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Oslopa t1_iyim6db wrote

I think the point is more that the cops specifically avoid looking for these infractions. You can’t issue the ticket if you didn’t witness the infraction? Fine, whatever. But then respond to the 311 or issue the tickets when you do witness the infraction. Why do you think these drivers are so confident in their scofflaw approach, anyway?


NetQuarterLatte t1_iyj5vwp wrote

From the article, it seems that the issue is the lack of personnel to respond to 311 calls appropriatelly.

>“The problem is there isn’t an additional set of officers, … so in terms of priority, we’re gonna respond to [a 911 call] first and then once we’re done we eventually return and respond to the 311,” said Souffrant.

I think the solution is to have more people who have the power to issue summons?

On another post we had officers with guns to check fare evasion. I don't think a full blown cop should be needed to issue a citation.


PKMKII t1_iyja8l9 wrote

If only there was a division of the police that was charged with handling just traffic and vehicle related issues and not the whole spectrum of police responsibilities


nonlawyer t1_iyjgkst wrote

Maybe we could call them “The Police Who are Charged with Handing Just Traffic and Vehicle-Related Issues And Not The Whole Spectrum of Police Responsibilities”



Turbulent_Link1738 t1_iyk891b wrote

But god forbid you’re within coughing distance of a fire hydrant and traffic will write you before you even step out of the car. They just stand around make traffic worse than actually write people that deserve it.


Oslopa t1_iyjaqpf wrote

Yeah, uh-huh, like I believe a word out of a cop’s mouth.

This is just a way to dodge responsibility. If personnel were a problem, they wouldn’t falsify public records by closing 311 calls out so quickly as “no issue observed.”


NetQuarterLatte t1_iyjbip4 wrote

>“no issue observed.”

lol, that may be factually true, but it doesn't say they didn't send any person to try to observe it.


TeamMisha t1_iyjkaew wrote

There were reports by Streetsblog if I recall of 311s getting closed in minutes while the complainant was still watching the offending vehicles. I suspect both cases happen, officers close a case without doing any action (such as observing), and they are so delayed they do drive by at some point and the original issue is gone.


Jahaza t1_iyk3wry wrote

They regularly falsify 311 call records. They say they responded and the offender was gone or that no action was necessary when the condition is still observable.