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elizabeth-cooper t1_j8ksbrm wrote


An-Angel_Sent-By-God t1_j8lgjnh wrote

Even if half of that claimed stat was from buses, that would still be an average of 1 person every 3 minutes at every single subway station, 24 hours a day.


elizabeth-cooper t1_j8lmanw wrote

This article says half is about right.

But I don't know how you got to that number. There are over 16,000 bus stops. Also, I imagine the majority of fare beating happens in clusters during rush hour, not consistently throughout the day.

I don't know how the MTA got their number either, but I've seen the increase in fare beating with my own eyes, so it doesn't seem particularly outlandish. I presume you're working from home and haven't taken a bus or train during rush hour in three years.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j8mt3se wrote

> Soaring fare evasion on subways and buses cost the MTA $119 million in the first three months of the year


elizabeth-cooper t1_j8mvac8 wrote

Yes? And how did they arrive at that number? Nothing wrong with asking questions. There is something wrong with dismissing it out of hand, the way the person above did - "an obvious lie." No, it's not. It's clear that fare beating is way up compared to before Coronavirus.