Submitted by AkaGurGor t3_11sselu in nottheonion
SelectiveSanity t1_jcfx0jz wrote
I'm mean is anyone really surprised a creature from the Jurassic was found at Walmart?
Its the only place that would hire a retiree so they could afford their prescriptions.
slantastray t1_jcg2u6o wrote
Did it have Jurassic-Era sweatpants?
Nameuser000001 t1_jcg5h8l wrote
5cm ain't huge
Keynova81 t1_jcg62l5 wrote
How is Sarah Huckabee?
jordantask t1_jcg75cs wrote
Oh man the greeters be old.
TheRealJulesAMJ t1_jcg9xxy wrote
Are those the ones made by dinosaures or decorated with rhem?
TheRealJulesAMJ t1_jcgaipr wrote
Almost a sith master
Uncle_Bug_Music t1_jcgb55p wrote
I’ve seen sizes that would suggest they absolutely do.
not_that_planet t1_jcghia6 wrote
So Arkansas being regressive isn't just rhetorical...
hfiti123 t1_jcghlzq wrote
Ah the life cycle on this post from last month has refreshed.
dmmagill t1_jcghsji wrote
Further proof that evolution works in reverse at Walmart.
TrashMammal84 t1_jcghxz7 wrote
Except customer service.
mehwars t1_jcgi8i8 wrote
Their associates are trying their best
mehwars t1_jcgihdk wrote
Jokes on you, the Empire did nothing wrong
mehwars t1_jcgip2p wrote
OdouO t1_jcgjt6q wrote
and a living wage
OdouO t1_jcgk09l wrote
Anerky t1_jcglf3g wrote
A lacewing is normally 8mm according to google so that’s a little more than 6x bigger
Clobber420 t1_jcgmlum wrote
The Filipino workers at my WM are super nice tbh
SuperGuitar t1_jcgndua wrote
Price $29.96
turg5cmt t1_jcgo73z wrote
Arkansas is actually going back in time.
tennesseean_87 t1_jcgoelt wrote
Where else…
MoMedic9019 t1_jcgoetl wrote
BulljiveBots t1_jcgqmfv wrote
It's pretty old. Was it a greeter?
DisasterTimes t1_jcgr2er wrote
This was in their fresh produce area…
BOSS-3000 t1_jcgru9k wrote
Almost as old as this repost.
whistlingbutthole4 t1_jcgt4jl wrote
There needs to be studies done on Walmart parking lots affecting the migratory patterns of birds. I’m convinced this is screwing up the planet.
CoupleTechnical6795 t1_jcgusvq wrote
Arkansas needs to come into the modern age.
MattDLR t1_jcgxphw wrote
Bet you some fatty squashes it with her mobility scooter
[deleted] t1_jcgxzsy wrote
Vergenbuurg t1_jcgzico wrote
[insert phallic joke here]
Throw-a-Ru t1_jcgzwc8 wrote
I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
Cinema_King t1_jch0ng3 wrote
Am I too late to make a joke about Walmart customers?
Thatsayesfirsir t1_jch3knk wrote
Fn Arkansas no less. But of course
Brohamiosse t1_jch4rwf wrote
Hey 5cm is about average
Chaos668 t1_jch5c1p wrote
Jumanji at it again
suid t1_jch6vun wrote
Or, you know, it could have hitched a ride in a container or something..
zachisonreddit t1_jch6xeu wrote
Except birth control
goinmobile2030 t1_jch6zr3 wrote
... working check out aisle 3.
I_Stabbed_Jon_Snow t1_jch98f6 wrote
Half of her is happy, the other half looks either angry or dead in turns.
Strider_A t1_jchc9je wrote
That’s one old bug.
Mandos_Over_Landos t1_jchpa17 wrote
Was it on rollback?
Miserable-Many-6507 t1_jchrf3c wrote
The First and the last.
Ryanbro_Guy t1_jchufrz wrote
Walmart truly has everything.
KimJongIlSunglasses t1_jchxpew wrote
Open the door, get on the floor, everybody wear the dinosaur.
[deleted] t1_jci25pr wrote
8urfiat t1_jciltny wrote
Or a human cashier.
Mental_History6066 t1_jcinai0 wrote
Di-no dna
thesheeplookup t1_jciomwt wrote
Finds incredibly rare insect and kills it. :(
sometimes_Oblivious t1_jcitgp1 wrote
He and his little friends are making poly juice potion...and, believe me, I'm going to find out why!
goliathfasa t1_jciz32n wrote
And my axe.
NoWayNotThisAgain t1_jcj3uga wrote
I knew Arkansas was stuck in the past, but I thought it was Jim Crow past, not Jurassic past.
moosenazir t1_jcj8zcc wrote
Technically he crucified it.
starwarsgeek8 t1_jcjj5ea wrote
I really hope this isn't a real-life inverse plotline of A Sound of Thunder's butterdragonfly effect.
Futants_ t1_jcof7k8 wrote
Rollback personified
AkaGurGor OP t1_jcu176r wrote
Repost? Where, please?
willstr1 t1_jcfo7q6 wrote
Man, Walmart really does have everything