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zuuzuu t1_j6lvz5j wrote

I've loved him in everything I've ever seen him in, and I have no difficulty seeing him as the character he's playing. But my initial reaction to seeing him in anything is always "Lenny!"

I watched a lot of Laverne & Shirley as a child.


jermleeds t1_j6o27mi wrote

He's just one of my favorite actors. He also happens to be the actor who uttered my favorite line of dialog in all of cinema:

>I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem may have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf. Alright? That tended to understate the hugeness of the object.


DBDude t1_j6ng5gp wrote

Yes, he's great in everything. I loved Shadwell in Good Omens too. It's kind of sad that he rarely picks up a series he's on for very long, usually just an episode or two on various shows. I'm glad he got Better Call Saul for a longer run so he could develop a character, and he nailed it.