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Starlightriddlex t1_j47qe5o wrote

One of the best ways to combat generational abuse and break the cycle is to seek therapy prior to having children of your own. It's important to get an outside perspective of what normal should be. So many people fail to realize that just because you're doing a better job than your parents, it doesn't mean you're doing a "good" job.


supercyberlurker t1_j48fua6 wrote

Yeah, I'm increasingly of the opinion that the venn diagram of abusers and 'parents who hate therapy' is just a circle.

The abusers hate therapy because it makes them look at themselves, and the people who hate therapy often tend to become abuser because they didn't deal with their own trauma and so just perpetuate the generational abuse.


zoompixel t1_j4cqqt0 wrote

Can't agree more. It's hard to learn to start liking yourself, but it's an absolute prerequisite to being able to like others. The rewards are so well worth it, though.