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againblahisnothere t1_iug6bet wrote

I grew up here. It’s hard to leave family- it’s why I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon.

Are you planning on having kids? I feel like that could be a good reason to leave. I can’t imagine having kids and worrying about their safety. I wouldn’t be ok with them seeing open drug use.

And yeah you can always come back if you don’t like it.


ctindel t1_iug7es6 wrote

I grew up in CA and had no problem leaving family. We already have 4 kids, she doesn’t want to leave because she likes the schools they’re in for now. Depending on what happens when they have to do the middle school application bullshit might change her mind, or not who knows. Most people are just afraid to start fresh and she’s one of them, I’ve always been unusual in my ability to just up and go where life’s opportunities are and cut losses when things aren’t as good as they used to be.