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ConfidentClusterfuck t1_j1nolbf wrote

I think the concern is more with the “spy” part than the penis shaped flight path.


NuYawker t1_j1npcu7 wrote

Sure. And that's why I linked the article. It explains what the plane does and the penis story. 2 birds, 1 stone.


sonofaresiii t1_j1owo0m wrote

I think the reaction is more about why a city police force, even the NYPD, has a $4m spy plane.

The article doesn't really answer that question besides an off-hand mention about counterterrorism

which leaves me with the same question as the other guy: Why the hell does the NYPD have a $4m spy plane? Why are they running counter terrorism operations that requires a $4m spy plane, and what exactly are these counter terrorism operations?

This seems like a job for the feds. (And the article does say the feds paid for it, so I'm trying to connect some dots here and guess that maybe the NYPD had better resources in place so it was easier for the feds to just supplement that and hand off the operations to NYPD, but again... why? Why is the NYPD already better equipped to handle counter-terrorism than any federal agency?)


Unlikely-Opinion t1_j1pg4u3 wrote

Theres a story where the FBI "confiscate" surveillance equipment from NYPD .


ConfidentClusterfuck t1_j1pt82q wrote

Thank you! You put this much more eloquently than I did. The article acknowledges it but doesn’t go into much detail.


ratheismhater t1_j1t4s8t wrote

A 4 million dollar "spy plane" that's just a souped up Cesna, nonetheless


genius96 t1_j1nz292 wrote

NYPD is on par with some militaries in terms of spending and toys.


SBAPERSON t1_j1obufb wrote

They are about 10% of the candy crush leader boards as well


jaylay75 t1_j1o8c10 wrote

NYPD is larger than the FBI in terms of staffing and a larger budget.


Friendly_Average_122 t1_j1qzkuj wrote

I’m a big fan of his penis sky drawing as a passive aggressive comment to his boss


freeradicalx t1_j1nxc02 wrote

For scanning ships near the harbor for radiological weapons... Huh. Seems like something the navy or coast guard would be better suited for. Not that it doesn't seem like an important task but definitely not something I'm comfortable giving cops planes for, and the article illustrates why.


thatgirlinny t1_j1o8sq2 wrote

We’re completely bound by water. Leaving surveillance and investigation of same to Federal entities is kind of daft.


ZeBridgeIsOut5 t1_j1pbic8 wrote

I dunno, I think that seems like the common American cultural oversimplification that letting feds do stuff is automatically wrong.

Dozens of countries probably federally patrol their water borders perfectly well. Americans just often assume state and local control is better, even if it often isn't any more efficient or effective.

Often in stuff like this the city and state are forced to share responsibility because the feds are wildly and purposefully underfunded.


thatgirlinny t1_j1pjz3n wrote

I never sais I’m operating on an assumption that all Fed depts are inadequate; this is about both complementary and differing skill sets and priorities.

We need NYPD to have marine capabilities for myriad practical reasons. Bridge jumpers, accidental drownings, local crime investigations where perps involved the waterways? Local wins, and likely has a lower cost-per-investigation price than a Fed agency, who lack the relationships with other municipal resources to solve crimes, find a missing person, etc.

Ships registered to other countries in these waters? Large-scale rescues at sea? Fed agencies should handle with cooperation of NYPD Marine units.


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j1pz8sm wrote

Should the NYPD be disbanding their organized crime task forces too?


brownredgreen t1_j1qhq1n wrote

Forgot about the Bronx, huh?


thatgirlinny t1_j1r5k08 wrote

No water boundaries in the BX? You might consult a map, son.


brownredgreen t1_j1r62xc wrote

"completely bound by water"

The Bronx is not completely bound by water. Son.


thatgirlinny t1_j1rup33 wrote

It’s bound by water, and requires surveillance and protection. Don’t get your knickers caught in a dumb technicality,


LoneStarTallBoi t1_j1o5wsu wrote

combining cop entitled terror with pilot divas creates exactly the kind of bullshit you'd expect.