Submitted by ByfelsDisciple t3_yam9gh in nosleep

Fuck me.

I married Alyssa because she was the archetype of my physical and emotional attraction: small, cute, unassuming, wouldn’t hurt a fly. Literally. A fly came into the kitchen once and landed on her food, so she made a second breakfast and ate it outside. She didn’t want to deny the insect a snack.

She’s great. Or was, I don’t know. This is why I don’t usually ask questions with difficult answers. We each have our own credit card accounts, then share a third. We don’t fight about money. It’s great.

Or it was great. Fuck, I don’t know what’s going on.

Okay, she likes this esoteric jeweler. The business is called Blood Milk for reasons I cannot fathom. The role of a good spouse is to support the weird shit we don’t understand with an attentive ear and an open heart. But I can never remember what pieces she already has, because each one is just categorized as “that strange thing” in my mind. So I looked up her browser and purchase history on her laptop while she was at yoga.

Bad idea.

Today I learned that my wife spends time online searching Lululemon, Blood Milk, Buddhism, tantric sex (yay), Mother Jones, NPR, Nature, “how long human decomposition lasts”, garden shears, “is cholorform real”, zip ties, hacksaws, bleach, lye, scrub brushes, shovels, “how long does it take a human to suffocate”, State Farm life insurance (which I get through my employer), and “how the killer fucked up on Serial podcast.”

It was so out of character for Alyssa that I genuinely believed the computer was in error. It was more likely that it had somehow read a different person’s browser history.

To put my mind at ease, I looked up her Chase account. She never told me her password, but I knew that it was “butterfly.” I can say this with certainty because I know my wife.

It revealed that she had recently purchased groceries from Vons, gas from Chevron, jewelry from Blood Milk ($191.30, let’s stick to a budget, Alyssa), dinner at Aro with a friend, a refund of $191.30 from Blood Milk (thank you for being reasonable), and a substantial amount spent at Ole’s hardware.

So I logged in to her Ole’s account. Again, “butterfly.” Again, I know my wife.

She had purchased garden shears, zip ties, hacksaws, bleach, lye, scrub brushes, shovels, gloves, and a 36” axe.

I leapt three inches from the chair and dropped a tiny turd nugget into my briefs when the doorbell rang at 8:00 p. m.

Yes, I peeked through the little hole in the door and hesitated for five minutes before opening it. I was hanging by a thread at this point. The whole “someone is just using my wife’s accounts and computer and THEY want to kill me” narrative was now flimsy at best.

But I finally opened it to reveal that a box had been delivered.

Damn. The guy’s job had him dropping shit off to strangers’ houses on a Friday night, probably for dirt pay. There’s a scary story.

I pulled in the delivery that had Alyssa’s name on it and closed the door. I told myself that it was fine to open her packages, specifically because I didn’t think her murder gear was inside.

Her murder gear was inside. I almost cut my finger on the hacksaw. Everything was exactly as described.

Except for the envelope. My instincts told me not to reach for the envelope, because I wouldn’t like what I found inside.

I opened it and did not like what I found inside. A thick stack of photos awaited me, and I looked through every one.

Pics of me driving to work. Pics of me at work. Pics of me driving home. Pics of me showering. Pics of me taking a shit.


The phone buzzed and I nearly had a heart attack. I gazed around at the dark house; who was here without my knowledge?

I looked at the message.

>Hi baby home in 15 mins. want anything from Vons?

What was I supposed to say? That I wanted a stabbing weapon, a mind eraser, or a new wife?

I hyperventilated into a paper bag for a few minutes before texting her back a brilliant response designed to throw her off:

>no thanx babe

That should buy me some time until I figure out what to do.

Because my wife will be home shortly. I can’t call the police for a crime that hasn’t happened yet. Confronting her would only accelerate her plans, and not confronting her desire to kill me will result in her killing me.

What do you suggest?

Because I hear her car in the driveway, and if I need to grab that axe, I should probably do it right now.






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CandiBunnii t1_itce04v wrote

My dude. You should have constructed the most difficult, convoluted grocery list of all time.

Bananas, a bunch of 5 with 2 unripe

Grapes, but with none loose in the bottom of the bag

Deli meat, freshly sliced to half the width of a finger nail and only complete perfect slices

Swiss cheese, each slice may only have 6 holes

1,913 organic coffee beans

Rachel Ray Nutrish refrigerated dog food (only If you don't actually have a dog)

Would have bought you enough time to get the absolute fuck out of there.

If you kill her there isn't enough proof it was self defense. You could have orchestrated the poop pictures, you clearly know her password so you could have searched those things yourself.

Welp, if she's never hurt a fly then you better start buzzing.


Supermarket_Haunting t1_ited7j9 wrote

> You should have constructed the most difficult, convoluted grocery list of all time.

>Bananas, a bunch of 5 with 2 unripe

>Grapes, but with none loose in the bottom of the bag

>Deli meat, freshly sliced to half the width of a finger nail and only complete perfect slices

>Swiss cheese, each slice may only have 6 holes

>1,913 organic coffee beans

>Rachel Ray Nutrish refrigerated dog food (only If you don't actually have a dog)

Then she really would want to kill him.


daishomaster t1_itef42x wrote

The mere mention of Rachel Ray inspires a murderous frenzy...


teapotoccamy t1_itfpo26 wrote

I'm having flashbacks of Uncle Roger losing his mind while she makes "pad Thai"


Wishiwashome t1_itf1p19 wrote

Always. Always a pleasure to hear your opinions. This would have given him a lot of time to think! And, of course, it would have given her time to think how much more she wanted him dead and all the Lululemon gear she was going to buy with the insurance money.


CandiBunnii t1_itf2t6w wrote

Always a delight to see yours!

True, yknow this seems awfully premeditated to be a crime of passion or a heat of the moment thing. I think this storm has been brewing for awhile, she likely has her reasons for wanting him dead.

OP appears to be a bit of an unreliable narrator, is he a perfectly innocent Cinnamonroll who can do no wrong?

Or is he a massive pain in the ass who has worn Alyssa's seemingly infinite patience thin?

Either way, I have a feeling she's gonna roll up to his funeral in her best Formal Lululemon attire and dripping in the most luxurious Blood Milk Jewelry money can buy.

Gotta admire a strong female lead


Wishiwashome t1_itjfi6g wrote

How do you ALWAYS know when I need another grand insight from my CandiBunnii friend? For certain, this is premeditated!


nykki_ross t1_itcvj18 wrote

Actually someone can be arrested for conspiracy to commit murder, so you CAN call the cops - you’ve got all the evidence


Wishiwashome t1_itf2zxc wrote

Brilliant. Feel bad for OP. I mean she shared her breakfast with a fly, but has no issue murdering OP, sawing his body up with a hacksaw, and even planning the decomposition? WTH!


petitsfilous t1_itcis9d wrote

Mr Burns pose in an armchair facing the door. As soon as she walks in, ask 'feeling murderous lately?'. A good wife will never lie. Godspeed.


flinty_hippie t1_itcd8ah wrote

It’s probably because you describe her and talk about her as if she’s a small child. RIP, OP.


CandiBunnii t1_itcjiyc wrote

Yknow whenever someone describes their SO as "perfect" or "the love of my life" it always makes me wonder if the SO feels the same way about them.

What are you bringing to the table, OP?


AkatsukiGaara t1_itd3tch wrote

Thats when u run. Dont foght back LOLL. Just book it and yeet urself to china. Then buy a ticket in china to japan. Dont buy two tickets and a connecting or she will find you. Buy one to china. Then from china to japan and live in oeace and learn karate or some shit lmfao. Way of bushido. This is a fight for ur life.


Reddd216 t1_itde9ea wrote

Hide her package of murder toys in the trunk of your car. If she asks about it, play dumb. Shouldn't be too much of a stretch.


kiwikoalacat7 t1_itdwkdg wrote



eleanorlikesvodka t1_itdvd2g wrote

>A fly came into the kitchen once and landed on her food, so she made a second breakfast and ate it outside. She didn’t want to deny the insect a snack.

Someone like that deserves to get murdered first smh


hypoxiate t1_itc94jq wrote

He who has the most (murder) toys wins.


GrippiestFam t1_itd20p6 wrote

Always the A names 💀


Alymae_B t1_itdk5wd wrote

As someone named Alyssa not all of us are bad 😂😂


Mercerskye t1_itfyz2s wrote

Exactly what an axe murdering psycho would say... 🤔


DirtyRead1337 t1_ite8xmw wrote

I would have repackaged the delivery and switched out the murder weapons with harmless items or slightly different versions of them. Instead of a 12 inch hacksaw a 6 or 3 inch hacksaw. Hair shears instead of gardening. Color safe chlorine free bleach, lime juice instead of lye. Murderous wives are very particular and the substituted items would really get under their skin. She would have to return the items and wait for a refund or reorder to arrive. Always such a hassle. That would buy you time. Also switch those photos of you with ones of her or a random stranger. Maybe even replaced them all with the play school toy versions.


whiskeygambler t1_itgcbxy wrote

Honestly just replace the whole package with a typed list saying that each item was unavailable and unable to be substituted


Wishiwashome t1_itf2f7t wrote

Folks, May I make a sincere suggestion? Let me preface this by saying I watch a YouTube channels and have for a long time, of a young Irish gentleman. He does true crime. He actually has a little music jingle for “life insurance policy “ as the reason for murder. My suggestion is; IF you have a policy, don’t tell ANYONE. They offer it at work? Leave it to your barista or mechanic or whomever.


Princesskhalifa89 t1_itefst1 wrote

Yeah, you should evacuate IMMEDIATELY! Go out the back door or a window right when she’s coming in, get in the car and GTFO of dodge! This is crazy AF but, I’m so here for it! Hope there’s a sequel!


CatrinaBallerina t1_itf0psj wrote

Also, change the beneficiary on your life insurance policy ASAP!


Smileforcaroline t1_ite2kz0 wrote

You think there’s someone else in your house?


PrettyNuts_C12 t1_itfncb6 wrote

Is there any chance OP want to murder his wife. And he posted this story first as self defense evidence


JoelMB12 t1_itdofqc wrote

Holy shit call the cops.


hansentyspy t1_ite1v6u wrote

And this is why we need to learn Jiu jitsu 😂. Triangle her before she gets to an axe lol


nejnonein t1_itfu42p wrote

Well, you absolutely can report a crime that hasn’t happened yet. ”My wife is planning to kill me”, with photos of that box’s content can probably give you some protection. And why wait around to die anyway? Not even flies do that.


_gamerllama t1_ite0cjf wrote

Grab the axe and if she tries anything you can kill her in self defense


CatrinaBallerina t1_itf0ly0 wrote

I mean, if you die you die, but at least investigators will be able to convict her based on her browser history and purchase alone?


rpnbrn t1_itg64lm wrote

Hard to prosecute without a victim/body... she was planning to dispose of his body, although I suspect this post is a rouse.


Iam_Iforgotmyname t1_itfaxyy wrote

u/Byfelsdisciple You can call cops for attempt to murder on you. And then call your wife and confront her on phone after locking the door, do not forgot to block the keyhole or put heavy stuff behind the door.


Prince_Polaris t1_ith1ho5 wrote

Holy shit just talk to your wife and ask her what's going on, seriously. Why would your WIFE need pictures of you at work and taking a shit and so on? She's your wife! She knows what you look like!

Something is going on here and you're probably BOTH in trouble. Think about it. Someone hires a hitman, what's the perfect cover story? Use the wife's shoddy account security to order the murder weapons to the target's house, break in the night after it's delivered, frame it as the crazy wife attacking her husband, who gets stabbed in self defense, nobody will even think that the two deaths are all set up...

Well. At least, that could be what happens. I wouldn't know.


Bright-Bug-9356 t1_itf4qdf wrote

Grab a knife from the kitchen and book it out the door. Find someone you can stay with, tell them, then call the cops when the doors are locked.


IronSnail t1_itfeac8 wrote

Wait till she goes to sleep, empty the accounts, run away to Grand Cayman.


dangeraardvark t1_itfkx3k wrote


> Damn. The guy’s job had him dropping shit off to strangers’ houses on a Friday night, probably for dirt pay. There’s a scary story.

Damn way to shit all over some random FedEx driver. You know what? Now I’m kinda glad you’re about to get axe murdered. Jerk.


Prince_Polaris t1_ith0m1n wrote

I'm pretty sure he's being sympathetic for the poor driver being overworked


GuiltyPleasures117 t1_itntyim wrote

Call the cops, keep her laptop & box. Or play dumb, if you can copy her history file. Txt her & tell her u have to leave house, make a believable reason. Go to cops. Show them the proof. Maybe they can fake your death & catch her. I seen a sitch on ID - different scenario-the wife hired a undercover cop to kill her husband. They faked his death, Etc. But fight whatever you do. Dont run.


morteamoureuse t1_itpajll wrote

My dude. You have all the murder gear. If someone should be afraid, it's her.


bethesda_glitch t1_itiexoi wrote

The scariest part was that she’s into lululemon.


Horrormen t1_itqhdex wrote

Get in ur car pack some necessary belongings and get far away op