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tysontysontyson1 t1_jbfiube wrote

This is definitely not going to destroy the human race. Definitely.


Warpedlogic31 t1_jbfj29s wrote

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should" - Dr. Malcolm


victordudu t1_jbfj4mg wrote

the VICOD-20, soon on every fucking door. comes with it's set of vaccines.


charface1 t1_jbflhm1 wrote

Did they say, "Wake up, sleepyhead", or just poke it with a science stick?


Dirtyspaceman69 t1_jbfm1pv wrote

Nothing good will come of this. Quick pint in the Winchester may be needed


Zuliano1 t1_jbfonw0 wrote

Its rude to wake up someone like this


DebiMoonfae t1_jbfsxjs wrote


That’s the beginning of a zombie movie .

Edit: a letter because i always end up typing if when trying to type of .


artful_nails t1_jbfxzj7 wrote

Just great. Next they'll crossbreed it with Rabies and Covid-19. Maybe a bit of Ebola for that 28 ___ Later look?


MeanGreanHare t1_jbgqdme wrote

How do they know it's a zombie virus?

Sounds like they made the virus themselves and were sloppy with the logic of the cover-up story.


MuckRaker83 t1_jbgykqk wrote

Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure


Friendly_Try6478 t1_jbhrg4o wrote

The thought of all of humanity, with its massive growth and history and technological advances, being completely wiped out by single celled organisms, is so ironic yet romantic


he77bender t1_jbhxvkf wrote

As several people here have already pointed out, and as was mentioned in the article, the permafrost is already melting. This research is being conducted BECAUSE people are concerned about viruses thawing out and becoming infectious again. They're looking to see where the viruses are, what kinds we'd be dealing with, and whether they even would still be viable after so long (as this test determined, the answer is at least sometimes yes, which is good to know!). And the article also specifies it's a virus that only infects amoebas - they specifically chose it because they didn't want to risk reviving anything that could spread to people or animals.

Everyone's so eager to believe scientists don't know what they're doing, I stg. I blame Michael Crichton.


AricBergren t1_jbi86rs wrote

Probably the same scientists that created a black hole to see what would happen. They ran out of safe ideas.


Ramja9 t1_jbiipyy wrote

Project zomboid prepared me for this


rationalhippy t1_jbiqvww wrote

These viruses are going to revive anyway with the thawing of the permafrost due to global warming. It's a great idea to do research on them so we can prepare for what's coming and not get blindsided.


NolChannel t1_jbleqd3 wrote

Scientist does normal research in a well-controlled environment.

Masses freak out because the word "Virus" is in headline.