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SelectiveSanity t1_j4lx3xu wrote

Here's a pic of the Statue.

Just because you are creative, doesn't mean your work can't suck. Especially if it completely loses context with what its supposed to represent.


z0mbiepete t1_j4mcdvh wrote

Yo. That IS a big old dick, man.


Woodpeckinpah123 t1_j4mo31t wrote

I didn't get the dick comparisons until I saw it from this angle. Holy bronzed hogs, Batman.


danathecount t1_j4mhss7 wrote

Is that a giant turd?


ja_maz t1_j4nd5qz wrote

Why did you make milk’s statue a giant turd/dick?

Ah but you’re talking about it!


TrumpetSC2 t1_j4mpmcu wrote

The idea for the sculpture is actually really cool but only if its like a small table piece so you can see what it is. The way it is you only see the weirdness and dont see what it actually is (two pairs of arms entwined)


Rosebunse t1_j4o6p4v wrote

This might actually explain why it was made. It's likely anyone only saw the beginning, smaller model, which might actually look quite nice.


Thomas_JCG t1_j4migq1 wrote

Should just make a life-like statue of King, those seldom go wrong and everybody likes it.


SelectiveSanity t1_j4mnkbr wrote

Better yet, if Dr King was ever in Boston for an event or what not, and they have pictures of him there, pose him in the most fitting manner from one of those hypothetical pictures.


IkaKyo t1_j4npp8u wrote

They did this from a picture of him and his wife there hugging. shit you not, well except the one being held.


Luke_Orlando t1_j4pmooq wrote

So yeah if you pick the worst possible angle, taken with a wide angle lense, from what looks like an elevated position... It will look like trash.

I'm not saying it's good, but using a single photo to represent the sculpture is dishonest.

Look at some more natural pictures and judge for yourself.


LSDTigers t1_j52psdt wrote

Nah I was there looking at it two days ago; it still looks like a someone holding a dick from multiple angles.


patienceisfun2018 t1_j4lu1t1 wrote

>"When it came out, a little boy pointed out — 'That's a p****!' and everyone was like, 'Yo, that's a big old d***, man'," he told Compact.

>"If you had showed that statute to anyone in the 'hood, they'd have been like, 'No, absolutely not'."

Early running for quote of the year LMFAO


casmith12 OP t1_j4lqpnm wrote

Scott's cousin, Seneca Scott, slammed the statue saying it was "masturbatory."

"When it came out, a little boy pointed out — 'That's a p****!' and everyone was like, 'Yo, that's a big old d***, man'," he told Compact.


InflamedLiver t1_j4lyghe wrote

Yeah, I feel like this was the artist more making this about themselves then about King


Obtuse_Symposium t1_j4mmyry wrote

That's gotta be the funniest sentence that I've ever heard relayed in the news.


CitizenCobalt t1_j4m0o70 wrote

Huh...they're not wrong. That is one ugly statue. It says it's supposed to be the arms and shoulders of the couple, but even knowing that, it looks like it's just arms holding up a penis. Or a sea critter that was found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, brought to the surface, went all blob-like, and is probably going to be known as the cockfish.


dang_envy t1_j4mf7la wrote

309 pounds and 10 million dollars of masturbatory metal.


TsT2244 t1_j4mwv21 wrote

At first I thought it was racially motivated, now that I’ve seen a picture I can agree that IS the ugliest thing ever


MaricLee t1_j4n1dic wrote

2023 might bring the most unification to America in a long time. All through the hatred of a MLK statue, and Velma from Scooby Doo. And not for the reasons people think!


i81u812 t1_j4m5unq wrote

That's uhh. Pretty bad.


Fomentor t1_j4m8irl wrote

“Titled "Embrace," the 20-foot high statue was unveiled in Boston on Saturday, January 14, in the U.S.' oldest city park, Boston Common. Weighing 309 pounds, the statue sits on the site where the civil rights leader gave a speech on April 23, 1965.”

Regardless of whether it is ugly or not, how can a 20 foot high statue weigh only 309 pounds? Is it made out of marshmallow? If so, it’ll take care of itself after a couple of rains.


Majestic_Electric t1_j4mibgl wrote

It would be so much better if they included their heads. That’s literally all it needs!


Leiryn t1_j4mpstt wrote

Just because you're "creative" doesn't mean anything you create is any good at all.

Just remember this was not a one person process, multiple full grown adults looked at this and thought "Yup that looks great and is worth $10mil"


Ajg1384 t1_j4mnvhs wrote

I mean, the Harry Caray statue looks like a zombie with kids being burned alive. I still think it's the ugliest.


Car-face t1_j4o43qb wrote

Hahaha what the fuck?! Why are they growing out of his leg stumps?!?


Ajg1384 t1_j4o4pw8 wrote

If I were a Cubs fan, it would piss me off.


Rosebunse t1_j4o6hxu wrote

Oh...yes, this is worse than the penis monster statue. It's like he's being summoned out of their souls or something.


Ajg1384 t1_j4o9m6a wrote

It's terrifying and has probably made children cry on multiple occasions.


Zauberer-IMDB t1_j4mozmy wrote

From another angle it also looks like a guy with a head up his own ass. This statue is unacceptably bad.


zstandig t1_j4o27ye wrote

Didn't anybody check on it while it was being made?


Rosebunse t1_j4o69qc wrote

Fuck that, what about sketches? There should have been concept art of this thing which should have been seen before it even began to be built.


BillyCapable t1_j4lqvkt wrote

Have you seen it? This article is a good read, hilarious!


Tek_Freek t1_j4mpiy6 wrote

An "artist" designed this. They were taking a dump at the time.


Darklord_Bravo t1_j4o53wu wrote

I saw the post where a guy said it looked like someone holding Shaq's dong.

I couldn't disagree.

Melt it down and try again next year?


Pika256 t1_j4n6f3a wrote

I'd like to propose that all the statues of Robert E Lee are uglier, but for a different reason.


Prior_Weakness2469 t1_j4nftpq wrote

looks like someone holding a big terd.. i have a dream that one day i can shit brown black


Caladex t1_j4ni4t5 wrote

Seriously, it looks like some kind of Lovecraftian entity or a Biblical angel and not in a good way. It’s beyond our comprehension and vaguely grotesque. It doesn’t do MLK Jr justice.


realdonaldtrumpsucks t1_j4ns8dw wrote

It’s not good.

And it’s certainly bad given who it’s to be a tribute to.


Rosebunse t1_j4o632s wrote

It reminds me of the giant penis monster


SurroundTiny t1_j4ok5v9 wrote

I looked it up. A terrorist group wouldn't call and take credit for it. God awful....


pokemomof03 t1_j4p3c8i wrote

Nah still not as bad as the Nathan Bedford Forrest statue . The artist is Jack Kershaw who was James earl rays lawyer and a proud white supremacists.

The MLK one looks sorta better if you see it from a different angle. Like you can kinda tell its two arms hugging. But wow this one angle super unflattering.


MadeFromNews t1_j4pglti wrote

When you compare this to other status in the US and around the world, then you’ll see how terrible this looks.


Environmental-Job515 t1_j4qffbe wrote

I genuinely give artists great latitude and I’ll give this artist respect for their due from a creative point. Remember the reaction to the Vietnam Memorial and I think now that people have opened their minds it has become the most powerful of memorials. Not all agree but I think most. What I want to know about the MLK statue is HOW $10 MILLION!!!! The land was free! So let’s see an itemized receipt!!! Someone made a killing somewhere. That is the outrage here.