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simikon t1_j24p03r wrote

Rich Kid. Most likely the parents already smuggled her to non-extradition country.


RtuDtu t1_j24uzhz wrote

what are you talking about? when you put up collateral they only come to collect if the person doesn't show up. Also if you pay the $9k and once everything is over you get that $9k back, again as long as the person doesn't run off


simikon t1_j24w9q6 wrote

You can buy a passport with enough money. Oh and no one crosses borders illgally? Ugh too much work to justify myself. The downvoters are right. Canadians are to wholesome or dumb to do anything illegal.


Boozeled t1_j254ue1 wrote

I don't understand the reasons for hiding identities of evil people like this, regardless of age.


vulpinefever t1_j255es4 wrote

9k is actually a lot when you consider that cash bail is really rare in Canada. The vast majority of people accused of a crime in Canada are released without cash bail so for the court to order any amount at all is pretty exceptional.


Ksh_667 t1_j25bgep wrote

I'm upvoting you cos I'm grateful for the info but imo protecting names is not helpful to someone who may feel they're "getting away with not being known" & thus have no incentive not to do it again. I get that they are innocent til proven guilty, I just don't see the hiding of identity having any positive effect.


LenyAK t1_j25ckqu wrote

This is their reasoning, I don't necessarily agree. Canada's justice system is too focused on rehabilitation and not punishment, IMO to the detriment of society. But there are certain cases when they will publish a name, such as when are actively searching for an offender.


robdels t1_j25dczn wrote

How many Canadians have $9.5k? Well, who knows really. How many households have at least $9.5k of financial assets?

StatsCan does know that one, and as of last quarter, only the bottom 20% of households have a net worth that wouldn't support that. So the answer is looking like at least 80% of Canadians.

Customize your tables & data as you see fit:


Ksh_667 t1_j25dryg wrote

I'm in uk & although childrek that we publish names to encourage other victims to come forward, ip punishment but I do get sick of seeing victims treated as less impt than perps.

Edit: looking at this comment this morning, it is nonsense. I was very tired when I typed it & can't make sense of it myself now. There's whole lines missing. Sorry bout that.


TraditionalGap1 t1_j25hn8t wrote

YOUR claim was that kids with rich parents abscond before trial. You provide as evidence the story of an American who didn't abscond before trial and only disappeared after being caught on video violating the most lenient manslaughter sentence in history.

Plus it's the fucking affluenza kid, not exactly a representative sample.


Ksh_667 t1_j25kw1e wrote

Is that the age of the person bailed? Sorry if I missed that. But if there are other victims out there, they should be given every chance to feel they can come forward.


Ksh_667 t1_j25l5t7 wrote

I never thought about their ethnicity, you are ascribing intent that really isn't there. I'm not white myself & believe me I know all about criminalization of minorities & have personal experience of this.


GoArray t1_j25qbks wrote

Specific to this person, that could all come after conviction.

More generally, law enforcement could put out a statement with details asking others to come forward while still withholding the suspect's identity.

Anybody close enough to know her identity, doesn't need the news to tell them. To any other "stranger" victims, her identity does nothing but reinforce confirmation bias.

Being completely honest, you're looking to play internet detective. Wanting to know who she is, understandable as we're a curious species.. but ultimately that's the authorities job, you (the internet) will just bloody the waters.


ChocoboRocket t1_j25svwa wrote

>I'd be very surprised to hear any of them get more than 5 years for this considering this is Canada

Don't know why you are being downvoted. Canada has terrible policy on crime, particularly repeat offenders.

Anything shy of murder is effectively a slap on the wrist. Or you can just run people over in your vehicle (somehow helps if you're drunk) and it's a moving violation instead of a crime.

Sexual assault, even on minors results in little if any incarceration.

Welcome to Canada, where everyone but the victims are treated as Saudi royalty by the justice system!


Thoughtful_Mouse t1_j25yt6f wrote

Yea. Without seeing the actual knife it's hard to know for sure, but most of them aren't crew-operated.

With 8 people charged there has got to be varying levels of culpability among them.

Unless this is a Caesar situation, I mean....


Tartooth t1_j26axsx wrote

Because making stupid mistakes at 15 shouldn't ruin the rest of your life.

Once you're associated with a crime on google, that's it, you're done for. This law is a very good tool too keep the disgusting media churn away from kids


Boozeled t1_j26f8cb wrote

I guess if you consider brutally stabbing an innocent random person "a stupid mistake" that makes sense. A stupid mistake is using a slur as a before being knowledgeable or lying on a test, or maybe even stealing someone's phone.


Ksh_667 t1_j26fp7p wrote

After conviction would be too late if someone had information relevant to this person that could impact tbe case. I'm in the uk & have never been to the us or Canada, I'm not sure what confirmation bias you think I'm looking for & I dont see how a name can give that.

I do like playing internet detective, it's a popular pastime lol. But in this case I dont think sherlock Holmes levels of deduction are required. That's more for r/unsolvedmysteries.


GoArray t1_j26n2yq wrote

See, I thought this was already a thing in the uk and 'western' europe? Basically a tactic to stem blatent defimation.

Anyway, as per confirmation bias, recently a professor quasi connected to another tragic event was named, "investigated" and shamed by the internet. Detectives haven't even named a suspect yet. Yet, the great internet sleuths have already hung this professor with an army in toe. If, for w.e. reason, this prof ends up on the stand you can bet money the jury pool will largely be tainted.. minimal real evidence confirming w.e. they already believe to be true that they learned from fb, or reddit, or w.e.

You (not personally) aren't playing fair, you won't go looking for evidence to clear this person or that they love kittens, you're looking for evidence to support your belief in their guilt.

We know nothing of the case, nor this girl's roll in it, yet look at the comments. Blood's in the water, imagine if we had literally any access to their irl identity.


Future-Studio-9380 t1_j2714km wrote

I'm actually fine with keeping names private for most cases unless convicted. Innocent until proven guilty yet even if found innocent a trial would haunt them forever if names of those tried were released.

That being said, there should be exceptions to this. And if these girls are convicted it should absolutely follow them forever. If this was stealing a PS5 then yea, keep it private but this? Hell no.

Rehabilitation (which stigmatization might hurt) can be a noble thing to attempt but for certain cases people like partners/potential friends/employers should have a right to know if this person they might marry/befriend/employ is a murderer


ExpectingThePrestige t1_j27cpnp wrote

Some people can just be at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people ..... And be like wtf


Shawn3997 t1_j27gvho wrote

Seven grand for murder seems like a heck of a deal.


DecentChanceOfLousy t1_j27rm8d wrote

Because she hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

A fictional scenario:

Your idiot friends decide to rough up someone. You try to talk them out of it, but follow them hoping you can try to keep them out of trouble. Then three of them pull out knives and decide to stab the guy to death while you watch on in horror. Later, everyone that was there is arrested and charged, including you (which is the right thing for the police to do). Should the press release your name as "vile murderess who stabbed a man to death" before you've been convicted of anything, or even tried?

It's almost certainly not what happened here. But it might be, and we won't know until the facts come out in the trial. There will be plenty of time to release names after the trial (assuming being a minor doesn't exempt her completely). She's not going anywhere.

In general, with a few exceptions (including for public figures, whose trials will be known by the public whether they're released or not), names shouldn't be actively publicized before trial. That is regardless of the crime in question (from jaywalking to murder). Police make mistakes, and the accused is innocent until proven guilty. The severity of the crime has nothing to do with whether they actually did it.


Thoughtful_Mouse t1_j27rvwl wrote

Same in the US, but like... if you were there and ran away afraid, but quickly decided that you should go to the police... or if you planned the murder with the person who did the actual stabbing... or if you were coerced into participating...

Even if many of these folks conspired to murder it wouldn't surprise me if when tried separately the sentencing works out different based on their level of involvement and their behavior before during and after.


Prophet_of_Entropy t1_j291760 wrote

thats a maximum sentence, courts will likely give them much much less. you can murder someone and get out in a couple years in canada. do it with a car and you probably wont even go to prison.


Macqt t1_j292142 wrote

Murder, both degrees, carry mandatory sentences in Canada, not maximums. Adults convicted are sentenced to life, which means 25 years before parole can be considered.

Manslaughter has a maximum of life, but is usually much less.


Canadian_Pacer t1_j29pjpp wrote

You know whats strange? I work at a Federal Medium Penitentiary in Canada. I see countless inmates daily. Some of these guys are labelled as DO (dangerous offenders). These inmates are jailed indefinitely until the parole board releaeses them, if ever. Some of the D.O.'s in my humble opinion aren't worthy of such extreme justice. Yet, some other crazy, dangerous pieces of dogshit offenders are not labelled as D.O.'s even though they should be. The whole classification of inmates and the punishments aren't consistent and seem quite random.


Genericgeriatric t1_j2emod4 wrote

If time in custody awaiting trial is counted against the sentence, then assuming good behavior, they'll be released to a halfway house after serving 1/3 of their sentence. So, maybe only 3 years served behind bars for a 10-year sentence.