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Osceana t1_iup7w21 wrote

This motherfucker ate my cat!!! I DEMAND JUSTICE!!! He can’t keep getting away with this!!!!


ceestand t1_iupa1zw wrote

Sounds made up. The poster clearly states he rarely eats cats.


Fatgirlfed t1_iupdyh2 wrote

Right. He wouldn’t say he doesn’t eat cats, then eat a cat! SMH


NKtDpt4x t1_iupf5jk wrote

In case of the tiny possibility he did eat the cat I feel like there needs to be some level of personal responsibility when handing your cat over to a sea monster.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_iuq1jo0 wrote

Well I don't know where you two rubes grew up, but where I'm from, Sea Monsters are famous for eating cats. In fact, to this day, Alf is still the number one Neisen rated show within the Sea Monster Demographic.


Fatgirlfed t1_iuqj6dy wrote

Slander! This is sea monster defamation! Some of my uhhh best friends friends are sea monsters. Who doesn’t enjoy a good ALF episode? He was so witty. Besides he was an Melmakian, not a sea monster. Whom I never saw actually eat a cat


jukenaye t1_iurzrz8 wrote

Definitely made up. He eats them rarely.


SHOVIC23 t1_iusa7qv wrote

There's a difference between rarely and never, my good sir.


Vegetable-Judge t1_iur2ocm wrote

It's a joke...

Edit: I know I was just practicing anti humor and looks like I did a good job. You can downvote me. I deserve it. I suck. My ex left me for good reason. She’s right, I’m spineless. I have no back bone. I do miss her. It’s been 4 years. Sigh. I have to stop checking her Instagram. Looks like she had work done. Good for her. It’s important to feel good, just need to make sure you don’t cross the line and do too much.


Osceana t1_iuv2tzh wrote

haha whoa dude........ you turned this shit into a whole damn therapy session wtf. Unless this is a copypasta (it should be either way haha).


red__what t1_iuphrqe wrote

you didn't just call Golthar The Terror a liar!?


iamiamwhoami t1_iupu2x7 wrote

Leave Golthar alone. I use him all of the time. He's a good catsitter.


[deleted] t1_iupin5g wrote

Dunno why’d he wanna post this up. April fools was over a long time.


Samasher17 t1_iuosi82 wrote

Ha, where was this?


Loxodontox OP t1_iuosrir wrote

Oh it was on I think 115 bway. West side of street. These were on a bunch of things between that one and about 106th bway


Samasher17 t1_iuosvnp wrote

Oh shit I live near there! Gonna find me one of these.


Loxodontox OP t1_iuosym8 wrote

Wait what? That’s my good!? Lmao. I’m over by Morningside


Samasher17 t1_iuot339 wrote

I'm in Hamilton heights, near 145th. West Harlem is where the best crazy is.


Loxodontox OP t1_iuot6ej wrote

Yeah I know the entire region. I grew up on Tieman place at 125 th during the crack era lol


Loxodontox OP t1_iuot7h4 wrote

Things were WILD TO say the least


Samasher17 t1_iuotas4 wrote

Oh homie those were simpler and wilder times for sure.


Loxodontox OP t1_iuoti72 wrote

Yeah, I was this little white kid who wouldnt ever back from anything so it was crazy and fun as hell! I’m blessed to have grown there bc the cultural exposure is REAL, not some appropriated nonsense lol so anyone trying to tell me about shit get a full throated laugh


Loxodontox OP t1_iuotlaf wrote

Wild times. Bodega down the block was evacuated and entire building bc it was manufacturing mad crack and there was nearly a giant explosion lmao


Loxodontox OP t1_iuoto2q wrote

It’s great being just a few hundred feet from the Apollo and stuff


Loxodontox OP t1_iuotaun wrote

Hamilton and Manhattanville and morningside heights are my main areas and upper west


Some-one-not-me t1_iupkndx wrote

If it's where you say, sounds like a Columbia architecture student doing a social experiment. Wait...


Loxodontox OP t1_iupkybm wrote

Yup that’s where it’s at but I believe it’s a joke. It is not sophisticated enough. Likely just some funny fraternity joke stuff. Have you seen the new psychic in the area lmao?


Some-one-not-me t1_iuplc71 wrote

Hahaha. Not yet. Did my grad MSAAD in 2010 and now UES. But I could imagine many in my studio back then that would:could spend 5mins whipping this up for kicks


Loxodontox OP t1_iuplq2k wrote

Yeah it is up on 122nd I think. Ads are everywhere now


Loxodontox OP t1_iuoskxm wrote

Hit him on his instagram! It’s at the bottom lmao


Samasher17 t1_iuosmz2 wrote

Of course it is. Love this town.


Loxodontox OP t1_iuostzr wrote

Wild stuff is everyday. Ppl don’t get it. They are like, why do you have all these stories, and at first I was confused lmao hahahaha


Samasher17 t1_iuosygz wrote

Why's that guy putting his balls on those cats?

Oh that's just Rufus the catball guy.


funforyourlife t1_iupr870 wrote

These were floating around Dayton about a year ago. I think I saw one in Youngstown about 6 months ago. Looks like they finally made it to NYC


Jimmy_The_Perv t1_iupbe9e wrote

Yeah, I saw this up by Columbia last week. Seems like a nice guy.


Loxodontox OP t1_iupblug wrote

Haha it’s lovely. Someone defaced one lol


Amphiscian t1_iup50ld wrote

This looks fucking sketchy. Look at it, he called it "Insta-gram"


Wild-Watch- t1_iupdfc1 wrote

Looks more qualified than the ones I had to find tbh


brixton75 t1_iupf75u wrote

I'm dying. This is so funny. I will not hire Golthar as my catsitter


YOUR-DEAR-MOTHER t1_iurwuk2 wrote

What because he’s Green?????


brixton75 t1_iusrts2 wrote

It's the promise to not eat my cat. If you were not planning on eating my cat. You would not bring it up


BenHogan1971 t1_iupkjjd wrote

hilarious. classic NYC


Loxodontox OP t1_iupktdx wrote

Yeah, I had to put it up! Everyday it’s something here and I took that for granted until I went off to schooling. Came back and appreciate the hell out of it bc the rest of the world is not boring, just not as wild, sorry, not even other major cities. Just how it is, we’ve got a rep we gotta live up to, we’re new f’in Yorkers!


queenofthenerds t1_iupy21v wrote

This made my day. We need more weird.


Loxodontox OP t1_iuq288a wrote

Weird is everyday here, we just don’t notice lol


agpc t1_iuq943h wrote

Of course people took slips.


crowamonghens t1_iurw3tk wrote

Oh, if only this humor existed in Chicagoland


Loxodontox OP t1_ius7mm8 wrote

What is typical Chicago craziness on a “native” scale? I’ve only had the opportunity to view it through a foreign aka NYC lens


mgundert87 t1_iuov8d9 wrote

Love the qualifiCATions.


Loxodontox OP t1_iuow0ur wrote

Those should always be placed at the top of the advertisement, however. Appears Golthar is still a n00b


notqualitystreet t1_iup0aef wrote

Ha I feel the same it’s a love/hate thing


Loxodontox OP t1_iup0lec wrote

For real bc this place is truly a jungle and even gentrification can’t kill it. Somehow I don’t know


mdj9hkn t1_iuq45xi wrote

Sooo anyone else thinking of the scene from American Psycho?


Insomniac_80 t1_iuqcjcp wrote

Too bad Alf wasn't widely reran on TV after it was canceled! This alien should be Alf!


Romas_chicken t1_iuujaeg wrote

It’s the little things in life that make it fun


Loxodontox OP t1_iv75v2q wrote

Yes and New Yorkers often overlook this because we see this stuff daily. I’ve consciously tried to get out of that mindset. For instance, to me, seeing the Empire State Building for me was nothing. It was normal. Central Park. Plaza. Carnegie Hall. Statue of Liberty all were just normal and I have really tried getting away from seeing it that way


Romas_chicken t1_ivateb7 wrote

A good example is sports in the park.

Sometimes I’ll just sit in the park and watch a baseball game. Idk who they are, but it’s a free and go “red team”… This summer I watched cricket in Van Cortlandt park. No idea what was going on, so I talked to some of the guys (mostly south Asian), it was interesting. And of course there are always soccer matches to be had, and you probably walk past them all the time, but stopping a being a spectator is a surprising amount of fun


TheBklynGuy t1_iuvxequ wrote

Nice to see the C.H.U.D have mellowed out.

(Not sure how many will get this reference right off the bat but here it is!)


Loxodontox OP t1_iv75fzp wrote

Yeah, they were cannibalistic but now eating cats instead!!