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lostsurfer00 t1_j6lajz6 wrote

Killing whales to fill their trash vending machines.


Gatherel t1_j6lam5r wrote

I take it you only eat plants?


lostsurfer00 t1_j6laumn wrote

Of course not. We dont breed whales though in a way that gives us a crazy supply to chomp and enjoy. Use your brain you dummy.


Gatherel t1_j6lb1gx wrote

Do you breed deers or are people who hunt them also savages?


ApatheticWithoutTheA t1_j6lwva3 wrote

Deer are overpopulated and hunting licenses account for that 🤦‍♂️

Hence why you can only kill so many a year and tag them.


lostsurfer00 t1_j6lbfx5 wrote

I don't eat deer. Like me a good chicken or steak though. I'm all for sustaining healthy populations with hunting species that can cause issues to the ecosystem when the numbers get out of control. Hunting season is a great process for sustaining healthy population levels. Again, use your brain dummy.


Matt1050 t1_j6leo8u wrote

"I'm not ok with hunting animals unless we capture them and breed them incessantly to the point where a majority of their species lives in their own feces and stands shoulder to shoulder with its kin waiting until it's fat enough to die for us"

How in the fuck is hunting more cruel than industrial livestock? Would you rather be killed fleeing for your life out in the wild or you and your entire species be born into a prison filled with an inch deep of feces to wait to be eaten?

Your perspective is nonsensical and idiotic.

Edit: btw, if whales were bred in captivity as an industrial source of meat, you can guarantee breeders would artificially select traits effectively genetically engineering them into a new subspecies. There are almost no wild cows, dogs, or chickens anymore because they're near extinction levels. But that's better right?


ContemplatingPrison t1_j6lumym wrote

Being animals to kill them isn't any better. But whatever you need to do to justify the torment you cause living animals


Gatherel t1_j6lc40b wrote

See it’s easy to make a half assed argument when you don’t know anything. People all around the world eat different things for different reasons. In India a lot of people don’t eat beef because they consider it a sacred animal. There are vegans who don’t eat any animal products because they consider it cruelty. It’s easy to look at something you don’t understand or like and judge people for it without having any understanding on the topic. It’s hard to look at what others do and try to understand, and I get it, it’s a pain, but if you want to get out of your shell and understand the world a little better you can always do it. Here’s a recent video on eating dolphin meat if you feel comfortable dropping the name calling and doing something productive.

Edit: Also it could be argued that beef isn’t as sustainable as it is touted to be given the amount of methane gas they produce that isn’t managed. But hell, what do I know.

All that being said, I love all kinds of food, but you’ll never get me to eat bugs.


RuadhriO t1_j6lwh8n wrote

I think that there's a huge difference between not eating meat or certain animals and eating an endangered species with an increasingly diminishing population due to hunting that is illegal to kill and sell in most of the rest of the world.


lostsurfer00 t1_j6lcmmr wrote

I can have an opinion online and so can you. If somone from India thinks I'm a savage for eating a cow so be it and that person is entitled to that opinion and that's fine. The Japanese are savages for continuing to slaughter whales. I can have that opinion and its OK. You're the only one offended here you dummy. I'm not going to watch your video.


Gatherel t1_j6ld0cn wrote

Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. But an opinion does not overwrite a fact and neither can an asshole. Don’t get them confused.


lostsurfer00 t1_j6ldd4w wrote

Oh I'm not. My opinion is valid. You're the asshole dummy.


squatting_your_attic t1_j6lcnj0 wrote

Damn, that was some good scolding.


lostsurfer00 t1_j6ld8ce wrote

No it wasn't. There's sustainably eating animals and non-sustainably eating animals. It's my opinion a group of ppl non-sustainably killing a species are savages. Nothing is going to change my opinion of that.


Matt1050 t1_j6lfay3 wrote

"I will never change my opinion" you sound like a very open minded and reasonable individual.