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superkickpunch t1_j720m90 wrote

Nice try. I used this excuse when I tied a bunch of balloons to myself and hopped the fence at Area-51, had a clipboard and everything, they didn't buy it.


Matt1050 t1_j725qe6 wrote

We should send a civilian aircraft carrier for "research."

"Don't your citizens have these too?"


wwarnout t1_j726mt0 wrote

"Deviated from course" by 15,000 km?


t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_j72a1zd wrote

If this were a civilian construction the Chinese government would have likely shot it down themselves.


Mrmakanakai t1_j72bz7j wrote

Use that batplane balloon catcher attachment thingamabobber from Batman, dissect it then send it back.

Simple, really.


WhiteHelljumper t1_j72cgch wrote

Assuming it's a weather balloon, it's gonna just ride the wind until it eventually deflates. It's possible that it was supposed to deflate but didn't, and it drifted out over the ocean and they were like "guess it's gone forever." If they don't burst they can stay aloft for weeks, which would be plenty of time to drift from China to the US.

Edit: Appears the Pentagon has said it's not a weather device. They said it can maneuver, which I don't know much about balloons, but appears they do that by changing altitude, which doesn't seem like something that you'd bother have a weather balloon be able to do. Looking at the pics of it, it appears to have solar panels on it too.


AGripInVan t1_j72xbqx wrote

It was just Venus, guys.

You were attacking Venus.


No, sorry... That was Japan. Japan did that a long time ago.


WeOnlyCryAlone t1_j75j9rz wrote

Because they couldn't have asked the US for meteorological research...


froggythefish t1_j75qgy9 wrote

How is this oniony. It’s a weather balloon, the US has them too. It got blown over the north pole through Alaska and Canada. This isn’t that bizarre.


LigottiKnows t1_j75tukt wrote

I mean, doesn't that actually make sense? Why would you send in a spy balloon. That's like comically obvious.