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WBurkhart90 t1_j330lnt wrote

Good riddance, but sadly another will happily step up to fill in the void.


Modern_Bear t1_j330yra wrote

It's behind a paywall so I can't read it, but who was involved in the shootout, police or another gang?


Rhouliha t1_j3331yo wrote

For those that can't access the link: An escaped Mexican cartel kingpin known as "El Neto" died after a shootout early on Thursday, four days after he fled prison in a violent mass break-out, authorities said.


Rhouliha t1_j33f14x wrote

The article doesn't say or speculate. The article goes on to say the following (my emphasis added in bold):

El Neto", whose full name was Ernesto Alfredo Pinon de la Cruz, was tracked down by intelligence forces in the city of Ciudad Juárez on the U.S. border, and then shot after a pursuit, officials said.

"He was located, chased. He was injured, but on the way (to the state attorney general's offices) he died," Chihuahua state governor Maru Campos said on Twitter.

"El Neto", a top gunman for the "Los Mexicles" cartel, escaped with 29 other inmates after raiders in armored vehicles attacked the prison in the border town of Juarez early on New Year's Day.

At least 19 people, including guards and other prisoners, died in the assault, one of Mexico's bloodiest prison raids in recent years, authorities said.


ZaheerUchiha t1_j33k3sl wrote

State troopers located him. They probably had orders of killing him on the spot.

This asshat caused more than two dozen deaths the last few days, among those 12 state police agents. He also ordered numerous terrorist attacks against the general population. He was way too dangerous to be left alive.


internet_chump t1_j33pycc wrote

This idea you have is pure Hollywood nonsense. There is no such thing as "orders to shoot on sight", unless you live in an authoritarian dictatorship like NK.

Mexico does not have the death penalty. There is no such thing as "too dangerous to be left alive" under Mexican law.


ZaheerUchiha t1_j33v0yq wrote

Officially? Nah, of course. But the governor discretely telling the police captain that "he resisted"? Totally.

The guy was accompanied by 3 cartel members close to him. They all survived and got arrested. Let it sink.


internet_chump t1_j33z3qv wrote

Or maybe the fact that there were other members that got taken into custody is actually proof that your "shoot to kill" idea is wild speculation based on nonsensical action movie bullshit.

That ain't the way the real world works, kid.


pokepat460 t1_j345vcy wrote

You get to be a billionaire and defacto leader of a country for a while before you die, and do lots of drugs along the way. Live fast die young kinda life. Not for everyone, but highly appealing to many.


Rhouliha t1_j348y0j wrote

The former. He was involved in the altercation, injured, captured, and then died (from the injuries sustained) while the authorities were transporting him to the AG offices.


bananafobe t1_j34qmve wrote

I have no insight, but part of me wonders whether our expectations are set by stories that romanticize the tragic downfall of figures who attempt to find meaning/satisfaction in ways that are doomed to fail, because that's the genre in which these stories are always told.

In the same way movies about police tend not to focus on the benefits package that comes with a government job, the day to day aspects of being in charge of a cartel may have practical benefits (aside from the obvious "more money than many small nations" aspect).


trashscal408 t1_j34rctp wrote

I believe this is El Neto, aka Don Neto, or Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo. He was depicted in the stellar Netflix series Narcos Mexico by Joaquín Cosío.
Edit: this was Ernesto Alfredo Pinon de la Cruz (El Neto, of Sinaloa, not Don Neto of Guadalajara). This was not the Netflix character. Thank you for clarifying.


ADarwinAward t1_j34yvtu wrote

> Family members of prison guard killed during a riot at the Cereso 3 prison react over the coffin during a tribute to pay homage to the prison guards killed and to the police officers from the State Investigation Agency killed during the search for the fugitives, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico January 4, 2023

Guess that makes you kind of an ass for smiling at the photo of the grieving family of a murdered prison guard


CaptStrangeling t1_j355fm8 wrote

Yeah, not a lot of corridos mention how many young soldiers cry for their moms while they die in their own shit and piss. They don’t sing songs (that I know of) for the mothers whose daughters were raped or disappeared.

They groom children soldiers to kill or be killed and it becomes normalized in some families and internalized and it only ever ends in tears and bloodshed.


CaptStrangeling t1_j355t4j wrote

I mean, American police aren’t exactly known for their restraint when it comes to cop killers. Mexican police chasing the asshole who killed 19 guards and inmates in his escape and is a terror to your nation, I’d not need a nod from anybody to do my job in their shoes.


reaverdude t1_j357yx0 wrote

In one part of Mexico, people involved with the drug cartels have their very own cemetery.

Some of the tombs are super lavish and elaborate and cost more than actual living people's homes. Inside they have air conditioning, kitchens, entire dance floors and sometimes even cars.


th3_pund1t t1_j35xh6o wrote

Mexico got tired of how expensive lawyers got. Or avocados. I’m not sure.


Mario9764 t1_j361v41 wrote

Just watched Blood In, Blood Out.Great film, American Me is next. This'd probably turn into a film if the industry was like it used to be.


bobadad23 t1_j36gbys wrote

Really trying to live up to that username huh? You should check your perspective on reality mi amigo you might find that your sense of reality is the one that’s not realistic. This isn’t a conspiracy or anything it’s literally the most sensible answer with the facts presented. It’s not Hollywood nonsense it’s reality that governments take care of problems however they see fit whether it’s inside or outside the confines of the law. If you truly believe that’s not true then I have an ice cap to sell you.


internet_chump t1_j379rju wrote

The cartels get their money from drugs. The vast majority of those drugs go to the USA. Solving the USAs drug problems will do more to quash the cartels than anything else.

The cartels get their guns from the USA, too. America's gun problem is Mexico's gun problem.

You want to help Mexico get rid of the cartels then you should be looking at what the USA is doing about itself.


internet_chump t1_j37cm8v wrote

Uh-huh. I suppose that's why they were in prison in the first place, huh? Because the Federales are really just a murder-squad in disguise? No better than the cartels? All those brave men and women who risk their lives to bring law and justice to their fellow countrymen just set aside their oath and commit murder instead because of what? Convenience? Because they don't have a moral compass? Because they are just completely willing to throw away everything they stand for? And you think people are just going to accept that as some obvious and normal thing that happens and there will be no blowback at all? Because why? Because there's no oversight in the chain of command or from the government, because everyone is in on it?

Yeah, not a wild conspiracy at all. Sounds completely sensible. Your critical thinking skills are truly astounding.


internet_chump t1_j37jdsx wrote

Lol, says the person trying to gatekeep words...

You go around correcting grammatical errors, too?

Good and productive conversation on Reddit? Have you ever even been here before?

Go ahead and play Comment Referree if it gets you your kicks, tho. Good luck with that.


CinderellaManX t1_j3bal6c wrote

Look at all these sorry people mourning this horrendous person. Too blind to see that he was a monster. More will rise to take his place.


internet_chump t1_j3cbs7p wrote

And I'm sure no innocent civilians will be harmed in that process, right? This all-out Civil War of extermination certainly wouldn't leave Mexico in ruins? And the fighting certainly wouldn't spill over into the USA, right?

Brilliant. Very well thought out plan there, bud.


epwhat t1_j3gyvvr wrote

Don’t let a tragedy go to waste. This is a good excuse to rally the people to go against el chapo’s son and the drug cartels. Increase the spending on your police force on mobilize the military to get rid of the scum.