
Empty_Economist t1_ja7ekma wrote

Lol lmao at the idea that hospitals are going to replace their thousand plus residents, who are doing 60-90 hours of work every week, with attendings who won't work that much and will cost 3-10 times as much. Just lol. And imagine taking hospitals at face value that residents don't provide value. That is, on its face, a stupid claim.


Empty_Economist t1_ja4xvmy wrote

Medicare pays over 100k to hospitals per resident just for literally having them there, not even accounting for the work they do. A third year resident physician at Montefiore makes 77k. So yeah, the hospital can afford to increase their pay and benefits, to say nothing of working conditions.

The only reason hospitals get away with this is the ACGME (accredits physician residency) has made it so doctors are (1) matched into a program and then (2) absolutely cannot leave the program if they want to become licensed. It's absolutely insane. I bet your employer would pay you less and treat you like shit too if your options were to work there or go find a totally new career after 8+ years of education and hundreds of thousands in student loans.


Empty_Economist t1_j74vfzl wrote

Lol so instead they get a truck stop. Also, they're going to get priced out even faster if there isn't new development, because limiting supply will just keep driving up prices. So your proposal is basically to screw over everyone, residents who will get priced out and everyone else in the city who wants development to bring prices under control.

And that still has nothing to do with race. You're arguing for neighborhoods of a many million person city to get veto power over development we all desperately need. Nope. Thankfully people are coming around and rejecting such foolish viewpoints.