Submitted by t3_1124lax in nosleep

If you came to me with a button that gave Derrick his sight back, I wouldn’t press it and neither would he. Not in a million years. Our lives are way too perfect and cute as is, honestly.

For example, we have this game where I creep up on him like some sort of predator. Derrick could hear a penny drop from across a crowded bar, so whenever I’m stalking him, the slightest floorboard creak makes his ears perk up. Then he’ll crane his neck to the side and say, “Morning Charlotte.”

I still get the better of him, though. Now and again, I’ll go full stealth mode and slip my hands around his waist from behind, a little surprise-attack hug. Then he always pretend sulks for a minute or so before kissing me. It’s adorable.

There’s also the fringe benefits—like not needing to dress up. Not gonna go into detail, but my toxic ex liked making a big stink about that. He said he made the effort so I should too. Never mind the fact that, for him, ‘getting ready’ meant ‘a quick glance in the mirror’.

You can imagine how much it bugged me. But now, theres times I don’t even bother with an outfit at all. It's bliss.

The only downside—and you’re putting a gun against my head here—is Derrick’s a light sleeper. Every minute sound keeps him awake. If Mr. and Mrs. Mumble over in number 12 get into a late-night squabble, he sits up and listens to one of his audiobooks until they gas themselves out.

That said, there's times having a spouse with a built-in alarm system comes in useful. Like last night.

We’d gone to bed after a spirited round of ‘Marco Polo’ ended with us in bed, as usual. Not long after midnight, Derrick sat bolt upright and said, “Someone's outside.”

I kicked on my slippers, shuffled over to the window, and pulled back the curtain. Beneath me, the kitchen window banged lightly in the breeze.

“It’s nothing, honey. I left the window open. Go back to sleep.”

“No. There’s a burglar downstairs. I can hear…clicks.”

While Derrick fumbled for the baseball bat stashed under the bed, I swallowed a gulp and said. “Why don't you wait here while I—"

“Fuck that. I’m about to go all Daredevil on this asshole.”

A wave of black panic rushed over me. Seeing no other choice, I moulted out of my human disguise. The discarded skin suit flopped onto the floor, then, in a movement so swift Derrick wouldn’t have seen it if he could see, my stinger shot forward like a dart, penetrating his stomach.

The muscles in my legs—all eight of them—twanged wildly. Not good.

The toxins didn’t immediately take hold. Instead, my husband gulped the air like a drowning man while my upper limbs closed around him in an intimate embrace.

“Don’t worry, Char,” he said lazily, quivering as I lay him flat along the bed. “I’ll protect you.” A runner of drool leaked from the corner of his mouth.

“I know honey. I know.”

Unencumbered by my disguise, I raced toward the outer landing, scuttled across the wall beside the stairs, over the ceiling, soundlessly travelling with sequential contractions of my limbs. Downstairs, a sickening stench of dead bugs wafted out from the kitchen. My nausea cranked up a notch.

First the toxin didn't kick in immediately, now this. What the hell was going on?

I slipped through the door. Up ahead, in the darkness, a tall blonde man leaned against the centre island drinking from a cup of coffee. “Charlotte,” he nodded, eyes gleaming in the gloom.


“You’re looking monstrous as ever.”

“What are you doing here?” My voice sounded thin and uncertain. Scared.

“Heard you got married. Thought I’d pop by and say congratulations. I would have sent a letter, but, you know, you ghosted me.”


He smirked. I circled the outer edge of the room, each limb striking the tiled floor in succession.

“So, does he know?” Ryan asked, nodding at a wedding picture mounted against the sidewall.

“Know what?”

Air hissed through his thin lips, a series of rapid clicks. “Oh, you know, about those funny little quirks of yours. The way you hog the bedsheets. Or how you binge-watch that dumb reality show.”

“Love island.”

“Yeah, Love Island. And there was one more thing, what was it again?” He pretended to concentrate. “Oh yeah, that you’re secretly a giant Spider-monster? Did you drop that bombshell on the poor bastard yet?”

“You know, it never came up.” Fighting the dry cramp seizing my throat, I said, “Why are you really here?”

“You wound me, Char. I honestly just stopped by to say congrats. And there’s no hard feelings about how things ended.”

“Fantastic. You can leave the same way you arrived.”

With a casual expression, he finished his coffee, tossed the empty mug into the sink, and started in the direction of the window.

He paused, his back to me. “Although. I did travel a long way to get here. And I am absolutely famished.”

My insides squirmed.

“Maybe I’ll grab a quick snack? Like a chunk of your visually impaired boytoy? What do you think he would miss less, an arm or a leg?”

From across the room, he opened his mouth and let out a series of rapid clicks. Kerds of foam splashed across my face as we stood there, motionless. A showdown.

“No preference? Let’s go arm, then. And for dessert, I’ll suck out his eye jelly. He doesn't need it.”

I flew at him, enraged. In the split second it took me to cross the room, Ryan’s body elongated hideously, the spine splitting into segments. From invisible slits along his forearms, razor-sharp, green appendages flicked out like switch-blades while mandibles extended through his mouth like a blooming flower. Within seconds, his ‘face’ became a rubber Halloween mask stretched taut over a skull two sizes too big.

Before, that effortless transformation irritated me. Now, I was terrified.

Those forelegs sliced the air once, twice. At the very last second, I dodged by leaping onto the ceiling with a flex of my legs.

Ryan looked up, eyes as yellow as candle flames, before charging into the hall, mandibles clicking away. I raced after him, still upside down.

An awful bolt of terror struck me as I pictured Ryan killing me, then leaving the body for Derrick to uncover. My fear and rage cranked up a notch. I needed to move, fast.

As the creature started toward the stairs, I flexed the muscles in my underside. Nothing happened. What an awful time for a block.

I tensed my entire body. Soon, spools of web shot forward like party streamers, coating Ryan’s legs. Those webs stretched out, elongating, as he scurried past the top step, only to get yanked back into the downstairs landing as if pulled by a bungee cord.

The bastard crashed against the side table with a heavy thud. A porcelain lamp fell to the ground and shattered while landscape paintings slid off the walls.

After righting himself, Ryan slashed through the webbing, which bought me enough time to move into position and let my stinger swing down.

Aware of what was happening, he stabbed upward at my midsection. The spines pierced my exoskeleton, but he couldn't yank them loose because the barbs became tangled with my insides. This left my stinger free to penetrate his thorax, again and again. Ten injections made his body go limp.

I’d only planned on pumping him full of toxins, but then my muscles suddenly contracted. A loud cry forced its way through my throat, one so loud a conscious Derrick would have heard it from miles away.

There came this intense, tingly sensation. And then my entire world came crashing down…


The next morning, Derrick wandered into the kitchen, later than usual. I kept one hand against my bandaged midsection as he grabbed two headache tablets from the cabinet.

“I think I’m coming down with something,” he said as he filled a glass of water, his voice tired and groggy.

Even without me uttering a single word, his head perked up. “Is everything okay? You’re shaking.” Quickly he crossed the room, covered my cheek with fierce little kisses.

Above our heads, Ryan’s corpse lay cocooned inside a web.

“What’s that sound?” Derrick asked.

I glanced up. The portion of webbing covering the thorax went up and down, pulsating rhythmically. Less than six hours after our encounter, and it had—almost—reached bursting point. This put me in a difficult position.

After finishing my coffee, I took a deep breath, laced my hands with Derrick’s, and sighed. “So, you know how we always talked about having kids?”



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t1_j8hyqv1 wrote

Spider babies! You'll save a ton by using webbing to swaddle, clothe, and diaper them. Just make sure they don't eat each other. Therapy costs will eat your savings.


t1_j8owrpq wrote

Oh gods, over 500 up votes. I think I just saved a possibly endangered spider shifter species. That's a lot of baby spiders


t1_j8ie276 wrote

You might just be the first spider I actually like. Just please don’t ever visit me in person, okay? We can be virtual friends.


t1_j8r4d4h wrote

Have you ever seen a jumping spider? I used to hate spiders, still kinda do, but I have 3 jumpers and I love them. I only handle 2 of the 3 because my wild caught one is a little jumpy(lol), and i hand feed them too. They're very easy pets and they don't bite, well, only if they feel life threatening pressure. They don't live that long though, so I'm not looking forward to losing them, my wild caught boy is obviously getting closer to his time and idk if I'm mentally prepared for what's coming. Never thought I'd have love like this for a spider, much less 3. Oops, I rambled. Sorry.


t1_j8w53hn wrote

Honestly, this is so true. I have fairly intense arachnophobia- sweating, shaking, the lot- after being bit as a small kid. But there's something about those wee little eyes and cute little tuffs of floof that jumping spiders have, and the way they watch you so intelligently. I hate the way spiders move, but there's something about jumping spiders quick little shuffles, idk, what it is, and the way they wave their front legs. They're cute. Really cute. And friendly seeming I guess? If a spider could ever seem friendly it would be them. Anyway, they're precious beans and I wouldn't mind them at all as pets, which is something I never thought I'd say about a spider ever. I'm glad to hear yours have a happy, loving home.


t1_j8w9ruw wrote

Thank you, i try to hang out with them every chance i get, especially feeding time. And yes they are very friendly, but some can be a bit skiddish like my wild caught who was caught as an adult, so its best to catch them when theyre still young(5th instar or so). They really are so cute and there are so many types in my state. I have 3 Phiddipus Audax spiders(the larger species), two males and one female, all three of them with different smiley shaped designs on their butts. Lol and I can handle and stare at them all day long. Never thought I'd coax a spider onto my hand and play with them, but here I am. If youre interested in finding one or 2, spring is coming so you could start searching your area, you should see what species your state has and go out with a clear plastic box so you can safely catch see what you've got. When I started that's how I did it, I'd catch, view with a magnifying glass, and release where i found it. It was a lot of fun and I'll be doing it this spring again. I highly recommend.


t1_j8iipj6 wrote

Awww... the pitter patter of little arachnid feet....


t1_j8jk5nv wrote

well, ure halfway pregnant and that seemed why ur body kinda goes wonky when u fight


t1_j8in15h wrote

Congrats on the new little bundles of joy! Sucks what had to be done to protect Derrick, but a spider's gotta do what a spider's gotta do


t1_j8ifo0x wrote

I’m so glad your shitty ex didn’t hurt you or your husband op! And congratulations on the babies!


t1_j8jlips wrote

I wonder how functional the disguise is. Is it looking perfectly like human, or is this poor copy of a homo sapiens? I suppose first option is the most possible, as someone has to go out and do things outside.


t1_j8im4d9 wrote

Awww. I wish the best for your rapidly-expanding family!


t1_j8k135l wrote

I know this isn't your responsibility or anything but if you could communicate to the rest of the spider community my extreme regret for the "humane relocation" practices of my youth. It took me a while to realize it but most spiders are courteous, quiet, polite and overall phenomenal roommates. I'm truly honored to share living space with any who wish it. Plus, most spiders can't afford their own apartments. (Due to the racist hiring practices of most businesses and these ridiculous rent prices.) I'd certainly want someone to have that type of mindset about me if the roles were reversed so it only seems right.


t1_j8jbh06 wrote

Honest mistake, happens to us all. Congrats to you and your hubby!


t1_j8l512n wrote

Sounds like it’s a combination of you loving him very much and also you fitting into the comfort of not being seen.


t1_j8lin62 wrote

Yep, Derrick's disability is indeed very convenient, and it is clearly being exploited on quite a few levels, which is pretty cruel to say the least.

But of course all the attention is on shitty toxic abusive Ryan because he wanted op to dress up every now and again...

Gotta love Reddit.


t1_j8mrvbu wrote

I think the 'make an effort' comment makes him seem like a jerk, but the reason he's a toxic X is probably the threatening to eat parts of OP's husband.

OP probably should have had a talk about how there is something he should know about her before getting married. I've never been in a cross species relationship before (that I know of) but I would probably be upset about keeping secrets that big.


t1_j92aerp wrote

She said his transformation is effortless in the story, implying hers takes more effort. Pretty sure that's what "dressing up" means; she's happier with Derrick because she doesn't have to put as much effort to look totally human


t1_j8jlj5p wrote

Well I mean I can't say the abusive jerk didn't deserve it


t1_j8ktu95 wrote

If you hang around waiting for the perfect time to have children, it will never come, congratulations on your clutch. If you ever need a babysitter hit me up, I’ve a degree in early childhood, a full dbs check and love many legged cuddles


t1_j8qrzt4 wrote

What a beautiful love story 🥹 Sometimes a family is you, your wife that is secretly a massive spider creature, and your 300 half-spider kids birthed from the corpse of your wife’s asshole ex.


t1_j8ihmbb wrote

So what happened?


t1_j9du2v9 wrote

Jilted spider lover came to kill spider girl's husband. Spider girl killed him and laid her eggs in his thorax to incubate - the issues she was having during the showdown seemed to be signs of labor. She girlbossed through contractions


t1_j8k6qua wrote

Sooo, how'd the conversation go with him? I'd love an update.


t1_j8l3wbd wrote

Please give us an update on the brood and hubby interacting with them; he's gonna be such an awesome dad and you will be an amazing mom. I'd absolutely love to hear more about your path to your hubby and his path to you, how you met and fell in love as well as your lives before each other. I'd lobe to hear it all..please share more!


t1_j9exfxy wrote

Now we need to know more about giant spiders, how muck giant sapient spiders are out there? İs there giant sapient bats, ants, bees e.t.c. or only spiders? Does government know? Do you have a spider kingdom under dirt somewhere? Can u speak spidderish? Can u command spiders? So many questions!!!


t1_j8uoz69 wrote

I might be biased because I kinda have a thing for spider ladies, but maybe he would be okay with finding out what you are? Also children are really bad at keeping secrets so you might wanna tell him before he finds out in a more alarming way. I would love a follow up!


t1_j8llrxt wrote

It must be really hard to type... Unless u also have arms? arms are cool, as long as they're still attached :)


t1_j8r4m5v wrote

So a game of Marco Polo ended with you and hubby in bed and you took the opportunity to put your babies inside your ex's corpse? That's unique. Lol where would they have been laid if the chance of killing the ex didn't present itself? In the basement?


t1_j9ek15n wrote

Not the spider being named Charlotte that wrapped someone in her web!!!


t1_j8pnrhe wrote

It’s just mood swings, are you on that time of the month, by chance?😊😊😊


t1_ja2w6ac wrote

Always those pesky bugists. Giant Spiders deserve love too.