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t1_ixhpt5i wrote

They already have a priority.

Its called flashing lights and sirens.

MOVE THE F*&& OVER for emergency vehicles.

I bet people moving over would reduce the travel times even more. Pay for this kind of upgrade by installing dash cams in all emergency vehicles and fining EVERY SINGLE vehicle that doesn't move over soon enough. If the camera clearly gets your plate and you are the car directly in front of the emergency vehicle.... here's your fine.


t1_ixi1j32 wrote

It's not realistic to have thirty or so cars that are all stopped at a red light to make way for an ambulance. I've seen them drive around stuck tragic by driving in the opposing directing lanes, but that is risky. Letting emergency vehicles switch the green to their direction, it allows the stopped cars to move forward and find room to pull over.


t1_ixi3kz2 wrote

How is it not realistic to have them move over?

Also.. do you really think Winnipeg has 30+ cars sitting at any one stop light at any time? let alone all on the same side?


t1_ixi5vx7 wrote

Think they’re talking about cases where it’s packed. Cars are closer together when they stop than when they’re moving. There might not be room to move over.


t1_ixi6zgh wrote

>Cars are closer together when they stop than when they’re moving. There might not be room to move over.

Well that is the problem then.

You should always leave room to move over. Being too close is how grid lock happens when one car has an issue and becomes immobile.

But the car in front moves forward and to the shoulder a bit and everyone else does the same.


t1_ixjfodd wrote

"X is how gridlock happens!"

I'll be sure to tell H.P. Movinstuff, the guy in charge of those things.


t1_ixla0w6 wrote

If everyone leaves room to move over, stopped traffic takes up the entire road anyway and the ambulance can never get through.

You think multiple lanes of traffic can all fit in the shoulder, which is generally smaller than one of the lanes? It's not physically possible--and that's where there is a shoulder at all.

And still not helpful at all for cars stopped at a red light who have nowhere to go. Cars can't just move sideways, they always have to go forwards unless they're moving backwards.


t1_ixm8te2 wrote

They can’t move directly sideways. They need to move at least partly forward to move.

Changing the lights is a great idea, because all the cars that are in the way now have room to move forward so they can pull over.


t1_ixid3us wrote

It's not that easy when it's people already waiting for a red light.


t1_ixifgan wrote

Why isn't it easy?

You should never stop so close to the car in front that you cant move over.

So if people drove properly... it would be just fine.

I know that people don't drive correctly, but that is a different issue entirely.


t1_ixihsnc wrote

If you are standing still moving a meter to the right is a lot harder than when you are driving.

Not to mention that you can not discount the fact that people don't drive properly.


t1_ixj4r3h wrote

At some intersections, cars will stack twenty back on all lanes before the light gives them right of way. The logistics of moving them aside would take longer than just waiting for it to change.

This proposal is to add systems which change the light when an emergency vehicle approaches, so the issue never had to come up in the first place.

Edit: Also there needs to be space to the side to move the car. Doesn't matter how much space you leave in front for turning if all ways are obstructed.