
SaborW t1_j37nb5i wrote

I wouldn't trust the Mexican military to really do anything to drug cartels, not in any substantial way. From my understanding all the MPs of all the branches got rolled into the National Guard and act as a national police force/Federal police force, and they've been accused of quite a bit of human rights violations. Migrant abuse, forced disappearances, arresting people for just any old reason, extortion and having ties to organized crime. The former defense minister of Mexico, a 4 star Army general, was also arrested in the US for drug trafficking, and that was after the former head of the federal police force was arrested for the same thing. They sound like a state sanctioned drug cartel themselves at this point

Now the Mexican Marines, I can get behind those guys. As far as I know they're far more reputable and on the up and up


SaborW t1_iwf0o3u wrote

It's really not that yikes-y. We are talking the Great Depression era after all, and she was basically voluntold by her father to help care for the old dying man, in return since he had no money to pay her, they could get married and she could claim his benefits from being in the civil war. During that time, that amount of money could be everything to someone. They kept the marriage a secret, didn't live together, and to my knowledge she never even bothered taking advantage of the benefits after he died

There are still 12 states in the US where there is NO minimum age for marriage, and most states are okay with 17 and under. All requiring parental consent obviously. Now that's pretty yikes


SaborW t1_itk1h1r wrote

I remember an interview a North Korean defector gave that explained how he snuck off post and stole his commanding officer's pet dog and cooked it up and ate it with his fellow soldier. Not only do they not have food, aside from the obvious reason that the country is dirt ass poor, soldiers there are seen as the bottom rung of society. Even if there were food to go around, they wouldn't get any


SaborW t1_is59jnz wrote

The fastest jump start in history

Part of me wants to believe it escalated because Clarkson said "We're going to die now" and due to his accent and her hickness, it got lost in translation even though it's the same damn language, and she took it as a threat, based on her reaction to it. But my god what a bunch of windowlickers


SaborW t1_is597d3 wrote

No it's definitely an American thing. People sue for any and everything here. Fucking guy running from the police trips in a yard and breaks his ankle can sue the owner of that property and win. Guy breaks into your home and you harm him in a fight, he or his family if he dies can sue you.

Sure lawsuits happen everywhere, but only here are they so often so absolutely absurd and in such numbers