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Captaintripps t1_jdfukob wrote

Is that in the Giuliani Annex?


paulwhitedotnyc t1_jdfx5yl wrote

The De Blasio wing I believe.


Foremotion t1_jdfykms wrote

Right across from the Hochul exhibit


werdnak84 t1_jdg3iuj wrote

Cuomo Basement is to the left.


OmegaBean t1_jdhgcz0 wrote

Through the Adams Atrium


werdnak84 t1_jdhpdmy wrote

(lol Cuomo can't even get a regular room in a Museum of Failure like it has to be the basement)


JF0909 t1_jdhq6vd wrote

Like the one his brother was hiding in?


h-thrust t1_jdk9ivi wrote

Should Papa be the basement and Jr. be in the sub basement? Vice versa? Hobson’s Choice


cokakatta t1_jdhar4v wrote

Giuliani was a pretty good Mayor at his time. I think he lost his mind afterwards. I was a child when he was a mayor but I noticed many improvements. I was delighted to explore my city that was safer and cleaner.


Captaintripps t1_jdhbi52 wrote

I was an adult when he was mayor and think he was pretty shitty. A lot of our problems today can be traced back to his administration, either by policy choices he made or problems he ignored.


ScenicART t1_jdhgjf9 wrote

We have him to thank for all of the community gardens in the LES/ Alphabet city.... without him trying to demolish them and sell them off to his real estate buddies they prob wouldnt have been codified and kept as important green spaces.


elizabeth-cooper t1_jdi377a wrote

I was an adult when he was mayor and think he was pretty good. Most of our problems today are due to Michael Bloomberg's policies who was an even autocrat than Trump. The law said term limits, so he said, I'll just change the law for myself.


n3vd0g t1_jdhd17c wrote

Absolute garbage take. You’re looking at the past with rose tinted glasses