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ECK-2188 t1_je5xybj wrote

Sounds fair.

Lucky you are allowed pets to begin with.


Disused_Yeti t1_je607wr wrote

Sounds more convenient to use the service entrance than the entrance located in maine


djdjddhdhdh t1_je60tfs wrote

Well you can try to gift it, but don’t be surprised if they simply outlaw pets and then you have to move


phoenixmatrix t1_je60vm4 wrote

That's pretty common. Basically the idea is "you can have a dog but you don't impose your dog on anyone else". My building has that too.

So advice: just follow the rule. Its not a big deal.


Metapod_Used_Hardon t1_je66y61 wrote

There’s nothing you can do. They’re allowed to set new rules for the common areas. They’re not significantly burdening your ability to have a dog, so appealing to your lease isn’t going to help. If they didn’t allow you to use any entrance, then you could make an argument that they altered the lease terms since you can’t have a dog in your apartment without bringing it through the common areas. The “burden” of using the service entrance isn’t enough.


ArcheryTXS OP t1_je6a31a wrote

Its pet friendly building, if u are allergic or scared of em - maybe you need to use the service door or live in a pet-free apartment?

Why do I need to deal with someone else's problems?


bonyponyride t1_je6bnu7 wrote

It sounds like you've already been combative with them rather than asking for forgiveness and a warning instead of the $150 fine. If that's the case, they probably won't budge on the fine. If you want to get a lawyer involved, that will cost way more than $150 and they might tell you you're in the wrong and there's nothing they can do. To avoid future fines, follow the rule. They probably implemented it because other tenants have a fear of dogs, and it's not a huge burden to tell dog owners to use a different door. This isn't equivalent to Jim Crow laws. They want everyone to feel safe leaving and returning home.


PoopEmoji8618 t1_je6ebmd wrote

What’s the problem? My building encourages the use of the back door when exiting the building with a dog. We can’t enter through the back door because it’s locked from the outside and only the management team/maintenance team have access. So, I exit through the back and enter through the front.

If they changed the lock and changed the policy making it mandatory to enter the building through the back door with a dog, I literally wouldn’t care because this wouldn’t change anything apart from me saying hi to the front desk staff as I enter with a dog


ECK-2188 t1_je6lcvw wrote

Because it’s not your building.

You want to live by your own rules?

Buy a house.

Edit: Im not trying to be facetious, I’m a dog owner as well but I understand the world owes us no understanding. If I don’t like the rules? I move somewhere that doesn’t have said rules.


Metapod_Used_Hardon t1_je6t3vg wrote

They’re not discriminating against you on the basis of dog ownership. You can use the front door on your own or with another person. They’re discriminating based on whether you have a dog with you at that moment in time.

Heads up, a lot of places do this—or are you one of those schmucks that brings your dog into stores?