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ScantronPattern t1_j6yhz1v wrote

Hard oppose. We can’t just go replacing the historic semi-truck depot that’s there right now. Remember when they tore down old Penn Station!?11?


SeaAppeal3927 t1_j6yidxu wrote

I used to use that gas station it was on 145th between Lenox and 7th


spicytoastaficionado t1_j6ylr0e wrote

The previous proposal was incredibly generous and KRJ has a second chance to take the W instead of demanding 100% affordable housing.


Lilyo t1_j742aqa wrote

“generous” lol to who? why do we do this shit where we pretend developers are doing us a big favor by building 75%+ of new units as more expansive than median area earners can afford?


NetQuarterLatte t1_j6ypqzi wrote

NYC Council election is this year.

The primaries are just around the corner.

Remember to register to vote.

Even if you're not in that district, pick a candidate that pledges to end "Member Deference"


Empty_Economist t1_j6z41no wrote

If Adams and the city are serious about fixing the housing crisis they'll tell Jordan to fuck off, take the incredibly good offer, and move forward. If she won't, they need to ignore her and push it through anyway.


Lilyo t1_j742is7 wrote

the only reason there is such a thing as a “good offer” is literally because of her pushing for it…


[deleted] t1_j7433jy wrote



Lilyo t1_j74y47i wrote

wtf are you talking about this is literally the developer crawling back to renegotiate again lol


pk10534 t1_j6zqjew wrote

Jordan needs out of office ASAP. Between this and blaming Ukraine for the Russian invasion, I will be dumbfounded if she wins again


Few-Artichoke-2531 t1_j701wrn wrote

The only way she leaves is if there is a primary. It's looking like there will be several candidates running against her. I know the district well and the people there will only vote for a Democrat in the general election no matter who it is.


Elevate247 t1_j70dv8e wrote

I just realized the politicians are just as crazy as half the people on the train


12stTales t1_j71s8hz wrote

Everybody on here bought Teitelbaum’s story that a NIMBY stopped housing and we got stuck with a truck depot. He was trolling her (and you) all along. He refused to negotiate with her in earnest and now is wrankling the Boro Pres and Atty Gen for his money-losing and fume-spewing truck depot tantrum. Now he realizes it’s time to stop the tantrum and come back to the table to build housing. Victory KRJ.


Tricky_Artichoke_779 t1_j71yrrx wrote

Lol... I love the fact that you think anyone would believe this nonsense. You're right, we should all defend the racist councilwoman who knows that actually helping her constituents will make it harder for her to keep her job.


12stTales t1_j72jhrx wrote

My points are this:

  1. KRJ fought for more affordability in this project, and has now succeeded
  2. Teitelbaum "building a truck depot instead" was always a bluff meant to punish and troll KRJ, which worked to some degree in terms of media spin. A parking lot is a money losing project compared to building any housing

While in fact she might not keep her job -- there are many people who support her for taking a stand against displacement in Harlem. The YIMBYs are 100% right when they are fighting privileged boomers in Soho trying to /prevent/ affordable housing. When they fight a Harlem councilwoman seeking inclusion of /more/ affordable housing to preserve the historically Black & working class character of the neighborhood -- the story is much more nuanced.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j7dbqnj wrote

That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. KRJ did NOTHING for this. She took 400+ affordable units and turned it into zero.


TeamMisha t1_j731svl wrote

Little early to call it a victory if she says no again. The total lottery percent is 50% (same as before) but in context this project is years in the making and still not even under construction. At what cost in delays is this worth thr fight? If every project continues to be like this I hardly call it a victory


Johnnadawearsglasses t1_j6z2xkq wrote

People who side with developers on things like this never realize that the developer needs to negotiate much more than the city does. Standing firm is how you get maximum concessions. I guarantee that the deal reached here will be miles better than what was on the table months ago.


InfernalTest t1_j71p0b5 wrote

it should be noted that the people who are criticizing this deal dont even LIVE in jordans district - and im sure they dont talk to the people that live there or interact with them in any meaningful way ....

so it shouldnt be lost : its a bit of irony of so called progressives who recognize the historic disregard for black and brown peoples voices to be acknowledged doing the shit the say are against and disregarding the voice of the representative of black and brown people....

vanity is a sweet wine but hypocrisy is vintage....


Empty_Economist t1_j743k2q wrote

This isn't a fucking race thing, this is a NYC has a crisis in housing thing and opposing building 900+ new units on the spot of an empty goddamn lot means you are complicit in that crisis.


InfernalTest t1_j74oes0 wrote

no it IS most definitely a race thing - maybe not for you but certainly for the longtime residents of Harlem who wont benefit at all by getting a bunch of apts that they cant afford ( when the avg neighborhood income is something like 65K /year ) nor qualify to live in ( because the qualification is way beneath what a person let alone a family can actually afford ) if the rents start out at 2500 and up a month for a 1 BR ...which is exactly is the case with a lot of these developed properties that offer "set aside" apts.

they arent interested in courting people who live in the neighborhood or families ( otherwise they wouldnt just offer set aside apts that only go up to 1BR ) they are interested in renting to some high end earner and turning Harlem into a theme park ride ....

no thanks .


Empty_Economist t1_j74vfzl wrote

Lol so instead they get a truck stop. Also, they're going to get priced out even faster if there isn't new development, because limiting supply will just keep driving up prices. So your proposal is basically to screw over everyone, residents who will get priced out and everyone else in the city who wants development to bring prices under control.

And that still has nothing to do with race. You're arguing for neighborhoods of a many million person city to get veto power over development we all desperately need. Nope. Thankfully people are coming around and rejecting such foolish viewpoints.


Fresh720 t1_j75jp3o wrote

Nah, Black folks can be annoying too. The threat of displacement and gentrification is real, but the solution to that isn't to block almost every new build that's proposed in the city. We should demand more non-market or public housing with mechanisms in place so your rent isn't raised over a certain percentage after your lease is up.

Their anger should be directed at Suffolk and Nassau county who ranks on the bottom for permit approvals for new builds, putting extra strain on housing inventory in NYC. Their anger should be directed at their representatives who believes in grandstanding over helping their constituents. Their anger should be directed at NY for being the worst city in the East for keeping up with housing demand which has resulted in a population decline for tge past 10 years.