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Ground2ChairMissile t1_jcyj1pd wrote

Remember that dumb Disney movie from the 90s, Blank Check? A kid gets into some hijinks with a mobster and gets a million bucks, then blows it on things like a mansion and a birthday party?

That kid grew up and owns Twitter.


hops4beer t1_jcyosdl wrote

Oh yeah, the Disney movie where Karen Duffy sexually assaults a child. I remember that.


SpecialEdShow t1_jcypa9h wrote

I forget, how far did it go? Did she kiss him? I know they went on a date. What a ridiculous movie.


hops4beer t1_jcyr8ee wrote

She was grooming him for his money and then she kissed him at the end. Super weird and gross.


Dorp t1_jd0siq9 wrote

No she was an FBI agent investigating the money laundering of the main villain. Still gross to kiss a kid though.


root_over_ssh t1_jcyy9fw wrote

He was a little boy he probably enjoyed it

Just because too many haven't been getting it lately: /s


TotallyInOverMyHead t1_jczra67 wrote

i wonder if you got the downvotes for the /s


root_over_ssh t1_jd090ql wrote

Apparently they didn't understand why I had to include the /s


FM-101 t1_jd2pccd wrote

Or maybe people just dont like pedophile jokes?


Azudekai t1_jd0cc58 wrote

I hope he got his luckiest boy on earth award.


DogfishDave t1_jczzm4e wrote

>the Disney movie where Karen Duffy sexually assaults a child

Wait 'til you see Big, the 12 year old played by Tom Hanks has sex with an adult character. It seemed a bit weird even at the time and I'm sure that storyline wouldn't be written nowadays.


Lurlex t1_jd01lrv wrote

To be fair, the actual adult in that fictional narrative had no idea. It looked like adult Tom Hanks, and acted like a lot of men in their twenties — exactly the same way that a 13-year-old acts. :-)


DogfishDave t1_jd02u7i wrote

>To be fair, the actual adult in that fictional narrative had no idea.

Indeed, and the revelation was a deliberate part of the storyline.

I don't know if I was really putting the blame on the fictional character or on the real-world writers 😂


fotomoose t1_jd1vd7h wrote

To be fair, fictional characters are fictional, real-world writers are real. It's pretty clear where the blame lies.


BurtonGusterToo t1_jd213xy wrote

It's weird how every single person who ever viewed this movie is currently in this sub.
