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t1_iwok9os wrote

But completely ignores the Zombies, it is an important political group.


t1_iwplpxk wrote

Republicans have secured the zombie vote. There's no point in committing resources to a core demographic.


t1_iwsr904 wrote

It's sad they propped him up like that. Herschel Walker's image will never recover. The republicans know he's dumb as fucking rocks, though mostly because they think that about all black people. And anyone else who ever had a shred of respect for him will lose it. At least he has kids.


t1_iwpma70 wrote

I’m totally picturing a What We Do In The Shadows style campaign meet-up now with his zombie, ghoul and vampire constituency.


t1_iwpq5tv wrote

That'd make for a funny season, US style elections in WWDITS.


t1_iwpqdgm wrote

That’s actually brilliant. A vampire making an I’ll-conceived run for governor but ends up getting further than expected and not knowing what to do.


t1_iwpwqtw wrote

He would probably think The Walking Dead is a documentary.

"Like I was watching a story on this great state of Georgia and did you know you we had to like fight Zombies? I thought it was really cool how they just keep on comin, kinda like me when I played ball. Like why don't they stop? And they seem to not waste anything, like why don't we eat people? There are so many. You know some people look like they could actually be good. I once heard it's like pork. I actually really like pork..I think I would make a good Zombie."


t1_iwsdniu wrote

What about Frankensteins, Herschel? WHAT ABOUT FRANKENSTEINS?



(Don't go nerdy on me, I know it's the Frankenstein monster. A piece of fiction, rather like werewolves and vampires.)


t1_iwsp69g wrote

Yes, the ever-expanding, yet largely neglected zombie demographic. Should they all turn out on election day, there could be a massive shift in America's political orientation.

Possibly due to propaganda, though more likely due to nibbling on opponents.