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SaborW t1_j37nb5i wrote

I wouldn't trust the Mexican military to really do anything to drug cartels, not in any substantial way. From my understanding all the MPs of all the branches got rolled into the National Guard and act as a national police force/Federal police force, and they've been accused of quite a bit of human rights violations. Migrant abuse, forced disappearances, arresting people for just any old reason, extortion and having ties to organized crime. The former defense minister of Mexico, a 4 star Army general, was also arrested in the US for drug trafficking, and that was after the former head of the federal police force was arrested for the same thing. They sound like a state sanctioned drug cartel themselves at this point

Now the Mexican Marines, I can get behind those guys. As far as I know they're far more reputable and on the up and up


gay-dragon t1_j38v6fl wrote

This is just hearsay, but the Mexican Navy/Marines are considered less compromised than the army or police are.


PicklerOfTheSwamp t1_j3a1zor wrote

From what I hear, they will rip you out of your truck and slit your throat! Then pose for pictures with some heads. Gotta fight evil with evil sometimes!