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Kooky_Performance116 t1_jcojf8b wrote

A combination of commute times, a lot of people with kids and a huge part of the borough working a blue collar job where if they aren’t at work they don’t get paid.

Even if you’re the lucky few who get to live and work a reasonable job on the island traffic is a nightmare. The islands road layout wasn’t built for 500k + people. It can take you a good hour or better to get from one side of the island to the other on a moderate traffic day. It sometime takes me longer to get to my parents crib in the middle of the island by car then it does to get to midtown.

The road problem might be a lost cause there’s no way to fix that without demoing peoples properties. But more train routes within the island at the very lease will help a lot.


milespudgehalter t1_jcota3e wrote

The issue is also that the highway network of Staten Island was never completed -- had the MLK and Richmond Parkway been extended as intended, we wouldn't have the massive traffic clusterfuck that plagues the middle of Staten Island during rush hour.


actualhumanwaste t1_jcpv6yf wrote

Yeah another train line that goes from the west shore to east shore would be incredible. But I don’t see any way to fix the buses here since they share the same roads that cars do. Situation seems hopeless rn…


MrNewking t1_jcojseq wrote

They need to remove more car lanes and build bike lanes.


Kooky_Performance116 t1_jcoksi3 wrote

That would make it worse. Most of the major roads/main arteries are already only 2 lanes wide if that. A majority of the time you have to serve in and out cause people are doubled parked or straight up illegally parked in one of the lanes lol


milespudgehalter t1_jcot1o7 wrote

glares at Richmond Road between Dongan Hills and Grasmere


Kooky_Performance116 t1_jcotqgx wrote

Don’t get me started lol How do all those illegally park cars by the berry homes and baci not get ticketed? Im pretty sure a majority of that stretch has no standing signs. But yet there’s cars just legit parked there all the time lol.