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P0stNutClarity t1_jc9ca5t wrote

lol i have a bridge to sell you if you think a person making 60k is qualifying for welfare.


nycdataviz t1_jc9cr46 wrote

That’s the cruel joke. People can barely survive on that salary but welfare eligibility tiers don’t give a fuck.


DelTeaz t1_jc9k6lb wrote

Is rent stabilized housing not welfare?


theageofnow t1_jcijs56 wrote

No. There is no funding mechanism. Is it a “market distortion”? By limiting rent increases, surely, yes, but it’s not subsidized by the state or the city or federal government or anyone else. Also rent stabilized does not necessarily mean that the maximum legal rent is less than the market rate rent. There are many RS apartments whose rent is close to market rate (on average, they’re well below).