CarlCarbonite t1_j6xdkse wrote
Id really like to know what the end game plan is? Do we stop taking migrants? Do we give them homes over long term New Yorkers who deserve it more? Do we continue to spend millions of dollars funding their hotel stays?
drpvn OP t1_j6xgxmb wrote
There’s no exit plan. It’s a disaster.
IAmGoingToSleepNow t1_j6xhkmt wrote
There sure is a plan. Whine about how it's a 'Southern State problem' until the feds make them stop sending buses here. Problem solved!
drpvn OP t1_j6xihem wrote
If the feds have the authority to make southern and southwestern states stop busing migrants here, then it’s an outrage that the city hasn’t filed a lawsuit against those states yet.
spicytoastaficionado t1_j6xr4h0 wrote
>If the feds have the authority to make southern and southwestern states stop busing migrants here
The federal government cannot prevent freedom of movement of migrants they have released into the country.
The federal government also cannot prevent any state government from offering people free bus rides.
The migrants being bussed here are not in federal custody, and despite the rhetoric from r/politics and some on r/nyc about "hUmAn TrAfFiCKiNG", every single one of them is agreeing to come to NYC as it is a friendlier jurisdiction than TX.
This is a problem the federal government brought upon themselves by rescinding Migrant Protection Protocols ("Remain in Mexico") and allowing hundreds of thousands of migrants to enter the country every month.
>then it’s an outrage that the city hasn’t filed a lawsuit against those states yet.
Adams had been "mulling" legal action since August LOL.
drpvn OP t1_j6y0ym4 wrote
NY has no problems filing litigation of questionable merit of the politics suit it.
gatogrande t1_j6xobfn wrote
Do you not remember the feds were flying them to westchester last spring/ the wee hrs?
PuzzleheadedWalrus71 t1_j6xmq3e wrote
They aren't sanctuary cities so they can report undocumented immigrants whereas NYC would not. Maybe the feds don't want these undocumented immigrants to be reported, so they support having them sent to sanctuary cities.
drpvn OP t1_j6xn1wu wrote
My understanding is that these migrants have all filed asylum claims. That distinguishes them from undocumented immigrants subject to deportation.
IAmGoingToSleepNow t1_j6xq4y6 wrote
Yup. That's the way it's done now. There's no risking your life to sneak across a desert anymore. Walk across the border and tell BP that you feared for your life. Free ride to town and off you go.
That's why 40% of asylum seekers don't bother showing up for their hearing.
drpvn OP t1_j6xrca4 wrote
Unfortunately it takes 4-5 years before asylum claims are adjudicated.
Curiosities t1_j6xu3wd wrote
Because the GOP refuses to adequately fund the system/migration courts. They want to keep their 'border crisis' strategy.
Not that underfunding of the courts is a one party problem. Getting a trial in NYC takes years at this point. Yet if the courts work as they need to, then certain people who love to prey upon those who don't know what bail reform actually is won't be able to use these things as wedge issues. At least not as effectively.
spicytoastaficionado t1_j6xvx7l wrote
>Because the GOP refuses to adequately fund the system/migration courts. They want to keep their 'border crisis' strategy.
GOP doesn't support these bills because they come packaged with broad amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. That is as much of a poison pill for the GOP as a republican bill including more funding for increased deportation would be a non-starter for Democrats.
There has not been a democrat-sponsored immigration bill introduced in the past 5+ years that did not include a multi-million person amnesty.
Democrats had a federal trifecta for 2 years, yet not a single immigration bill Schumer or Pelosi brought out for consideration was narrowly tailored to immigration court funding.
GOP leadership doesn't favor such "skinny" bills either, so they are also at-fault.
Bangkok_Dangeresque t1_j73ga5b wrote
That's not how the policy works anymore.
You can't just roll up to border. There's an app used to file claims before departing, and if you just show up at port of entry without an appointment for your claim, or you are caught crossing the border illegally you get expelled back to Mexico, with some exceptions for unaccompanied minors, etc.
PuzzleheadedWalrus71 t1_j6xnqno wrote
I doubt that all these people being bused here have filed asylum claims.
drpvn OP t1_j6xo4oj wrote
It’s been my assumption but I don’t have a source one way or the other. Seems like a legitimate question.
Deluxe78 t1_j6xvpl9 wrote
they'll do that as soon as the fed stops the one way bus tickets from port authority bus terminal to small town USA
batgamerman t1_j71apuq wrote
Well their busing them here because the leadership proudly admits NYC is a sanctuary city if Eric admits it's not it could stop but democrats are too prideful to admit their wrong
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j71llwc wrote
Don't worry! That legal firecracker Tish James is on it! /s
gatogrande t1_j6xlcme wrote
deportation of illegals is a thing...well, used to be
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j6xv9dx wrote
The plan is they will get on full welfare
Housing , food stamps , health insurance, cash assistance and metro card.
And you the tax payer will Pay for all of it along with any other Sucker middle class working man or woman in your family
So get your cathart jacket Son u have people to Feed free food and housing
photochic1124 t1_j6xyetk wrote
This common and frustrating misconception really annoys me. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR MOST OF THESE PROGRAMS no matter how often the media likes you to think they are.
Source-I am the spouse of an immigrant and am a firsthand witness to the ins and outs of the immigration system.
Grass8989 t1_j6xz0ug wrote
They’re essentially being provided with that now, do we keep putting them up in hotels and providing them with 3 meals a day and medical care for 4 years while the asylum courts go through their back log?
External-Ad-5332 t1_j7ggm1p wrote
And their kids attend public school as well! That Americans have paid for.
photochic1124 t1_j6y0dm7 wrote
This is a temporary solution to a long term problem and to be clear I'm not saying we should be bleeding money in to this sitation. We are technically sheltering the homeless. Because they happen to be asylum seekers, everyone just looks at it as "giving handouts to illegals."
I'm talking about the mainstream belief that "illegals" can just get on medicaid and food stamps and cash benefits, etc when they literally cannot do that.
If we as a society actually wanted to fix this problem, we would work on housing our local homeless population and fixing the very broken immigration system, freeing up space and resources so we weren't faced with this crises to begin with. But we choose not to do that.
movingtobay2019 t1_j6yg2c5 wrote
Why couldn't they do that with a fake social security number?
Flivver_King t1_j71n335 wrote
> This is a temporary solution to a long term problem and to be clear I'm not saying we should be bleeding money in to this sitation.
Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution.
misterferguson t1_j6y5mwz wrote
Yes and no. As I understand it, it depends largely on how you define who is on the receiving end of benefits. For example, immigrants who come with children or who have children after arriving, become eligible for a host of benefits. While technically some of these benefits are specifically for the benefit of the child (who is in many cases a US citizen proper), it's murky to determine exactly how much the parents are actually benefiting themselves from these programs.
I'm not really disagreeing with your original point. Just pointing out that it's not exactly as clear cut as "not a citizen, no benefits".
burnbabyburnburrrn t1_j6ygz3l wrote
But like I think we’re all in agreement that we are not going to bitch and moan about taking care of CHILDREN right? like - yes, thank god we can take care of them.
misterferguson t1_j6yh3ux wrote
No, but I think it’s still important to be honest about what is going on.
Imaginary-Bread1829 t1_j6yykn0 wrote
To an extent, it’s care children they don’t need. I live in a neighborhood with a lot of new immigrants, the community already established there helps out the new-comers. I know so many businesses that have an employee, that on paper makes 30k so they qualify for all the programs, but under the table at least makes 90k. In high school I worked in a supermarket, the managers would be paying with food stamps for their lunch but talking about buying their wives Louis Vuitton bags in Italy during their recent vacations. I remember once the EBT system was down after thanksgiving & I was apologizing to one of my managers that couldn’t pay for their stuff with the card, saying it’s unfair to do this to people that need it, but he was quick to tell me he doesn’t need it but it helps. He would also lie about other people being on food stamps, targeting black women, especially. Openly racist, misogynistic, classist, and very fake people. When people came in & it was always “My friend” but the second they left, they would call every customer a fucking asshole.
Trust me, they weren’t nice & honest people. They were entitled assholes, a lot of them. Not all immigrants are like that, some of my closest friends are immigrants or have married immigrants. I have a lot of respect for immigrants that come to America, because it’s not an easy thing to do. At the end of the day though, people are people, and will act the way they were brought up because they’re conditioned. Economic insecurity can really create an ‘everyone for themselves’ type mentality and it can be insanely frustrating to witness.
I would love to live in a socialist community, where the government helps people that need it. The problem is being America, land of immigration with people coming from all over, it’s hard to cultivate a collectivist society where everyone contributes where they need to & is able to receive what they need. Because of inefficient bureaucratic management, a lot of those that actually need it will get overlooked & those that don’t need it will get approved, which naturally creates resentment
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j6y40hb wrote
NOT YET !!! u hear me !!!
againblahisnothere t1_j6ysms6 wrote
Not a misconception. there are people abusing the welfare system in NY. Not many but a pocket of people
stork38 t1_j72ecnv wrote
Are their children?
IAmGoingToSleepNow t1_j71iobk wrote
I don't know about cash assistance and metro cards, but they absolutely are getting lodging, food, and medicaid.
External-Ad-5332 t1_j7ggj2r wrote
Don't the kids attend public school with U.S. citizens' children? How much of that tax money did the illegals contribute to the educational system in New York?
CarlCarbonite t1_j6xy7cj wrote
Should I grab myself a hardhat and stick some Union stickers on it sir? 🫡
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j6y42j2 wrote
Hahahaha YEAH BRO 😎
meshflesh40 t1_j74nquu wrote
+work under table and don't pay taxes. Its a great deal
[deleted] t1_j6ymzi1 wrote
Major_Supermarket_57 t1_j70n51l wrote
Are you from NYC at all? I’m volunteering to help the migrant families that have been assigned to my child’s public school and after they got their NYC ID they are eligible for free healthcare for which they have signed up (both kids and adults), just like any destitute person in NYC, you don’t need to be a permanent legal resident or citizen to be covered if you’re destitute, just a NYC resident which you can prove with your NYC ID which in turn only needs proof of address. I’m not passing judgement for or against, but while the country may not provide Medicare or benefits the city certainly does.
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j6yngi2 wrote
It’s not I voted democrat I want them to get more money and more hosing and more free snap and even some free Finical aid so they can go to college for free
You are the greedy rich one
SD_taco_padre t1_j6xzaae wrote
You can't get any of that shit without a social security number.
againblahisnothere t1_j6yt9jw wrote
It’s not that hard to get a social security number. There are multiple ways to do it- some of them illegal.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j6ygyq6 wrote
If you ask the immigrants virtually zero want handouts. They just want to be able to compete in the job market. The large majority are here for economic reasons, not really refugees fleeing a war zone.
DifficultyNext7666 t1_j6yokfr wrote
i imagine they are smart enough to say im not here for free shit
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j6yi0y5 wrote
U right these one ain’t asking for anything
Give us your poor and hungry and we will feed em forever
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j71k7js wrote
Every immigrant I ever met were generally the hardest working people. Not sure where all of these welfare queen immigrants you are talking about are. All I have ever seen is immigrants who work very hard at jobs I don't want to do.
KingofthisShit t1_j6yq1lt wrote
NYC and state politicians will change nothing that entices them to come up here in mass. All they'll do is complain about is how the federal government should help to fund housing/taking care of these economic migrants.
bittoxic00 t1_j6ywtcj wrote
The plan is to let the next politician worry about it after the current one leaves office
lossandstatic t1_j6yjgfw wrote
The nation as a whole would benefit from an increase in judges at the border to hear these asylum cases. The court system is the biggest bottleneck in this process.
cty_hntr t1_j6xyly6 wrote
I thought Mayor Adams was using the migrant issue to get billions in funding from the Federal government. Couple of millions now, and reap a windfall that benefits everyone involved in housing the migrants, except the migrants themselves.
Sk8ngWST t1_j6xzyae wrote
Btw, it's a milli $$ per day basis
[deleted] t1_j6xivjx wrote
Figbud t1_j6yo6xx wrote
I'm guessing to help those countries improve so that people don't feel the need to migrate at mass just to have a chance at life.
Candid_Yam_5461 t1_j71a6td wrote
Why not just give every New Yorker, old and new, a home? There’s more than enough units in the city.
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