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seti_m t1_iv391fr wrote

I bet it happened on a Monday. Sounds like Monday luck.


ean5cj t1_iv3b0uz wrote

Their car's had enough...


i-opener t1_iv3b3of wrote

>The 45-year-old had stepped out of her car in a residential area in St Gallen in northeastern Switzerland, probably in order to get something out of the boot, regional police said, according to the Swiss news agency ATS.

>But then the car, which was on a slight slope, began rolling backwards.

>The woman had attempted in vain to stop the vehicle, before falling to the ground and was run over a first time.

>The car had then rammed into another vehicle and rebounded back in the opposite direction, running over the woman a second time, police said.

>But the car then hit a sidewalk, sending it back towards the woman and running her over a third time, before finally hitting a wooden barrier and coming to a halt.

THAT is some motherfuckin' looney tunes shit! Are they rebooting Christine or something??


mariegriffiths t1_iv3gg0q wrote

I know a guy that was run over by hus own vehicle but just the once.


fieryblender t1_iv3layt wrote

This has to be a world record of some kind.


pyky69 t1_iv3lzyf wrote

I actually have done this to myself; not three times but have run myself over with my own car. Luckily I was driving a Smart car lol.


fogdukker t1_iv434j3 wrote

There has to be video of this...this is the internet!


exb165 t1_iv4ictx wrote

Here's my question... if this happened to you, would you ever tell this story to anyone? If so, how?


futureformerteacher t1_iv4lph5 wrote

I've only run myself over twice with my own vehicle. And that was on different occasions.


Salarian_American t1_iv4n6wv wrote

For fun, I tried to imagine how this happened before reading the article. The best I could do was that someone fell out of their car immediately after driving over the edge of a large half-pipe.

But the actual story is actually more ridiculous.


Inconceivable-2020 t1_iv6i0wt wrote

That's an awful lot of defiance of the laws of physics for one car.