[deleted] t1_j5iyusu wrote
coincrazyy t1_j5j2qm6 wrote
Big sausage doesn’t care about the little guy. Just type porn into google. Half of it is videos where they can’t afford women!? Where’s that funding coming from!? Big sausage
GetlostMaps t1_j5j5evu wrote
I wish someone did this to me. I'll put a little bell on my mailbox so I can get to it while it's still hot.
Quirky-Ad5417 t1_j5j7wjm wrote
I had an annual trip with the guys. Someone would always bring a Pono mag. On the way home, we stick it in this guy's mailbox. Once a year, same mailbox. Always wondered what the effect was.
bilateralrope t1_j5jddw7 wrote
Don't overlook the last line of the article:
>The Mad Butcher - Sir Peter Leitch, who is a Waiheke resident - says he has never heard of the incidents and has yet to be targeted himself.
Mista_Cash_Ew t1_j5jdjpy wrote
My guess is crazy ex
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5jeqek wrote
Two divorces. Three kids who'll grow up without a father. You happy now?
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5jf0rc wrote
He doesn't mind a free hotdog in his mailbox, it's being tormented by it afterwards he is annoyed with
FnkyTown t1_j5jfuml wrote
Back when WoW came out my rather large guild would all mail hams to the same person. Hundreds of hams a day for months that they'd have to clear out to get their real mail.
edit: Just to be clear, this happened in 2004. Almost 20 years ago.
Yeti_MD t1_j5jh45z wrote
RIP to this guy's mailbox
Qwopie t1_j5jizs9 wrote
I once visited a farm and there was a bunch of piglets, some of them didn't have tails and the farmer said the only way to tell which piglet was biting off the tail of the others was to wait until only one piglet had a tail. Same vibe.
BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j5jj4iv wrote
It’s one thing to do it once and leave someone confused.
It becomes another (harassment) to do it consistently in an effort to distress someone.
Hope this doesn’t blow up with the guy getting further harassed by others thinking it’s funny to them.
BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j5jjav1 wrote
Hope they started selling them to make some money off of that, but to be clear, that’s a dick move on your guilds behalf. There’s a line where such things go from being funny to being harassment.
gheiminfantry t1_j5jjrk9 wrote
The Mad Butcher - Sir Peter Leitch hasn't been targeted. But these knobs can't manage to figure this one out.
Inyeloh t1_j5jjuj9 wrote
‘It's tearing my friend group apart’. I guess you really learn who your true friends are in times like these.
[deleted] t1_j5jlvpv wrote
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MonkeyTacoBreath t1_j5jo2k4 wrote
The real crime is using ketchup, instead of mustard. Horrifying.
Atomsteel t1_j5jo68z wrote
So a guild of assholes? No rogues or warriors or sorcerers? Just assholes.
AttentionSpanZero t1_j5jp9uc wrote
No one has set up a camera yet?
FnkyTown t1_j5jpfbe wrote
A few hams in your mailbox might change your attitude.
teoshie t1_j5jpujl wrote
probably has a good case going for him if there's no name or address label on the magazine
jrhoffa t1_j5jqgot wrote
Was it hadcoe pono?
135redtoblue t1_j5jqhna wrote
Sounds more like a congealed opinion
Brewing_Tea t1_j5jqxd5 wrote
Eat more fiber?
Jampine t1_j5jrm2g wrote
It reminds me of the Australian guy who threatened to keep taping a dead fish to the bank's ATM machines until they where fixed, must be the opposite end of the spectrum.
The parting line is the best part:"I have more fish and willpower than you'll ever have.".
IlluminatedPickle t1_j5jscsd wrote
Guilds weren't that large. I highly doubt you had enough players who could afford to drop that sort of money to mail "hundreds of hams a day" to an individual.
IlluminatedPickle t1_j5jsiqm wrote
Seppo detected.
dgtlfnk t1_j5jstll wrote
That’s my ska band name!
GiveMeTheFloorModel t1_j5jsu6s wrote
I can tell you're not a pirate. No Arrr's in that sentence.
HugeBrainsOnly t1_j5jts9i wrote
Dude probably got mailed like 7 hams in one week and the story has been spinning ever since.
FnkyTown t1_j5jul4f wrote
>Guilds weren't that large.
We had 200+ members on day 1. We migrated from another platform.
>I highly doubt you had enough players who could afford to drop that sort of money to mail "hundreds of hams a day" to an individual.
Hams were like 10 cents. I don't think there was a cheaper item we could send.
bilateralrope t1_j5juzya wrote
It's already happening to multiple people. At least, all of this guys friends say it's happening to them.
Inflation-Fair t1_j5jwmp2 wrote
Hmm.. usually people don't mind if I stick my sausages repeatedly in their mailbox
fire_crotch_mafia t1_j5jwp6q wrote
It’s probably just some drunk guy who always forgets he doesn’t like sausages.
five707 t1_j5jy1en wrote
If only they made small, Wi-Fi cameras which could film in low lite.
kevinds t1_j5k09k2 wrote
>Back when WoW came out my rather large guild would all mail hams to the same person. Hundreds of hams a day for months that they'd have to clear out to get their real mail.
extreme doubt
As for if it actually happened, I suppose if it was wintertime, they might actually keep.. I wouldn't complain, being sent good food..
CarltonSagot t1_j5k0dkt wrote
It was a copy of Boyz.
kevinds t1_j5k0qwd wrote
Someone really likes the vendor, but doesn't like the food..
While building rapport and working up the courage to ask them out, they keep buying..
Then they have to do something with the food...
lol First thing I thought of.
FnkyTown t1_j5k1s9v wrote
Food didn't spoil. Maybe that's changed since launch.
merkinmavin t1_j5k2l3y wrote
These subscription services are getting out of hand
Solidsnakeerection t1_j5k49po wrote
But who wants to confront somebody called The Mad Butcher
Solidsnakeerection t1_j5k4h0x wrote
Pono pono little fishy in the sea. She's the little fishy with the big belly
Solidsnakeerection t1_j5k4t2b wrote
Oh man. Your sent him a bunch of free food and it only cost you hundreds of dollars. You guys arent super lame.
Solidsnakeerection t1_j5k5544 wrote
Dont forget August 8 is National Sneak Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
Racially-Ambiguous t1_j5k6k14 wrote
Wait are you saying you sent them virtual hams?
[deleted] t1_j5ka6k7 wrote
FnkyTown t1_j5kdcdy wrote
Yes. Ham is a food item in World of Warcraft. It costs virtually nothing and since it's not real and WoW doesn't have spoilage, they are eternal.
Grievuuz t1_j5kj4d1 wrote
That content is not available in my region (Scandinavia)
teplightyear t1_j5kkfts wrote
Once none of the piglets have any tails, is he even a problem anymore?
teplightyear t1_j5kknco wrote
'free hotdog in his mailbox' sounds like some kind of euphemism, so I'm hoping these are meant to be really awkward love letters.
trifelin t1_j5kl6kx wrote
It must be a really really poor place if this has been going on for a year and nobody has caught it on video yet.
sternlip t1_j5klj42 wrote
Is this....a Diablo 1 reference?
moonbase_alfalfa t1_j5kp1bm wrote
Same here. Finally, an article that's relevant to my interests and BAM! sausage censorship.
[deleted] t1_j5kpshg wrote
StyreneAddict1965 t1_j5kvmu1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5l0yrp wrote
Zealousideal-Data921 t1_j5l0z7s wrote
Mystery Meat Mailbox-is that a new shoegaze band?
Imaneight t1_j5l7ljk wrote
Maybe they're from Boston?
WickedSlice_ t1_j5lf31f wrote
See this is the biggest problem here. This sub claiming that it is r/NotTheOnion but there really needs to be onion on a sausage sanga.
cvelde t1_j5lo57n wrote
Pretty sure I have that line of audio burned into my brain forever.
Racially-Ambiguous t1_j5ltbzu wrote
I think that’s why everyone is in disbelief, they think you meant real hams.
LizJru t1_j5ltl6o wrote
What is this 'only way', more like 'only cost/time saving way' - cause I don't want to pay someone to sit and watch, to see which piglet is doing it?! Something about the wording he used... makes me have lots of questions...
FnkyTown t1_j5lwx95 wrote
Which is well worth the downvotes. lol
Racially-Ambiguous t1_j5lxm2v wrote
They meant in-game hams apparently.
phuckingidontcare t1_j5m3w79 wrote
Waiheke island is one of New Zealand’s top holiday and resort spots. The average house price is over 1.8 million dollars. It’s in the top 10 most expensive places to live in one of the most explosive countries to live in the world.
Oseirus t1_j5maiof wrote
"mailbox sausage" is somehow not even close to the least appetizing thing I've ever heard of. It just makes me want to go buy some bratwursts.
protostar71 t1_j5msmeu wrote
For reference Sir Peter Leitch founded a nationwide chain of butcher shops called "The Mad Butcher", with him as the radio ad voice acting out that character.
His knighthood is for "services to business and philanthropy".
highplainsdrifter__ t1_j5mv6gi wrote
But... what if it is funny?
MrFartyBottom t1_j5mw08m wrote
Could be a school kid who doesn't like their packed lunch.
GirthdayBoy t1_j5mzzjd wrote
Sans Dirty Mike? I doubt it
Rhalar t1_j5n0d05 wrote
> Sir Peter Leitch
I sure do, I didn't realize it until I read the line.
peensteen t1_j5n5xbw wrote
Sounds like the easiest game of Clue of all time.
peensteen t1_j5n7es8 wrote
Bah! Just order your Walking Dwarf to monitor and retrieve your mailbox contents, and enjoy your tribute sausages. Kick back in the Provisional House, and enjoy the fruits of CHIM.
iamsoupcansam t1_j5n8hpk wrote
Yeah that seems like exactly the backstory of a guy who puts sausages in mailbox for kicks
dsonyx t1_j5ncakb wrote
Dudes just running the meatball prank scam from the Office
HHS2019 t1_j5nciwk wrote
Joke's on him, because I've learned to eat off my own tail...and I'm a pig.
witchofheavyjapaesth t1_j5ncw2u wrote
toeverycreature t1_j5nhl8y wrote
Waiheke is essentially an island full of Real Housewives. Rich, entitled and nothing better to do but get upset over a free sausage.
toeverycreature t1_j5nhpub wrote
Maybe that is the insult. I'll give you a sausage but no onions for you!
Qwopie t1_j5nsd6b wrote
Pigtail priorities. You've got to set them right.
bilateralrope t1_j5nsmy1 wrote
The knighthood puts him above suspicion.
bonesnaps t1_j5rufns wrote
Once all the tails are gone and he's grown up, he'll then have a taste for new tail-sized piglets.
smackthenun t1_j5iygpg wrote
Mystery Meat Mailbox, sounds amazing!