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Marley_Fan t1_j602znx wrote

….same month their first super car is revealed….


GodHatesGOP t1_j606as9 wrote

The sad thing is that there is nothing that we can do. Even if Aid is sent to Afghanistan, it will be used only by Taliban to boost their nutritional needs.


UKJaguar t1_j60h99w wrote

It must be a difficult dilemma regarding the frozen currency reserves. The Afghan people could certainly use those funds for relief, but the crisis might be even worse if the money falls into the wrong hands.

*edit: added correct demonym

*edit 2: I don't support the money going directly to the Taliban, I just hope there is a way for that money to be put into a good use.


lilaprilshowers t1_j60m2ia wrote

The Taliban's word is shit. They haven't kept any of their promises about treatment of women, or not harboring Al-Qaeda. The 8 years they were in power in the 90s their camps trained 20,000 fighters who went on to commit atrocities across Africa and the ME. There is every reason to think they would do it again. There might be nothing the West can do for the Afghan people, but should definitely not give them the means to expand their regime.


tummy1o t1_j60orly wrote

Is that a buccees blanket?


LizardChaser t1_j60s8nn wrote

This is where I'm at. We were deployed there for 20 years, billions and billions of dollars invested, thousands of lives lost, and absolutely nothing changed. The Afghans made deals with the Taliban, did not put up any resistance, and all but cheered as they returned. Fuck that country. Now contrast that with Ukraine. I wish we had 1/10 of what we gave Afghanistan and could get it back to give Ukraine.

That is an unsalvageable culture.


[deleted] t1_j60xawg wrote

and pakistan next door broke and no lights


Bitter_Director1231 t1_j60zm98 wrote

Agreed. With everything poured into their country and they allow the Taliban roll them over in days, they made their choice and now have to live with it.

They simply do not want to live in freedom or make any sacrifices for such.

Ukraine deserves all the aid they get because they choose to fight for their freedoms instead of rolling over


soonerfreak t1_j612xa6 wrote

We illegally invaded a country, destroyed a lot of stuff, left, and kept their money. This whole comment reeks of racism, especially the bit about them cheering at their return. Would you call those hordes of people trying to hang on to the last planes out cheering for the Taliban? Also we did not really invest into their country, we invested into the US military industrial complex and PMCs that showed up. The end goal was always to make some people in the US richer, we did not go into Afghanistan to liberate it. We have no problems working with other governments that are just as bad as the Taliban.


Neon_Casino t1_j61aifg wrote

Regardless if I agree or disagree with your statement, do you think that something should be done about the lack of food and human rights issue in Afghanistan? If so, what do you think should be done?


soonerfreak t1_j61iovh wrote

Provide aid and offer deals the Taliban will actually want to agree to and show proof of following through on. Just demanding they change but not making the top suffer for not changing isn't going to fix anything.


Ceratisa t1_j61iz6c wrote

Nothing we can do, we spent 20 years building up more than they had before we entered


ResponsibleLevel55 t1_j62huwi wrote

The Afghans had their chance to stand up and fight. We would have supported them even if they were still struggling against the Taliban. I mean look at Ukraine. They have been holding out for a year against Russia. We would have given the same amount of military support to the Afghans if only they were willing to stand up to the Taliban. Instead they collapsed WHILE we were leaving. After 20 years enough is enough. We cannot fight for them. At some point their country is their responsibility. If they're unable to form a government capable of feeding their own people, it's on them.


spzcb10 t1_j62qbo6 wrote

This is why food aid can not be sent. Taliban will just use it to control the people. I say drop notes letting the population know that no food aid will go to/thru the taliban. The taliban is the reason international aid will not come. They starve because of the Taliban.


Pabrinex t1_j62qjl4 wrote

>We illegally invaded a country

What are you on about? How was the invasion illegal?

NATO aided the beleaguered internationally recognised government (pushed out of all but the North) supported by nearly the entire world, including enthusiastic support from Iran.


willc453 t1_j62sdxo wrote

Wanna bet the mullas aren't starving?


drinkingchartreuse t1_j63aqsv wrote

The taliban is doing a fine job of putting Afghanistan firmly in the sixth century.


SpiritGoddess927 t1_j63cezp wrote

Statements like this with no real action, follow up, or solution are nothing more than "fear porn" from the UN.


LizardChaser t1_j641r6h wrote

>We illegally invaded a country

Citation missing.

>kept their money

Are you, with a straight face, arguing that the U.S. obtained more money from fucking Afghanistan than it put in? Citation super fucking missing.

>especially the bit about them cheering at their return

The quote from my post was: "all but cheered as they returned." Break that down for me. Does that mean I said they cheered? Or was it a way to describe the absence of any resistance--despite being well armed and equipped--as being paramount to a welcome.

>The end goal was always to make some people in the US richer

The response to 9/11, the worst attack on the U.S. since Pearl Harbor, was to make "some people in the U.S. richer"? Do you even believe that?

>we did not go into Afghanistan to liberate it

Then why did we stay for 20 years? How does losing $230 billion into Afghanistan over 20 years make any sense if we weren't trying to make them self-sufficient? We cut bait because if they couldn't figure it out in 20 years they were never going to figure it out.


LizardChaser t1_j642v9g wrote

Hard no. The Taliban wanted to run that country and the population didn't care enough to stop them. This is not a situation where the population was defenseless. You're hard pressed to find any population better equipped to resist an oppressor. As far as I'm concerned, Afghanistan can figure out its problems on its own.

You didn't ask, but I feel exactly the same way about Pakistan. They spent 20 years working to destabilize Afghanistan, and if a Taliban run Afghanistan spreads violence and terrorism in Pakistan, then that's exactly what Pakistan wanted. I can't understand why we don't lump those backstabbers in with Iran.


soonerfreak t1_j64y055 wrote

We didn't lose $230 billion in Afghanistan. We transferred a couple trillion dollars right where they wanted it to go. Also Japan the country attacked Pearl Harbor, the Taliban did not commit 9/11. This country did not give a fuck as over 3000 people a day were dying to Covid-19. So yeah its hard to reconcile our complete over reaction to 9/11 with a 20 year occupation that was about spending money on the military when over a million people died to Covid-19 and this country said who cares.
