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B1orpgoo t1_ix3rgse wrote

I go to Murrow. The teacher who was on the assignment was a special education teacher.


fppencollector OP t1_ix3rt8q wrote

Thank you for replying and for the information. That is certainly salient and should have been included in the article, if it was published at all.

EDIT: Just reread the article, it states that this was the curriculum for a general education class.


thisisntmineIfoundit t1_ix4c3jh wrote

Weird that the principal did not say that in their statement defending it? Frankly that was my first thought because this is the Post, but yeah the principals statement was essentially "all normal, nothing to see here!"


lickedTators t1_ix5m8c3 wrote

I prefer that the principal doesn't call out students being in Special Ed.

For a shitty article about nothing there's no reason to publicize student details, even by indirectly implying.


Traditional_Way1052 t1_ix4heaa wrote

Isn't Pingthing English, I don't remember McGill from when I went maybe they weren't there or I didn't have them.

Separately I know it's ICT Class because there's two teachers listed. J/w if I'm misremembering Pingthing bc I wasn't in sped at any point.


B1orpgoo t1_ix4l042 wrote

I looked both up in the Murrow staff directory. Pengthieng is an English teacher, McGill is a sped teacher.