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avocadopalace t1_j8y6l53 wrote

This flight from New Zealand had made it all the way to Hawai'i when it got told there was no where to land at JFK.

10+ hours in the air for nothing.


doodle77 t1_j8y9gdg wrote

Damn I would be so mad. At least take me to Newark.


seafoodgodddd t1_j8yee33 wrote

The one time I'm fine with being dropped in Jersey unexpectedly


pseudochef93 t1_j8yla3h wrote

The best I can do is Newburgh


JF0909 t1_j8z90s9 wrote

Honestly that would be a reasonable alternative. It has a long runway for the air force so it can accommodate big planes and it's not a very busy airport. Then charter a few buses to get them down to jfk.


oreosfly t1_j8ytzo5 wrote

TBH, I wouldn't give a shit at that point. I'd be willing to take a train or drive from BOS, PHL, or IAD rather than turn back around


craftkiller t1_j90t5hj wrote

This is what happened to my flight. Diverted to Newark.


[deleted] t1_j8yibm2 wrote

Or, the plane became sentient and heard the drums of its Polynesian canoe voyaging forefathers calling it back home towards Tahiti


avocadopalace t1_j8ykvgn wrote

"The controls aren't responding, sir!"

"God dammit, this is all Maui's fault!"


seafoodgodddd t1_j8yl9ih wrote

The last thing the PAX in the back hear before the 777 hits the water at 620kts is "you're welcome"


Flivver_King t1_j8ytk58 wrote

It trusted Dutch’s plan. The plane just wanted to go to Tuheetee to pick mangoes with the van der Linde gang.