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thought_first t1_j3wgikz wrote

> Students said they are upset that the four students who have been arrested are still in school and have not been expelled.

Pretty legitimate request.

Fire the dumbass that thought leaving rapists in school was ok.


beanthebean t1_j3xkulj wrote

The one 18 year old charged (the only name that's been released) is the vice principal's son, so you can see why they're trying to sweep it under the rug/pretend everything is fine. It's absolutely fucked.


alien_from_Europa t1_j3wsx9k wrote

When I went to UMass Amherst in the early 2000's, there was a dark path that was nicknamed the Rape Trail because it happened so often there.

Edit: Here's a link about it.


pataconconqueso t1_j3xbvxo wrote

I would guess most schools have a rape trail because it’s so common in a college environment.

My alma mater has one too.


beerandblitz t1_j3xdo2k wrote

My alma mater at least spent the money necessary to have all their trails very well lit so hopefully that helps.


pataconconqueso t1_j3xdwt3 wrote

Nah not really, my school did the same and even placed several emergency posts that would call the campus police and it’s not a deterrent.


M_H_M_F t1_j3xhi06 wrote

Sounds like IC. Blue lights?


pataconconqueso t1_j3xjtg1 wrote

Yes on the blue lights no on IC but this just goes to show how common it is in a college environment.


M_H_M_F t1_j3xkeq2 wrote

Then a side question about your blue light system.

Ours was made so from one of the light poles, you could see at least 2 more. They recommended (I wish I was lying). Not staying at one of them, but contacting at one, and continue down a path, continuing to buzz as you pass one.


pataconconqueso t1_j3xl2fp wrote

I don’t think we were given that instruction, but they are positioned that way along the trail.


Existential-Ape t1_j3xn4b1 wrote

My college didn’t have a rape trail. But SAE had a rape room. Fuck those assholes.


Swagaru t1_j3y7haw wrote

Is it really that common in a college environment?


AlvinAssassin17 t1_j3zlrd3 wrote

It’s so common I was roofied at a party. Thank god I was 6’6 and 300 lbs because it hit me slow enough that I could find someone. It sucked and I was sick as fuck but at least the poor girl who grabbed my drink instead didn’t have the worst night of her life. Party was shut down so someone’s plans were at least put on hold


M_H_M_F t1_j3xhfi8 wrote

Went to Ithaca College. They had on campus apartments that were at the top of the hill (IC Is built into a fucking hill). To walk there you had to walkall the way up past the highest most dorm buildings (the terraces, aptly named) and then either had an option, a trail dubbed the "rape trail" which cut throuh the back of the campus, directly into the apartments, or the long way through the parking lots...

They installed lights and now have a patrol.


Spidremonkey t1_j3xpz46 wrote

There’s a path through a small tree-filled patch across from Landis Hall at FSU. For decades it wasn’t lit and got the nickname “The Rapegarden.” It is now very over-lit and has a fountain topped with three women with their backs to each other, keeping watch.


LordFluffy t1_j3wme60 wrote

If there's some legal reason they can't expel them, at least separate them or put them in remote learning.


dragonmuse t1_j3wrojl wrote

I'm in a different state, and I did read the article which said they were following federal procedures. But in my can get kicked out of school over damn near anything. How they can't force them to do remote, or keep them in ISS or suspend until school board meeting...idk.

But personal story. My younger sister got drugged, molested, and filmed (which was then shared on instagram and the "whole" school saw it) by 2 boys when she was in 8th grade. My sister got suspended, the boys recieved no punishment because they deleted the video from their phone, which apparently means "no evidence" even though students and staff had saved the video. Schools really don't handle sexual assaults well.


LordFluffy t1_j3wsqmc wrote

> Schools really don't handle sexual assaults well.

Truth. I'm so sorry she went through that.


janethefish t1_j3xboe6 wrote

>How they can't force them to do remote, or keep them in ISS or suspend until school board meeting...idk.

The school is lying. They were able to act against the students who walked out, just fine.


TelephoneFamous2153 t1_j44wzdy wrote

Hiding behind Title iX while also using Title IX controls to cover up everything. First, school officials will sit down with police investigating...scrub the report so no charges will be filed when sent to the prosecutor's office for review. When they announce no charges will be filed, then they'll pat themselves on the back and keep the kids in school.


Zerole00 t1_j3y8a9a wrote

Sounds like they're bound by law?

>Previously, county school system administrators said that due to the nature of the allegations, which fall under the federal guidelines of Title IX, they are bound by law to follow federally established procedures. Jim Frazier, president of the Jackson County Board of Education, said school systems are limited in what can be shared regarding disciplinary actions for students and employees.

I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.


wrastle364 t1_j3z7dc2 wrote

Arrested doesn't mean convicted. Wtf is going on with people?


Mog_Melm t1_j3zvjlg wrote

Due process bad. Kangaroo court good.


gphs t1_j3zlnvj wrote

I’m pretty sure people that are accused of crimes get to have some sort of legal process before consequences are imposed on them.


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j3zweg9 wrote

They can be removed without "punishment". Simply, have them in a seperate ro on the premises and watched by 2 teachers at a time.

They are also at risk of injury.

As long as they arent punished expressly, they can still be treated according to the situation.

Hell the school could act on info of the evidence provided without acknowledging the legal process at all. High schools dont have a judge or jury

Your statement isnt totally accurate and is a process of the legal systems actions and punishments. Not EVERYONE.

Just like how freedom of speech doesnt mean you can say anything


janethefish t1_j3xbbvd wrote

>Jim Frazier, president of the Jackson County Board of Education, said school systems are limited in what can be shared regarding disciplinary actions for students and employees.

The fact they can take action against the walkout students determined that was a lie.


thedriverera OP t1_j3xexvz wrote

I’m actually in this county and there are videos of the educators locking the walkout students out of the school and laughing at them. There’s also video of the students accused laughing and taking the protestors signs and throwing them in the trash. It’s disgusting


janethefish t1_j3xz7vj wrote

That's just theft.


Holy fuck WV, get your shit together.


AgentDaxis t1_j3ywaim wrote

WV is a beautiful state but many of the people there are absolute garbage.


beanthebean t1_j3xlby4 wrote

The federal regulations require the students be provided an education. They can definitely have them do remote learning, or even teach them at a separate school, but the vice principal would rather pretend everything is fine for his shit son (the one 18 year old that's been named/charged).


thedriverera OP t1_j3xmt3i wrote

In this small of town it’s all about who you know and the last name that you have. This is a clear example of it


spaceman757 t1_j40vz2e wrote

Sadly, that's the case in most places, big and small, all around the globe.


maplesyrupandjam t1_j3xkz1m wrote

I was sexually assaulted and stalked at Stanford. Nobody gave a damn. I was told to be silent about it or just quit. It happened again. I was advised just to quit. They only look out for themselves.


TelephoneFamous2153 t1_j44x6s0 wrote

There are lawyers who would love to screw schools like Stanford and others who use Title IX to shield themselves. DM me if you want help.


pinetreesgreen t1_j3x18rg wrote

We can thank Betsey devos for this, she made it harder to kick people out of schools and universities over sexual assault allegations.


TigerBasket t1_j3xdww5 wrote

On the other hand I was accused of sexuall harassment by a roommate, I live in a state where neither of us could record our words, I caught them on 3 separate lies. And the police still removed me and I had a letter say I was a violent and sexual threat, then a total of 5 days later I was allowed back on campus. But before those 5 days, I had to send 10 emails asking for a single shred of evidence against me and I never got it. I wasn't even accused of sexuall harassment it was sexuall harassment 2 which is even harder to prove and a lower charge, but they decided I had to be removed from campus right that moment. I've had a stalker for about a year that I've been told to ignore, I've had the schools head lawyer ask me why don't I just leave school, and I got sexually harrased at a chess tournament as the god dang chess club president and I've been able to do nothing. So freaking frustrating this country is ass backwards on so many things.


Four_in_binary t1_j3xqtw2 wrote

This is where you might want to obtain an attorney. It appears you have suffered harm and duress so.... entitled to damages, I think.


TigerBasket t1_j3yz3pe wrote

I tried, they turned me down. I might try again but honestly just frustration


Fuzzyphilosopher t1_j3wmfz7 wrote

The Federal Guidelines the school admin is blaming for their horrible decisions require the students be provided an education. That could be in their home, or at an alternative school where troubled and disruptive students are sent.

I think they should have ankle bracelets and be confined to their homes. But we had the same thing happen in a nearby Kentucky town. Group of 4 o5 raped a boy with a broom handle punctured his intestine. But locally their families had influence. They did go to jail eventually, but then the Republican gov pardoned them after he lost reelection. The south and places like WV have some very corrupt places.


Top_Dot6046 t1_j4100x7 wrote

Maybe Gym Jordan can look into this 🧐


marmarchar t1_j448x2v wrote

This really needs to have more attention, especially since the students protesting can be retaliated against by the Vice Principal. Totally unfair to discipline the protesting students and not the actual criminals


Kaexii t1_j40byn7 wrote

This link is not taking me to an article, just to the WCHSTV homepage of ads.


[deleted] t1_j3xxiq0 wrote



ShawnyMcKnight t1_j3yl2ku wrote

It always has been. If someone accuses anything #MeToo related and you give any levelheaded response then you must also be a rapist and hate women.

I only watched the video clip on the site but it doesn’t say what evidence they have that this sexual assault occurred.

I love what the #MeToo movement did to take down people who were seen as untouchable but now all you need is an allegation to ruin someone’s life. They could be cleared of all charges and people would still condemn them.


thedriverera OP t1_j3yu07o wrote

The actual evidence of the assault was passed around on social media pages. A lot of the kids around here have seen it unfortunately


gphs t1_j3zm2p4 wrote

The thing about social media is that it’s pretty easily manipulated to present a distorted view, and then once the outrage gets going there’s no recourse for whoever is on the business end of it. That’s why there’s a legal process for this sort of thing.

A good example are videos that go viral from time to time that appear to show someone being the instigator of a fight, only later for a longer video to be posted showing the erstwhile victim to be the instigator: of course in the meantime the person painted as the initial aggressor has been threatened, lost their job, etc. Despite the pretty well-worn examples of mob mentality getting it wrong, the amnesia is strong. Surely this time that won’t happen, right?


ShawnyMcKnight t1_j3yyfw2 wrote

Bummer, obviously they shouldn’t show it but mention what’s in the video.


wrastle364 t1_j3z7jpi wrote

Don't care. Should be proven in a court of law first. Not some social media witch hunt (which has targeted innocent people numerous times)
