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t1_j0roldp wrote

Jeez, even alligators getting evicted now, economy is fucked.


t1_j0ru9vb wrote

Can’t have shit in Detroit


t1_j0s7tg5 wrote

Was playing the terrible GB RocoCop games earlier. They are all set in Detroit. These were made in the 90s...

Apparently the film is set in crime-ridden 2043 Detroit. We’ll be there in two decades. I don’t think I saw it in English and the dub probably changed/ignored the city’s name. Interesting enough, it was filmed in crime-ridden Dallas.

Where do you rather die on your morning walk? 2043 Crime-ridden Detroit or 2023 Crime-ridden Dallas?


t1_j0rr5v8 wrote

> The male tenant had fled prior to officers arriving, police said. Officers and the court official returned to the east-side residence to find one adult and three baby alligators inside a tank, police said.

So… really not a great life for those alligators, and it sounds like the tenant is breaking more than one law.


t1_j0rw907 wrote

Police: "OPEN UP"

Alligators: "Bonjour"


t1_j0sd0kq wrote

Police: OPEN UP!!

Gators: Come on in. We are having lunch.

Police: What's for lunch?

Gators: Oh nothing


t1_j0t0ler wrote

>DETROIT, MI-- Some of these scaly creatures may say “See ya in a while,” or, “See ya later,” but not the handful found by Detroit police in a home they were serving an eviction notice at on Friday.

Jesus Christ. The bar for journalism has really fallen.


t1_j0sy1ee wrote

Today in "Can't believe it's not Florida!"


t1_j0th3ql wrote

If it was Florida, it'd be just another Tuesday.

I see alligators in my town and in my complex all the time.


t1_j0uw5np wrote

Same here in Louisiana, if I dont see one for awhile I start to wonder what's going on.


t1_j0rqdk6 wrote

Probably raising those alligators to dispose of the bodies of all of Detroits missing people.


t1_j0skyin wrote

The new RomCom no one expected! "'Later Gator: Love in Detroit' When Alli left Florida to move to Detroit with her two kids, she was trying to escape her no-good swamp boss husband! But when she got to Detroit, she got more than she bargained for after being evicted from her home and meeting the man of her dreams, Officer Ford!"


t1_j0stgmh wrote

Lizard men created by the techno necromancers in Alpha Centauri?!


t1_j0vio2e wrote

First it was bees, now alligators? Things are getting out of control.