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mirddes t1_jd1hm8e wrote

terf is a slur used against people trans activists disagree with.

no one self identifies as terf.


MaievSekashi t1_jd1jjcc wrote

OK terf

Y'all just don't have the courage to own your own term now that it's a dirty word because you all look like bigots without a new term to scurry under.


nightraindream t1_jd2ddoh wrote

Tbf to them they are a conservative man, they're definitely not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination. They're just your common garden transphobe.


mirddes t1_jd1jozi wrote

so sluring people is perfectly acceptable? what a bigot.


TransFormAndFunction t1_jd1md5e wrote

TERF isn't a slur, you dumbasses coined the phrase yourself.

And besides that, there is no such thing as a slur against an ideology. Slurs are words that are used against people based on innate traits, like orientation, gender, race, ability. Your GC/TERF ideology is a learned hatred. You sound like a White Nationalist throwing a fit for being called a Nazi, and calling Nazi a slur. It's not a slur.

Racists tell us all the time they aren't racist.

TERFs tell us all the time they aren't TERFs.

Deal with it TERF


mirddes t1_jd1muw1 wrote

affirming biological realities and objecting to being called derogatory slurs is not an ideology of hate.

but the accusations of hatred you spew is surely fueled by hate.

and whilst it was feminists who coined the term TERF, it was so they could call the other feminists TERFs for not agreeing with them. google it.


MaievSekashi t1_jd1rmy0 wrote

> but the accusations of hatred you spew is surely fueled by hate.

"You're hateful for pointing out my hatred!" is shit straight out of the evangelical playbook, you sound like literally any old hatemonger

Your sophistry is fooling nobody and it's highly doubtful you even believe the shit you're spewing yourself, this is bad spin.


Apophthegmata t1_jd1o0dw wrote

  1. This article is about a single author who does not self-identify as a TERF. Nowhere does it raise the claim that no one self identifies as a TERF. The term only even appears twice, once in the first paragraph and once in the last paragraph

  2. The author does identify as a "radical feminist," (the RF of TERF) and merely states that they do not identify as trans exclusionary.

Importantly, they don't identify as cis, despite being a man who is biologically male and "identifies as having an XY chromosome." - which is what the term cis describes. The reason they reject this nomenclature is because they feel that a man identifying as male can only do so by adopting patriarchal attitudes about what masculinity is, and Feminism as a movement ought to be post-gender.

  1. And TERF is a pretty weird-ass thing to identify as. It's a description of a person based upon the effects of their actions. People are welcome to disagree with that description - this person appears to do so - but whether or not you identify as a TERF does not determine whether you are, or are not, a TERF. Lots of characteristics are socially conferred upon individuals, like "being cool" or "being mean." Whether you are or are not cool is not up to you. It's up to literally everyone else. It isn't up to you whether or not you are respecting other people or their boundaries. It's up to them.

If everyone you know says that you aren't cool, you aren't, no matter how much you protest. Unlike "being cool," trans exclusionary politics has some very specific and objectively verifiable measures. "Are trans women women?" is a fairly easy litmus. And the rejection of the question with "identifying as a woman (under patriarchy) is to identify with patriarchy-determined social structures and therefore I identify as an individual with XX chromosomes" - as this author seems to be doing - is frankly such bullshit.

Just because you reframe the question so that it no longer mentions trans people, that doesn't mean it doesn't, practically speaking, exclude trans people, or put their civil and human rights in jeopardy.

  1. This article lays out a very vague defense about how some unspecified other people like to criticize the author on unspecified points regarding policies and the author does not even state where they fall on a number of policy positions regarding trans people.

One might expect, in an article trying to argue that the author is not a TERF, an explanation of how the author's stances and actions don't in fact exclude trans people.

We don't get that. Instead we get a very "just asking questions" vibe and a list of topics that the author thinks is worthy of concern like bathroom use, gendered athletics, "publicly funded surgical removal of healthy tissue," etc. And then a vague and general complaint about how unspecified other people sometimes treat the author's viewpoints as not worthy of discussion or consideration.

Racists don't need to identify as racist to be one. And if I read a comment that said "No-one self-identifies as racist" I'd be inclined to agree, given the morally-laden weight of the accusation. For the same reason they don't identify as xenophobic; they disagree with the terminology, especially the superficial characteristics of the word (I'm not afraid of immigrants), not the behavior which the term describes.

But if that comment, to support the fact that no-one identifies as racist, linked an article about how one specific individual doesn't self-identify as racist for specific personal reasons, and then used that time not to argue why their position isn't racist, but instead to complain about how other people are using words inaccurately....well, I wouldn't take that poster very seriously either.

In any case, this publication doesn't appear to be an unbiased source. The founder and editor of Feminist Current "self-identifies" as exiled in Mexico , a move from Canada to what she describes as a move to "freer pastures" (Mexico!) in...wait for it... 2021.

The actual author, Robert Jenson, doesn't appear to be a TERF in the way that people mean it when they describe someone like Rowling as a TERF. So I can understand why the author is upset.

This is like far-right conservatives getting upset when they're called Nazis because there were actual Nazis at their rallies despite they fact that they don't, personally, identify as a Nazi.

It's a problem of association.

But please don't come on Reddit and try to launder one university professor's personal beliefs on gender as if it supports the claim that TERF is a slur, or that no one identifies as a TERF.

Of course they don't. It's not a good thing to be. That doesn't mean, however, that they don't exist.


SilveredFlame t1_jd1nec5 wrote

Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe


mirddes t1_jd1nvrl wrote

so just more made up mean things to say, for an oppressed minority you sure seem to want to do the oppressing.

edit: since you blocked me... i'll reply here

i am guilty of genociding your people, because i dont want to parrot your talking points, and because i object to being called irrational slurs.

and because i have objected, i am automatically included in the camp of your opposition.

we all have the right to voice our opinions, and voice our ideological disgreements.

you should be more careful about slandering bystanders lest you lose all your allies.


SilveredFlame t1_jd1o9zy wrote

Nothing mean about what I said. It's true.

Anti trans bigots appropriate Feminist rhetoric and behave as reactionaries, and it's all rooted in transphobia.

DARVO ain't gonna play friend. We're not trying to erase you from existence.

Your side is literally calling for our complete eradication.

A difference of opinion is for things like whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza. Not for whether or not people have a right to exist.

You're upset because people are calling you out for being a hateful bigot. We're upset because people are literally engaging in genocide against us.


Drew9900 t1_jd2avwc wrote

you are quite possibly one of the most sickening people.

Actively trying to seek out injustice when only pointed at yourself, unable to realize the injustice you directly cause others to experience.

When you act like a bitch, you get treated like a bitch.

And so thus, I call you a bitch.



ChuckFeathers t1_jd2lil9 wrote

Nobody identifies as bigot either and yet the term very accurately applies to many.