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t1_iyj0i7l wrote

Call 311. Do it every time you see the unleashed dog outside. At some point, the number of complaints will meet some metric and cops will start ticketing the assholes who own the dog. Enough tickets, and the problem goes away.


t1_iyj1s04 wrote


This is scary shit. I agree with daily 311 complaints.


OP t1_iyj3hlv wrote



OP t1_iyj3nlo wrote



OP t1_iyj3zju wrote



t1_iyj8km5 wrote

It’s sure possible for pits to be nice.

These ones were, which loving lived with this family for 8 years before snapping and killing the two children.

Or this one, which nearly cost her teen owner her leg.

Or this one, which used to sleep with it’s owner and then tore off her arm.

Or this one, which snapped and ate the face of its pet sitter (thankfully the family 3 year old wasn’t home!).

Obviously, not 100% of pit bulls will attack someone. But it’s simply false to think they can’t go from perfectly fine dogs to murderous dogs in a heartbeat.


t1_iyjbppf wrote

I know someone that works in the ER. They see dog bits all the time usually from pitbulls and wouldn't you know it every single time they say the owners always say nothing like this has happened before and it's a good nice dog as the staff is sewing up a 4 year olds face.


t1_iyj456o wrote

Cool and what happens when it target fixates and kills something?

Every pit is a ticking time bomb.


t1_iyj4e3z wrote

If what you said was even remotely true when it just be a blood bath in every street given how many pitbulls exist in this world and how, according to you, they're all blood thirsty monsters? Get a grip.


t1_iyj4ow8 wrote


Doubt you could even correctly identify a pitbull anyway, which is why Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is bogus



OP t1_iyj50dt wrote



t1_iyj7ueg wrote

I have a beautiful sweet pit. She’s all love. She’s a rescue, was abused for years before I got her, and she’s still just filled with love for everyone and everything. Every pit I ever met was like that. Then there’s you. Vile and full of hate. Who’s the real danger here?


OP t1_iyj96kx wrote



t1_iyj9q08 wrote

I thought about responding with the obvious; that you’re undeniably the psycho. But you know what, you clearly need help with your mental issues, and I hope you get it. I truly feel sorry for you


t1_iyja4nj wrote

The real danger is probably the pits / pit mixes responsible for 30+ deaths per year. I’m glad your pits have so far not attacked anyone, but that doesn’t change the statistics. For all of ’s comments, they haven’t killed anyone.


t1_iyjavsn wrote

This has nothing to do with the breeds, but the humans using and abusing them, and targeting those breeds for dogfights and other aggressive “jobs”. Any dog breed would be a danger in that case. Humans filled with hate and lack of education, like yourself and Thot-face, kills far more people every year. Gonna clutch your pearls over that too, Karen?


t1_iyjbdkd wrote

Calm down my man. You seem to have an irrational attachment to this breed. All I’m doing is showing why people rightfully distrust the breed.

In fact, I agree that they were bred to be dangerous. That’s why they can snap, even if I’m loving families. An inherently dangerous dog breed should be, logically, treated as dangerous.


t1_iyjbsji wrote

Oh I’m calm. I’m not the one getting my panties in a twist over uneducated hysteria. I’m actually calmly snuggling next to a loving pit, who’s big spooning a toddler while snoring happily. OOOOUUUUUHHH!


t1_iyjcd6l wrote

Your anecdote =/= the end of the story.

Or do you not believe the news stories on dozens of people per year who are murdered by pits? You can read through them at your leisure as I provided sources.


t1_iyje733 wrote

I believe news stories alright. Do you believe news stories about humans doing awful things? My point being, this breed is being picked up and mistreated by awful humans (the most dangerous breed of all) and thus there are understandably more cases with them. If abusers decided on poodles or labs some day, then they’d be in the news instead. Regardless, you seem like you’d rather focus on whatever fits your narrative than common sense, so good luck with that I guess. I’ll continue with empathy and love, you do you


t1_iyjepwk wrote

> comes into thread claiming pit bulls are nice and loving

> ignores the person providing statistics and news articles

> says that person is “focusing on whatever fits [their] narrative instead of common sense”

This is your brain on pit bulls.


t1_iyjfdeu wrote

LMAO are you alright? I’m not “ignoring” statistics and news articles. They are just a small part of a much bigger picture. I actually acknowledged them, and counter pointed them. Unlike your tactic to just yell bloody murder and hope that “loud=right”

You decide to cling on to a few facts you dig up that you can pile on that sad, sad hill you decided to die on.

This is your brain on fear-mongering


OP t1_iyjeo7n wrote



t1_iyjfvog wrote

It’s funny, I have had 3 pits. Between my friends and acquaintances, I know probably 15 pits, within that group, probably way way more. I have never heard anything happen with either of them. Have a heard horror stories about pits? Yes. I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing that pits are being targeted by bad people in general. Bad people=bad dogs

I for one am way more scared of humans than any pit I’ve ever met. Statistically, you should be too


t1_iyjbvcm wrote

Is it legal to carry a stun device / taser and zap an uncontrolled dog that is committing any violence?


t1_iyjc01r wrote

Good to see the pitbull lobby show up. It's like they word search for pitbull 100x a day and conveniently show up in every sub with their stories of their sweet "pitty" who is kinder than little baby Jesus in a bassinet. Lmao


t1_iyjco8r wrote

Good to see the anti-pitbull lobby show up. It's like the word search for pitbull 100x a day and conveniently show up in every sub with their stories of pitbull maulings of little baby Jesus in his basinnet. Lmao.

Both groups are deranged and obsessed, if you ask me.


t1_iyjgkz6 wrote

Internet weirdos: “I hate all pitbulls with a passion and weirdly cannot stop talking about it”

Pitbull owners: “that’s fuckin weird. You’re weird.”

You: “pitbull owners are the problem”

Fuckin weirdos.


t1_iyjiziy wrote

Out in full force. Even on a removed post. Nice.

Hope the pay is good

Edit - OMG. 10 of the 49 comments here are you. You really should be more subtle.


OP t1_iyjjayn wrote



t1_iyjklnt wrote

I don’t have access to your form 1099 so I couldn’t say. I don’t hate any animal, btw. But I also don’t support people having animals in an irresponsible way. You wouldn’t have a chimpanzee as a house pet. Or a Lion as a guard animal. Nor should you keep a breed with an overwhelmingly disproportionate share of deadly and serious safety incidents if you are a layperson. You should require licensing similar to any other activity that impacts public safety. The major impediment to that is the pit bull advocacy groups who misrepresent the statistics and try to gaslight anyone who disagrees with them. I personally don’t care if your “pitty” is sweet and nicer than any human. Any more than I care that someone who owns an AK-47 is a kind and caring person.