
Swagaru t1_ja8sy8p wrote

Your fiancé has the right idea for keeping a clean house.

Generally it takes a minute or two to keep things in a clean condition (loading the dishes as you use them) versus taking longer when you wait to do a “deeper clean” (waiting to load dishes until the end of the day).

Plus cooking in a clean kitchen is just so nice lol


Swagaru t1_j35j6ca wrote

I get the feeling you don’t understand what the mass majority of gun owners do with their firearms. They’re not going on mass killing sprees. Even if “they’re designed to kill”.

I do understand the difference you’re talking about. I’m saying they both require responsibility, competence, and can be used negligently to harm. That’s all.

Look at 9/11; Airplanes were used to kill thousands of people, but those aren’t designed to be lethal by any means. They’re designed with maximum safety in mind.

I take my guns to the shooting range for fun and sport. Many people do the same thing everyday without ever intending of using them for killing.

It boils down to the will and morality of the person, regardless of the tool used. This is clearly demonstrated when the police - or a CCW holder - stops a murderous criminal by using their gun.


Swagaru t1_iwfogpj wrote

Anyone defending their actions is a piece of shit.

I’ve been drunk and high plenty of times, never raped anyone or felt like raping people. It’s an excuse made by weak people such as yourself.

“Separating the music from the artist” is bullshit because listening to their music IS directly supporting the artist in this day and age.

You’d have a different opinion if it was your daughter or sister he raped.


Swagaru t1_iwdkz64 wrote

Fuck the RHCP. From the band’s wiki page:

In 1990, Anthony Kiedis was convicted of sexual battery and indecent exposure after a concert at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, on April 21, 1989. Kiedis exposed himself and pressed his penis to a woman’s face against her wishes.[276][277]

In Kiedis's autobiography Scar Tissue, he admitted to having sexual relations with a 14-year-old fan who was the daughter of a Louisiana police chief despite her telling Kiedis she was underage. He wrote the song "Catholic School Girls Rule" about the incident.[276]

In 1986, Kiedis dated the 16-year old Ione Skye, daughter of Donovan, despite her being below the age of consent in California.[282]

In 2016, former music executive Julie Farman penned an essay in which she discussed being sexually harassed by two members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1991.[279][283][284]