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Effective-Cap-2324 t1_j6bxj9y wrote

Azerbaijan, Israel, Saudi, Iraq or usa. Who do you think is responsible?


usrevenge t1_j6c5wuv wrote

You forgot turkey as a possibility

Or maybe some younger kids who have Been revolting in Iran.


mnpfrg t1_j6c6uz6 wrote

Israel seems pretty likely to me


Sbubbert t1_j6czhss wrote

Most obvious choice is Israel, given the terror attacks in Jerusalem over the weekend. Iran has been known to fund these terror groups, so this makes perfect sense.


BluejayPure3629 t1_j6bz6xc wrote

I wouldn't put it past Ukraine, with all of the Iranian drones that they have to deal with.


slide_into_my_BM t1_j6cjrad wrote

Ukraine maybe asked someone to do it but I don’t think they have the capabilities to do so right now.

My money is always on Israel for something like this. Maybe at the behest of Ukraine though? Also could just be Israeli SOP of screwing Iran whenever possible


Iapetus7 t1_j6cqfhl wrote

If it's a drone, it could also be domestic anti-government forces.


Snowdeo720 t1_j6cwfo5 wrote

Oh no the country supplying loitering munitions to russia so they can continue terrorizing Ukraine has seen an unexpected attack of some kind?



[deleted] t1_j6gmjh8 wrote

Honestly, Iran should be selling those weapons to Saudi Arabia, like America does.

Then they can be used for honorable tasks, like shooting blasphemers or preventing women from driving without a male guardian.


how_now_brown_cow t1_j6d1428 wrote

...two wrongs don't make it right?

*And yes im aware 3 lefts make a right *

Edit: bring on the down votes, everytime you down vote you are agreeing to go to war based on this comment

Edit2: also assuming Israel not army owns this thread


daikonking t1_j6d7jaf wrote

You lack perspective


Snowdeo720 t1_j6d7tp7 wrote

That’s a laughable statement.

Iran has been murdering its citizens, and supporting the russian invasion of Ukraine.

Your comment is just plain wrong.


daikonking t1_j6djlc8 wrote

Anyone justifying war, lacks perspective.


Snowdeo720 t1_j6dkdag wrote

I’m sorry but you can not call a single strike on a munitions plant war.

What’s happening in Syria and Ukraine, that’s war.

In fact with your comments, you’re defending a nation that is willfully contributing to the destruction of civilian infrastructure, as well as rape and torture.

Have you just been living under a rock, or just outright ignoring what russia has been doing to the Ukrainian population?


daikonking t1_j6dl4q2 wrote

I'm not defending any nation. I don't know who did it. I don't know why. I do know everyone is quick to take a side and that the truth usually has more to do with money/power/energy than it does human rights.


Snowdeo720 t1_j6do25k wrote

Because Iran has been a shining example of respecting human rights…


daikonking t1_j6dq4pb wrote

Do you believe that defending human rights was the reason for the provocation?


Snowdeo720 t1_j6dqax2 wrote

I’d say stopping or reducing the flow of munitions to russia.

Which in the bigger picture is positively contributing to the interest of human rights.


spinto1 t1_j6hclar wrote

If fascism could be stopped with words, World War II would have never happened.

Sometimes war is in fact required. That is a hilariously naive statement.


how_now_brown_cow t1_j6hrwut wrote

"We must stop facism!"

Proceeds to donate huge amount of arms to a country who is openly white supremacist

"If you all don't agree with war, you're wrong!"

see how stupid that sounds?


spinto1 t1_j6koblh wrote

do you have any other words to put in my mouth?

or would you prefer to go back to my involvement in this which specifically revolves around your blanket statement:

> Anyone justifying war, lacks perspective.


marcingrzegzhik t1_j6bj71w wrote

That's a pretty serious allegation. I wonder what the international repercussions will be?


kyckling666 t1_j6buor8 wrote

My international business specializing in combustible American flags is going to make some serious cheddar.


No_Recommendation929 t1_j6crhgr wrote

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"


billybobbaconator t1_j6bwy02 wrote

Ngl I’ve actually thought about trying to do that


my_name_is_reed t1_j6cgm82 wrote

Turning a war profit is basically the most American thing ever, so I imagine our forefathers would def approve


anon902503 t1_j6bwxt0 wrote

They first need to figure out who they want to blame.

There are basically 5 or 6 plausible suspects.


fahadjafar t1_j6ddkn4 wrote

Iran's military power needs to be dismantled. If NATO and USA could do one thing right, it is it tear down this terrorist regime and establish a proper democratic people's republic in Iran.


Ed_Durr t1_j6dq19n wrote

Because that worked out so well in Iraq and Afghanistan./s


The8thHammer t1_j6dqoba wrote

Both of which are infinitely easier to invade. Iran is a geographical stronghold.


wh4tth3huh t1_j6dv1u1 wrote

Afghanistan is easy to invade? Where the fuck did you get that.


[deleted] t1_j6fhby0 wrote



ClammyHandedFreak t1_j6h4vnp wrote

Honestly, anyone determined and trained to defend themselves is difficult to fight against. Iranians are tough people. Never underestimate someone defending their homes. You never know how people will react to an invasion on top of the governmental crackdown. It’s already a pressure cooker there.

It’s dangerous AF.


fahadjafar t1_j6ejhtn wrote

They attacked both of those places, they went to war with the entire country. For Iran, they need to hit where it hurts its military strength.


mazarax t1_j6ni894 wrote

Doing exactly that in 1978, is what made the religious nuts take control of Iran. US messes up regime changes. Don’t try it again.


fahadjafar t1_j6njkpt wrote

I know, they will just let another group of extremist nutjobs take control.


mazarax t1_j6njz9y wrote

Makes you wonder… if the GOP turns the US into a theocracy, is Canada gonna do the regime change? 🤪


dasherchan t1_j6dxub5 wrote

If people would just mind their own business and their own countries, our world would be in much better place.
