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Arleare13 t1_itmioi0 wrote

> How are we expected to believe they will pay any restitution.

They have already paid their restitution. It says that in the third paragraph of the article you didn't read.


66Hanuman99 t1_itndiot wrote

"In all, the school agreed to pay $5 million in fines in addition to the more than $3 million it had already paid in restitution as part of the deal to avoid prosecution."

So, they are just returning 8 million in stolen taxpayer money! and being given a slap on the wrist (again). Yeah there have been many other cases of this from these talmudic schools in the past.

well, this all makes complete sense to me... Merika ~


JerryFartcia t1_itnhyhu wrote

Literally the same thing would happen to you if you lie on your taxes.

You pay it back with penalties.