XueShiLong t1_jafaw1i wrote
if he harasses people on the Santa Cruz Wharf, he'll end up swimming home.
wtfsafrush t1_jafb200 wrote
Mrs_Magooo t1_jafc9t7 wrote
Cookie Monster just hasn’t been himself since he went on his forced veggie diet. You’re not you when you’re hungry.
Manfrenjensenjen t1_jafce8e wrote
Forget him, it’s the grouchy green motherfucker who hangs out in trash cans you need to worry about.
boogermike t1_jafeonc wrote
Dude. Have a Snickers(doodle)
shahooster t1_jafexn9 wrote
Kookie Monster
goliathfasa t1_jafic2j wrote
Uncrumbled Cookies
Dr-Retz t1_jafl6ul wrote
Well,now I have to.
GetEquipped t1_jafz77y wrote
Maybe he's grouchy because he lives in a fucking trash can!
paul-d9 t1_jag4hms wrote
But who will Kevin James play?
wagmorebarkles t1_jag85h2 wrote
He wants coooooookie!
peebo_sanchez t1_jagbrg9 wrote
Get it together grouch. Get a job grouch
Good_Nyborg t1_jagf1r8 wrote
That's good enough for me.
Heywhatsupitsmeguys t1_jagkd9n wrote
Haha very funny……Trotsky.
paul-d9 t1_jahoeb2 wrote
A fellow person of culture
SilasX t1_jaihcaw wrote
“Don’t you sheep realize that Big Ag has been on a century-long campaign to convince Americans there’s nothing wrong with heavy consumption of sugars?!?”
‘Cookie Monster, you’re not you when you’re hungry. Have a snickers.’
“C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me!”
InternetPeon t1_jaf7ac7 wrote
If Adam Sandler doesn’t make a movie about this I will be truly disappointed.