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[deleted] t1_j28evmb wrote



sd_glokta t1_j28g6vb wrote

I wonder the same thing. What would have happened if Lenin had implemented his New Economic Policy?


iocan28 t1_j299x3o wrote

It’s an interesting what-if. Lenin probably would’ve been better than Stalin, although he still had plenty of blood on his hands. If his stroke didn’t happen, would he have expelled Stalin, or would Stalin just have come to power through other means?


gmil3548 t1_j2aiups wrote

Or just if Trotsky was able to be the heir like Lenin wanted instead of being pushed out by the other leaders until Stalin eventually worked his way into control.

Trotsky was the most level headed of them all, including Lenin. That’s why he was a Menshevik for so long, only moving over when it was clear that the Bolsheviks were the only side willing to actually win a revolution.


AdminsAreLazyID10TS t1_j2b499q wrote

Just not purging the Soviet military before WW2 would have had profound implications for reducing loss of life.


ivytea t1_j29ceax wrote

Had Lenin lived a little longer, neither Stalin nor Hitler would have come to power, which is a blessing for mankind


My_Penbroke t1_j28o8tw wrote

Never assume that the untimely death of a person who posed a great threat to the imperialist order was not in some way precipitated or hastened by covert foul play


capitalsfan08 t1_j29xd1h wrote

Ah yes, I am sure the CIA, founded after WWII, was able to induce a stroke in Lenin.


NerdyyPlatypus t1_j2ans84 wrote

Being fair, he had a stroke because of lead poisoning after he was shot.


Aurion7 t1_j2aucbj wrote

While a popular theory, his symptoms failed to improve in any meaningful way after having the bullets removed and the oxidation theory remains unproven generally. It's more likely the stroke(s) specifically were caused by arteriosclerosis.