😂
[deleted] t1_j0zc9pk wrote
[deleted] t1_j0zq04n wrote
noodles_the_strong t1_j1054cp wrote
Whewwwww, this lawsuit
Only-Perspective7818 t1_j155e6k wrote
I’ve lived in Ohio for 24 years and I’m just disgusted by what’s happened to our state. Thanks to the republicans all these morons keep electing.
Staticoli t1_j17rv98 wrote
Hey man thanks, I'm that idiot that purchased the movie just to watch episodes of "kick my balls" and enjoy my burgers. I'm going to watch it for my 4rth time tonight. Not tonight but you know what I mean. Fourth time in my lifetime. Tonight. Actually it's going to be the 5th
Flip86 t1_j0vsnwx wrote
How does a man who killed his son get mistakenly released? Whoever is responsible for this needs to lose their job and never ever work in the correctional system again.