PotterCooker t1_j1nhhfu wrote
How much are the payments?
GrantAdoudel t1_j1nhtau wrote
My guess is that something about the way the building is wired isn't up to code and he doesn't want CON Ed coming in to take readings and start service for tenants. I had a landlord who did some pretty shady electrical shenanigans.
olseadog t1_j1ni08n wrote
What size place? How much do you pay? Have you compared your cost by asking others you know? Do those first.
tiregroove t1_j1ni1hv wrote
I don't even know how you could sue to recover anything but I'm sure a lawyer or someone else will post with better knowledge about this.
Google his name, does anything shady come up, like I'm guessing it will? Also google your address.
Go into ACRIS, the NYC property database, see who owns the building, if that's even his real name. You need to do alot of research here.
Sorry but your partner is also a dumbass.
THIS IS NEW YORK, you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get everything in writing.
New York City always looks so cute in the movies like Midnight Cowboy, huh?
Guypussy t1_j1niuvi wrote
Or Taxi Driver. Or The Warriors.
GreenOvni009 t1_j1njwth wrote
This right here. Srsly verbal agreement? Lol no. Please do your due diligence to avoid unnecessary stress as this dear op. Get angry and fight back.
tiregroove t1_j1nluh5 wrote
...And if they're doing electrical shenanigans, who knows what else they're doing.
Like gas for instance.
Doing illegal building stuff doesn't seem like a huge deal until something goes catastrophically wrong, like that building on the corner of 2nd avenue and E 7th street in the Village.
BOOM, no more building, as well as three others destroyed, and two people dead because the owners/landlords were doing shady stuff with the gas line.
iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j1nlv6s wrote
Makes me wonder if this is an illegal apartment.
phuz t1_j1nmtq8 wrote
How many units in the building/house. I'm assuming it's a illegal split apt unit if you don't have your own utilities or is it a sublease?
How much is he making you pay monthly?
Electric typically should be like $50-70 with no air conditioning or electric heat usage.
lickedTators t1_j1nnrdq wrote
Why would you give him money for electricity if there's no agreement to pay for electricity?
AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j1npb38 wrote
Your issues are mostly self-inflicted by not getting a lease agreement with everything in writing.
Whenever anyone DOESN'T want something to be in writing it's because they're hiding something. Usually that includes plans to totally fuck you over.
I don't know what you thought you were gaining here, but you're screwing yourself.
notqualitystreet t1_j1nt4ye wrote
I feel as though landlords just make up names seriously wtf has multiple names that just sounds scammy
ApparentlyTodd t1_j1nu5pp wrote
Everything should be in writing. Everything! And if you continue to pay in cash (which I wouldn't) be sure to get receipts.
NegativeGee t1_j1nuusn wrote
Get everything in writing. Don't even speak to him without there being a paper trail of all conversations.
TwilitFox t1_j1nvajj wrote
Stop paying rent, put it in escrow, and make them take you to court to discuss it.
stoutheart987 t1_j1nyvys wrote
I was going to say this. If the landlord’s keeping anything in his name, it seems illegal. Or it could be legal but the landlord’s keeping your money DL and he’s reporting the apartment empty and collecting on that.
viksra t1_j1nzo5e wrote
Please try r/AskNYC or the Monthly Discussion Thread.
ModernDayAvicebron t1_j1nzv68 wrote
ConEd is required by law to investigate possible shared meters like this and take steps to correct it.
Chewwy987 t1_j1o0oaw wrote
Yes I’d you don’t have your lab meter if question the legality of Gf apt as well
stlfiremaz t1_j1ng3f8 wrote
My guess is that you are paying for his power.