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Sparrow186 t1_iubnmzf wrote

Rules for thee but not for me. Fuck every single New York State politician.


wookietennis t1_iubrs3p wrote

A State Police spokesman confirmed the plate numbers are designed to remain anonymous “as a security measure,” adding such protocol has been in place roughly 50 years.


essenceofreddit t1_iubtdyn wrote

Okay but 1) crazy this is the way it's been for 50 years for governors apparently and only now is this coming out from the New York Post 2) how often is she even down here?


SillyDig1520 t1_iubtnv4 wrote

Oh cool, another NY post article. Can't wait for this shit show.

Find any reputable news source reporting this, please.


Lovat69 t1_iubvzta wrote

Even governments can get hacked/penetrated. The article itself states it's a security measure that has been in effect for years. If you know that isn't the case let me know.


Sparrow186 t1_iubw63h wrote

So if the government can get hacked that means anyone can track you were me but we’re not important enough to be protected? That seems to be a trend with this state government. It’s total bullshit that they can do whatever they want with impunity but you and me have to follow all the rules, and I’m never gonna stop calling them out on that bullshit.


Sparrow186 t1_iubxz6q wrote

Laws are just like locks, they only keep honest people honest, and in today’s day and age where there’s almost 0 consequences for breaking the law why obey? I do because I was raised that way and out of fear, but there seems to be literally zero consequence to driving like a fucking maniac on the roads these days. And now the people who are supposed to legislate that shit just say oh yeah and Exempt from all of it? Hard pass.


Sparrow186 t1_iuc835q wrote

Well lucky for those politicians they have 24 hour police protection, and they’re exempt from most gun control laws. Oh and those police are armed with weapons that are illegal to own by law abiding civilians.


JanaT2 t1_iud9fd8 wrote

She was never elected governor - don’t do it Nov 8


Kal0sN0rden t1_iudf5ik wrote

Woaahhh, thats some sci-fi (or Watchdogs) shit


BrewsterMinions t1_iudvszq wrote

This seems like such a non-issue. She receives these perks because she's the governor and her Lt. gets the same perks. Once she steps away from the governorship, I assume she loses her traffic privileges. I read the article and it simply states that it's a security measure for the governor. The rest of the article is just pandering to people who like to bitch and moan about the government without having a high school civics-level understanding of how things work. It's understandable for a governor to have special privileges while also working on traffic congestion bills.


tuberosum t1_iue6385 wrote

Her security detail is provided by NYS Police. Let’s say that they stop this “cloak” immediately, tomorrow, what exactly changes?

The state will penalize the state for driving around in the service of the state?

Additionally, those vehicles in the article all have flashing lights, and are driven by cops as is, what’s preventing them from driving around with their lights on which allows them broad latitude in obeying speed limits and traffic lights?


bkoly t1_iue74wq wrote

They’re not “cloaked” — they just come back empty when searched. And it’s the New York State police driving her, so who are they going to fine anyway?


smoonyc t1_iue7zae wrote

Another MAGA GQPer post from the tabloid NY Post. Shocker.


someone_whoisthat t1_iue8wp5 wrote

It's for transparency, something that's been lacking in both Cuomo's and Hochul's administrations.

Why are traffic camera violations public record for everyone else?

To your second point, they should be respecting all traffic laws, except for true emergencies.


Yourgrandsonishere t1_iueadkn wrote

In the grand scheme of things, we are not that important. Now I believe every human life is precious, but this world is unfair, always has been and always will be. Some people are more at risk because of the things they do whether your a gov official, law enforcement or even spys.

Who are we to be tracked? If anyone wants to track you, it’ll be someone inside your circle who is most likely not a cyber security expert.

There are bigger fishes to fry than barking at some security measure that has been in place for decades.

If anyone is hacking government technical infrastructure, it’ll most likely be another country.

What would china gain by hacking me?

Aside from it all, hacking isn’t even the big deal in all of this. There must be a more practical reason.

This is not a hill to die on but by all means do you.


newestindustry t1_iuewx8d wrote

This is one of the more pathetic ratfucking attempts I’ve ever seen. Try harder next time NY Post


Dichotopotamus t1_iuf2a5y wrote

I bet anything it's just to weave thru traffic and beat red lights.

It's like how during lunch hour every ambulance in Brooklyn that finished a call late suddenly has another emergency to get to they must ignore traffic laws for.


AWildMichigander t1_iuf2ym3 wrote

Honestly I'm surprised they even have plates on those cars, I understand having some strong security measures for motorcade vehicles. The cars should be an exact match with no way to identify which car the governor is inside of. (Ie Why there are always two limos in the presidential motorcade)

As others mentioned the cars are driven by state troopers anyways and likely when they are in a motorcade in the city they have emergency lights on anyways.


stork38 t1_iuga2ut wrote

I used to drive a city car all the time. Anyone caught on the cameras (without an emergency exception defined by the vehicle and traffic law) had to come out of pocket for the ticket. Why should she be special?


fldsmdfrv2 t1_iugell5 wrote

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

This is kind of like how all the borough leaders showed up at Gracie mansion in the fancy black SUV's to tackle the violence in the Subways. They were all summoned for a brain storming session by the Mayor, who has repeatedly said the Subways are safe and that the entire violence situation is blown out of proportion.
