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k1lk1 t1_ixo0lc1 wrote

It's good people like this exist.

Folks if you're that wasted just hang back by the wall.


ER301 t1_ixo4chv wrote

I wonder if this will get as much attention as when something horrible happens in the subway.


ParkingLotLizard t1_ixo53un wrote

Id say that’s all fine and dandy that this guy was able to rescue someone else and good on him. but just an FYI those subway platforms are WAY higher than you think, so if you at least can’t lift yourself out of a pool, don’t go on the tracks. That yellow tape will sit at least at shoulder height.


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_ixoh0hj wrote

He was more a hero for putting his hands on the platform floor. 🙌


testcyp76 t1_ixooqc7 wrote

Total badass. Didn't think of himself for one second. Saw the man in trouble and went to work.


hak8or t1_ixoqbno wrote

Dude was probably also going "fucking hell, if I don't help this guy it will mean the train will be delayed by like an hour and I just want to get home".


MattJFarrell t1_ixoscik wrote

If the person filming had helped, they could have just pulled him up by his arms, instead of that guy having to go down into the platform to get him.


MattJFarrell t1_ixosi9n wrote

I've been down there in a similar situation. Granted, I'm taller than average and was in pretty good shape back then, but adrenaline is a hell of a boost when you're hopping back out of the tracks. I smacked the hell out of my knee getting out and didn't feel it for hours.


chengjih t1_ixowe3a wrote

Remember, if there's a risk of the train coming into the station, turn on the flashlight of your phone and wave it left-right. It's the general signal to train operators to stop, and your flashlight might be more visible than a couple people down on the track.


Definitely_wasnt_me t1_ixpze4c wrote

This and just run to the end of the track to give yourself more time and room (if you know which direction the train will come from). I always make a note of this when I’m in the platform in case I fall or get pushed.